Hello everyone! I am "Food Beauty Diary" and today I will share with you a home-cooked recipe for a common wild vegetable (purslane)! No need to fry or steam, simple and easy to make! It was sold out as soon as it was served. On the way to get off work, I saw a purslane on the si

2024/05/2708:16:32 food 1655

Hello everyone! I am " Food Beauty Diary ". Today I will share with you a home-style recipe for common wild vegetables (purslane)! No need to fry or steam, simple and easy to make! It was sold out as soon as it was served.

On the way to get off work, there was a Purslane on the roadside. It was growing lush and green. I cut off the stems and leaves to leave the roots so that it could continue to grow. Without spending a penny, you get a plate of delicious wild vegetables, fresh and delicious!

Hello everyone! I am

Purslane is also called "horse mustard" in our local area, and it was also a "life-saving food" for the people in the old famine years. Purslane is a food ingredient, but it is also a traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying, and clearing away dampness and heat. It can also be used to treat diarrhea caused by various causes. Its nutritional value is also very high. It is also a rare natural high-potassium food and is known as the "longevity dish"! Below is my production process. Please take a closer look and take the time to make it for your family!

1. Wash the purslane.

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2. After the water in the pot boils, add a little salt and a few drops of vegetable oil. After the water boils, add water.

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3. Take it out and cool it, hold it dry and cut it into sections, put it on a plate and set aside!

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4. Pour the prepared garlic paste. The garlic paste is prepared with appropriate amounts of sesame juice, light soy sauce, rice vinegar, salt, and white sugar.

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5. Mix well and marinate for a few minutes before enjoying the delicious food.

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I have to say, it tastes so good. I started discing it after it was served. My family said they couldn’t get enough! Hot summer is the season for eating wild vegetables. After a few drenching rains, the fields are filled with wild vegetables! You can exercise your body and enjoy natural delicious food without spending any money. Eating wild vegetables can be described as "killing three birds with one stone".

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