The simple people of Fuping took out the most honest fresh ingredients and cooked them in the most practical way, completing an appetite-winning event neatly. That is the long-famous Big Pot Elbow at the foot of Tiansheng Bridge. Dapen elbow is mainly produced in Tianqiao Town, f

2024/06/2904:31:33 food 1290

The simple people of Fuping took out the most honest fresh ingredients and cooked them in the most practical way, completing an appetite-winning event neatly. That is the long-famous Big Pot Elbow at the foot of Tiansheng Bridge. Dapen elbow is mainly produced in Tianqiao Town, f - DayDayNews

The simple Fuping people took out the most honest fresh ingredients and cooked them in the most practical way, finishing a great thing that will whet your appetite neatly. That is the long-famous Big Pot Elbow at the foot of Tiansheng Bridge. Dapen elbow is mainly produced in Tianqiao Town, formerly known as Dongxiaguan. The locals also call it Dongxiaguan elbow.

The simple people of Fuping took out the most honest fresh ingredients and cooked them in the most practical way, completing an appetite-winning event neatly. That is the long-famous Big Pot Elbow at the foot of Tiansheng Bridge. Dapen elbow is mainly produced in Tianqiao Town, f - DayDayNews

It is said that its cooking skills originated from Ming Dynasty, and it was a delicacy that was indispensable for the imperial meals of the Ming and Qing dynasties. As the name suggests, the dish is made of pig knuckles from self-raised pigs in the mountains, potatoes grown by farmers, pure potato vermicelli and tofu in a large enamel basin as the main ingredients, with various accessories added. , made by simmering over warm fire. The pork knuckle is braised and cut into large pieces of meat about two centimeters thick and six to seven centimeters long. The meat is tender and not greasy, and it tastes delicious. While

was talking, a large basin of elbow meat had been brought to the dining table. The meat of the elbow was not even red, moderately fat and thin, smooth and tender. It naturally covered the surface of the basin and was already crispy to the eye. The large yellow potatoes were milky white and red. Tofu and vermicelli stick out between the pieces of meat; the sauce-colored broth is glistening with oil; the surface is dotted with randomly folded coriander stems and leaves; the aroma is of meat, sauce, potatoes, and coriander, For a moment, the hot air rose up, burning into the nostrils and whetting the appetite.

I thought the pork knuckle would be fatty, so I put a piece of it into my mouth and chewed it lightly. It was smooth and sharp, fragrant but not greasy, and filled my mouth with fragrance. Relatives and friends sit around and eat, really feeling as generous as eating big mouthfuls of meat and drinking big bowls of wine. With the addition of delicate and fragrant potatoes, chewy homemade vermicelli and fresh and refreshing marinated tofu, when you were enjoying your meal, you even forgot to change the cup.

After drinking for three rounds, the big basin of pork elbows was all gone. The waiter brought out two plates of brown thin rolls, neatly arranged into a round shape. These were oatmeal noodles. Put the leftover broth from a large pot of elbow into a bowl, then tear off the oatmeal noodles and soak them before eating. It is so delicious. It turns out that the broth also has such a use. Either add rice, or just serve pot stickers and pancakes. A bowl full of elbow elbows, a table of cold dishes, and a few staple food were all wiped out by us in this way. Wipe your mouth, pat your belly, and enjoy it.

The scenery of Fuping Tianshengqiao Waterfall is beautiful, and the taste of the big pot of pork elbow is even more beautiful. It’s no wonder that some people say: “First go to Tiansheng Bridge, then enter the pork elbow restaurant. If you don’t eat pork elbow, you will be in vain.” It is said that the people in the mountains are simple, warm and hospitable, and this delicious big pot of pork elbow really reflects it. The true temperament of the people in this mountain. A friend said that Fuping County's Dapen Pork Pork is famous far and wide, and has been rated as one of "China's Top 100 Food Specialty Foods". As long as you travel to Tianshengqiao, you must eat a big bowl of pork elbow. Firstly, it replenishes the energy consumed by climbing, and secondly, it gives some souvenirs to tourists from other places.

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