The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are

2024/05/1721:44:33 food 1489

The weather has been hot recently, and the children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children the same? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are nutritious, delicious, simple to make, and delicious to eat. Friends at home can try making them.

1. Mapo Tofu

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Mapo Tofu

Ingredients: tofu, pork, oil, salt, onion, ginger, garlic, bean paste, pepper, coriander, cornstarch, warm water, light soy sauce


1. Add water to the pot Then add the tofu, add a little salt and cook for about 2 minutes. 2. Pick up the tofu and cut it into small pieces with a knife.

3. Cut the onions, ginger and garlic into small pieces, cut the coriander into small sections, mince the pork, and marinate with a little salt and light soy sauce. Brew for a few minutes.

4. In an empty bowl, add cornstarch, salt, light soy sauce and warm water to make a sauce.

5. Put oil in the pot. When the oil is hot, add onion, ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Then put the minced pork into the pot and stir-fry until the color of the meat turns white. Then add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry the red oil. Pour in the tofu and shake the pot to spread it evenly. Add the prepared gravy and cook for one minute while cooking. Shake the pot to avoid burning the bottom

7. When the soup is almost thickened, sprinkle with coriander, then pepper powder and salt, stir well and serve on a plate.

2. Twice-cooked pork

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Twice-cooked pork

Ingredients: pork belly, red pepper, appropriate amount of green garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of Pixian watercress, appropriate amount of oil


1. Add water to the pot, put the pork belly in the water, and then add a few slices of ginger to the pot Cook together; when the pork belly is cooked, turn off the heat, then take out the pork belly.

2. Cut the pork belly into thin slices after it cools down.

3. Put oil in the pot. When the oil is hot, add the ginger slices and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Add Pixian bean paste to the pot and stir-fry together. Stir-fry for two times, then add the sliced ​​pork belly and stir-fry together until the surface of the pork belly is coated with bean paste and slightly oily

4. Add red pepper and white garlic to the pot; stir-fry them for a few times, then add garlic leaves Stir well, then take it out of the pan and serve on a plate.

3. Minced Pork and Pickled Beans

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Minced Pork and Pickled Beans

Ingredients: meat filling, pickled beans, green chili, red chili, garlic, salt, soy sauce


1. Add a little cooking wine and starch to the chopped meat filling, and stir evenly with chopsticks

2. Wash the green and red peppers and cut them into sections. Wash the sour beans and cut them into small pieces

3. Put oil in the pot, add a little garlic after the oil is hot, stir-fry until fragrant, then add the meat filling.

4. After stirring the meat filling continuously, add a little salt and then a little soy sauce. Put the fried minced meat into a bowl and set aside.

5. Leave some oil in the pot, add garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add green and red chili peppers and stir-fry, then pour sour beans into the pot and stir-fry for a while.

6. Pour the previously fried meat filling into the pot, stir-fry together with the beans, and stir-fry for a while before serving.

4.Shredded green pepper pork

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Shredded green pepper pork

Ingredients: appropriate amount of shredded tenderloin, a little fungus, appropriate amount of green pepper, balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, cooking wine


1. Cut the green pepper and fungus Shreds for later use

2. Pork tenderloin Cut into shreds, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and starch to marinate Preparation for use

3. In an empty bowl, pour sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, starch, appropriate amount of water, and stir evenly. Reserve as bowl juice.

4. Put oil in the pot, add the shredded pork when the oil is hot, stir-fry until the shredded meat changes color, add the fungus and stir-fry, then add the green pepper, stir-fry until the green pepper softens slightly, then pour in the bowl of juice and enjoy.

5. Stir-fried green beans

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Stir-fried green beans

Ingredients: French beans , pork belly, garlic slices, ginger slices, onions, bean paste, dried chili, peanut oil, salt, MSG, chicken powder, sugar, cooking wine, Pepper and Sichuan peppercorns


1. Remove the stems from both ends of the green beans, remove the ribs in the middle, pick them into sections, mince the green onions, ginger, and garlic, and cut the dried chilies into sections for later use.

2. Wash the green beans and drain them before use.

3. Put oil in the pot, and when the oil is hot, add the green beans. Fry the green beans dry and set aside.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add Sichuan peppercorns, and then add bean paste.Stir-fry the red oil over low heat, add the minced meat, then add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add dried chili peppers to the pot, and then add fried green beans. Continue to add salt, MSG, chicken powder, sugar, cooking wine, and pepper and stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute before serving.

6. Scrambled eggs with tiger skin peppers

The weather has been hot recently, and my children have little appetite for eating at home. Are your children like this too? If your child has no appetite for meals, you can try to make a few side dishes for your child. Today I will share with you 6 side dishes. These dishes are  - DayDayNews

Fried eggs with tiger skin peppers

Ingredients: screw peppers, eggs, chopped chilies, onions, and garlic.


1. Clean the screw pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into segments. Beat the eggs, mince the onion and garlic and set aside.

2. Take out an empty bowl, put light soy sauce, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, chicken essence, corn starch, water into the bowl, stir evenly, and the bowl juice is ready.

3. Put oil in the pot, when the oil is hot, pour in the beaten egg liquid, fry until the eggs are solidified, and set aside.

4. Put oil in the pot. When the oil is hot, put the sliced ​​pepper into the pot. Stir-fry for a while, then add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the chopped pepper into the pot and stir-fry evenly.

5. Pour the bowl of juice into the pot, stir-fry evenly, and wait until the soup has dried up, then turn off the heat and serve on a plate.

That’s it for today’s sharing. Thank you very much for reading. Friends who have read this article, can you give me a follow? Thank you all, and you are also welcome to leave interactive messages in the comment area.

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