The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: "little summer heat, big heat, steaming at the top and cooking at the bottom." The hot temperature accelerates the loss of water in the body, and even the appeti

2024/05/1914:24:32 food 1594

The 24 solar terms are about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days of summer are not far away. As the saying goes: "Small summer heat, big heat, steam up and cook down." The hot temperature accelerates the loss of water in the body, and even loses the appetite for food. , drinking porridge for breakfast is a good choice at this time. Porridge is not only easy to digest and absorb, but can also replenish water lost due to heat. Below I recommend 6 healthy porridge to drink in summer. It is light and refreshing to relieve the heat and help you spend the bitter summer easily. You may wish to give it a try.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

★ Mung bean barley and lily porridge

[Ingredients]: 80 grams of barley , 150 grams of mung beans, appropriate amount of lotus seeds, appropriate amount of fresh lily , 10 grams of rock sugar


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Wash the mung beans to remove impurities and soak them in water. In about 1 hour, wash and chop fresh lilies. Lanzhou lilies are particularly sweet and suitable for making porridge;

2. Put the soaked rice and beans into the soup pot, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, cover the pot, and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook over low heat for about 50 minutes.

3. When the mung beans bloom, add the lily and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. After the porridge is cooked, add rock sugar to taste.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

★ Red bean, barley and lotus seed porridge

[Ingredients]: Appropriate amount of barley, appropriate amount of lotus seeds, appropriate amount of red beans, a little rock sugar


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Soak red beans and barley in water for more than 1 hour. Soaking red beans and barley in water can save cooking time. .

2. After soaking, put all the ingredients (red beans, barley, lotus seeds) into the electric pressure cooker , add an appropriate amount of water, cook on high heat until it reaches steam, then turn to the minimum heat for 30 minutes and then turn off the heat. If you are using a rice cooker, just press the porridge button.

3. After the porridge is cooked, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to your own taste, and wait until the rock sugar is completely melted.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

★ Longan Red dates and Tremella porridge

[Ingredients]: Tremella appropriate amount, appropriate amount of rice, appropriate amount of red dates, appropriate amount of longan, appropriate amount of rock sugar, you can add more according to your personal taste


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Soak the white fungus for 1 hour in advance. After soaking the white fungus, remove the yellow white fungus pedicle, then tear the white fungus into small pieces and set aside.

2. Put the white fungus and rice into the pot, add enough water at one time, simmer over high heat for half an hour, stir after the water boils, which will help the white fungus to come out;

3. Wash the red dates and longan with clean water, drain them, and add them to the pot. Simmer over low heat for 1 hour, finally add rock sugar, wait until it melts, cover and simmer for 10 minutes before serving.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

★ Watermelon rind porridge

[Ingredients]: appropriate amount of mung beans, appropriate amount of watermelon rind, appropriate amount of rice, appropriate amount of corn residue, appropriate amount of rock sugar


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Wash the mung beans and corn residue and soak them in water for 30 minutes;

2. Peel off the outer green hard skin of the watermelon, cut off the red watermelon flesh, and cut the remaining watermelon rind into cubes for later use.

3. Put the watermelon rind, soaked corn residue, mung beans, and rice into the pot together, cover the pot, add enough water to cook the porridge, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for about 50 minutes;

4. Wait until the porridge is cooked. After it's cooked, add some sesame oil and a little salt, and you can also add some sugar.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

★ Three bean porridge

[Ingredients]: appropriate amount of mung beans, appropriate amount of red beans, appropriate amount of black beans , appropriate amount of rock sugar (according to personal preference)


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Because black beans and red beans are difficult to boil, you can use cold water 2 hours in advance Soak the three kinds of beans;

2. Put the black beans, adzuki beans, , and mung beans into the pot and add enough water. The thickness of the porridge is personal preference. Add or subtract the amount of water. After boiling on high heat, reduce the heat to low, about 1 and a half hours.

3. Just cook the beans until they bloom, then add appropriate amount of rock sugar or brown sugar according to your taste, and drink.

The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes:

Mung bean and pumpkin porridge

[Ingredients]: appropriate amount of old pumpkin, appropriate amount of mung beans, appropriate amount of rice, appropriate amount of water


The 24th solar term is about to usher in the minor summer heat, and the dog days are not far away. As the saying goes: . Remove the flesh and skin of the old pumpkin, cut into cubes and set aside. Wash the mung beans and rice and soak them in water. , so that the mung beans will be softer when cooking porridge.

2. Put mung beans, rice and pumpkin into the soup pot, add an appropriate amount of water, if you want it to be thinner, add more water, cover the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook the porridge for 1 hour.

3. When simmering for an hour, use a spoon to stir and crush the pumpkin so that it completely melts into the porridge. If you like it sweet, add sugar. If you like it salty, add a little salt. Even if you don’t add anything, it will still have a light sweetness. . good

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