Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti

2024/06/0214:09:33 food 1913

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Sometimes it makes people sweat profusely, sometimes it makes people unbearably hot. No matter which one, people always respond to the various excitements of summer with a positive attitude.

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti - DayDayNews

Speaking of summer, perhaps the most enjoyable thing is being able to enjoy cold drinks. When it comes to cold drinks, there are too many cold drink shops to choose from and too many varieties to choose from. In the hot summer, takeout has helped most people get rid of the embarrassing situation of having to go out to buy a cold drink in the hot sun. However, if you have time and leisure, you can make a cold drink by yourself with the air conditioner blowing on, which is also a different kind of fun.

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti - DayDayNews

How to make fancy cold drinks, a search of and Baidu will definitely make you dizzy. The two cold drinks I want to recommend today are both made with fermented glutinous rice as auxiliary ingredients. Although the production method is simple and easy to learn , the taste is addictive.

Fermented glutinous rice is a snack that we are very familiar with. It can not only be eaten directly as the main ingredient, but can also be used as an auxiliary ingredient to be processed and eaten with other ingredients. It is a very popular food. Many people think that glutinous rice is only suitable for cooking into hot glutinous rice soup in winter. Few people think that it can be used as an auxiliary in cold drinks and desserts.

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti - DayDayNews

For example, you can make mash sorbet by preparing some of your favorite ingredients, such as taro balls, red dates, wolfberries, etc., add an appropriate amount of sugar, boil it with water to make a thick slurry, then stir evenly and pour it into the sorbet mold. Medium, after freezing, the taste will be very good. You can also make glutinous rice dumplings with glutinous rice. Put the small glutinous rice balls into the pot and take them out. Put the prepared brown sugar smoothie and glutinous rice glutinous rice into the small glutinous rice balls. You can also add some raisins and crushed peanuts. It will taste delicious. It's sweet and refreshing.

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti - DayDayNews

Speaking of Wowo glutinous rice, we have to mention the brewing method of Wowo glutinous rice. Wowo glutinous rice draws on the traditional craftsmanship of ancient brewing and employs traditional old craftsmen with 32 years of experience in brewing glutinous rice to strictly control the brewing process. The carefully selected glutinous rice is washed in 12 steps, washed twice and then soaked. It is steamed in three stages, sprinkled three times and mixed three times. It is then sterilized in four stages and cooled in three stages. Finally, it is bottled in one go and fermented in small tanks. The fermented glutinous rice is directly fermented as a whole mass in the bottle without secondary packaging. Finally, the fermented glutinous rice is in the shape of a nest in the bottle, which is also the origin of the name of fermented glutinous rice.

Summer is really a season that people love and hate. I always think that only spring is colorful, but in fact, summer is equally exciting. It is passionate, yet reserved; it is persistent, yet changeable. Sometimes the sun shines brightly, and sometimes it rains violently. Someti - DayDayNews

Although it is hot in summer, Wowo glutinous rice can also make you feel good!

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