The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term

2024/06/2703:36:33 food 1802

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in terms of health and nutrition, there is no doubt that natural seasonal fruits are the best. Does everyone know what are the seasonal fruits corresponding to each month? Let’s take a look at the list of seasonal fruits for the next twelve months.

January seasonal fruits

cherry tomatoes , guava , carambola , sugar cane. It’s freezing in the north in January, so there are no northern fruits, and there aren’t many seasonal fruits to choose from.

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Seasonal fruits in February

Cherry tomatoes, guava, carambolas, and sugar cane. February is almost the same as January, so embarrassing, but the cold weather can’t help it

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

In-season fruits in March

Star fruit, guava, mango, pineapple, juicy fruits start to be on the market in March, friends who like mango and pineapple It’s a blessing

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Seasonal fruits in April

Pineapple, mango, cantaloupe, Raspberry , I feel that they will be on the market in large quantities in May, hahaha, please bear with me

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Seasonal fruits in May

Pineapple, Lotus mist , Mulberry , Dragon fruit , cantaloupe, raspberry, loquat , lychee, cherry, mango, the weather in May is close to summer, and everyone’s favorite fruits are on the market in large quantities

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Seasonal fruits in June

Pineapple, mulberry, peach, dragon fruit, apricot, cantaloupe, lotus root, jackfruit, raspberry, snakeskin fruit , cherry, lychee, bayberry, loquat, mango, watermelon, durian, June is a fruit festival. , hahaha

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

July seasonal fruits

pineapple, mulberry, pear, dragon fruit, blueberry , peach, apricot, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, cherry tomato, yellow skin , jackfruit, sugar apple , plum , grapes, apples, longan, lychee, bayberry, mango, durian, watermelon, star fruit, blackberry , friends, enjoy eating fruits

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

August seasonal fruits

pomegranate , kiwi fruit , Mulberry, jujube, pear, avocado, dragon fruit, blueberry, peach, cherry tomato, plum, jackfruit, cantaloupe, custard apple, grape, apple, longan, snake fruit, star fruit, watermelon, durian, in August Fruits are also abundant

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

September seasonal fruits

kiwi, pomegranate, persimmon, jujube, pear, avocado, apple, dragon fruit, cherry tomato, chestnut, jackfruit, cantaloupe, custard apple, papaya, hawthorn, watermelon, star fruit, Rambutans , grapes, grapefruits, there are already autumn fruits like persimmons

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

October seasonal fruits

Pomegranate, kiwi, persimmon, jujube, orange, grapefruit, apple, dragon fruit, tangerine, virgin Fruits, citrus, jackfruit, cantaloupe, custard apple, papaya, chestnut, hawthorn, banana, star fruit, grape, guava, grapefruit, chestnut are in season, friends all like

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

seasonal fruits in November

grapefruit, Oranges, tangerines, grapes, dragon fruit, cherry tomatoes, mangosteen, jackfruit, custard apple, banana, sugar cane, star fruit, guava, apple, tangerine, November seems to be winter

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

December is in season Fruits

Grapefruit, sugar cane, mangosteen, cherry tomatoes, citrus, star fruit, guava, December is confirmed to be winter

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Well, the inventory is over, the seasonal fruits are not only delicious, but also more affordable because they are on the market in large quantities. oh.

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

Why is it recommended to eat seasonal fruits

Because seasonal fruits and vegetables are on the market in large quantities, the price is cheaper, and there are less pesticide residues. Compared with out-of-season fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses, in-season fruits and vegetables are fresher and more nutritious.

Different crops are produced in different seasons, and crops in different periods also have different functions.

The food produced in the season follows the laws of the plants and the weather, and develops in a balanced and healthy way. Scientific research has proven that the nutritional value of many vegetables changes with seasonal changes. Among seasonal vegetables, some not only have high vitamin content, but also have relatively low pesticide residues. For example, tomatoes in July have more than twice the vitamin C content of January.

Food in season is more in line with the laws of the entire ecosystem. The food nature provides us has a purpose. For example, watermelon is cold in nature, so it is suitable to be eaten in summer when the heat is unbearable. Watermelon is produced only in the hottest times in nature. Eating watermelon after the beginning of autumn is very harmful to the human body's yang energy.

When in season, food is more likely to be organic and healthy. If this kind of food can be grown more naturally, that is to say, the yield can be very high without using too many pesticides and chemical fertilizers. For example, if it grew well twenty or thirty years ago when there was no chemical agriculture, it means that it has strong vitality in this environment. This food is more vibrant and healthier.

The development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, greenhouse cultivation is very advanced. In-season fruits are no longer absolute. It is easy to eat fruits out of season. All kinds of fruits are even available 365 days a year. But in term - DayDayNews

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the climate changes throughout the year are spring growth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter growth, and the same is true for the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the unity of nature and man, and pays special attention to conforming to nature. Therefore, eating at the right time is also the key to dietary health. Because no matter what kind of food it is, it only grows fullest and most nutritious when it is in season. Although it can be eaten in other seasons through some cultivation techniques, it only has its form but not its spirit.

Just like our common melon, it usually matures in July. At that time, the melon has been fully exposed to the sun and has a very sweet taste. It is better than air freshener when placed in the house, but now the melons grown in greenhouses , which came on the market in May, look like melons, but they are not delicious at all, and some are even bitter. They have completely lost their proper flavor, and their nutritional benefits are naturally not as good as naturally mature ones.

Some ripened foods not only taste bad, but can also make people sick after eating them. This is because a lot of chemicals are used in the growth process. Therefore, when we eat, we must eat in season, which is not only economical but also good for the body. We cannot just try new things for T or seek a certain kind of satisfaction. The most important thing is to eat attentively and healthily. of.

In terms of what foods should be eaten in which seasons, many folk customs are good answers: leeks are known as "the first delicacy of spring vegetables", "the peaches and plums in the city are worried about the wind and rain, and the spring comes in Xitou and the cauliflower flowers", and the mango vegetables are also Very good spring vegetables, "A toon in front of the mouth, spring vegetables are constantly growing"... These are all in line with the laws of nature; in summer there are "gentlemen vegetables" bitter melon, "a bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification and summer heat" and "summer Eat watermelon, and you don’t need to take any medicine."... Eating more of these foods in summer can relieve heat and relieve troubles, which is good for the body. In autumn, all kinds of fruits are on the market. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." "Imperial Physician", as well as pears, tangerines, etc. are all good choices; the most common thing to eat in winter is Chinese cabbage. In addition, winter is a good time to take tonics. You can eat more warm tonic foods such as mutton and dog meat, which can tonic. Zhongyiqi , you will have a good body in the coming year.

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