If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because

2024/06/0405:52:32 food 1922

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

html If you are too lazy and hot for 4 days, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don’t layer it like , puff pastry, and .

People tend to be lazy when the weather is hot, but hot weather also has its benefits. For example, it is more convenient to make fermented pasta because the temperature ferments quickly. Today I made some simple flower rolls, which are very good with a bowl of porridge. In this kind of weather, the dough will be almost ready to ferment in 2 hours. Make some when you have free time, which will make the following days more leisurely. Store the prepared Hanaki in the refrigerator. When you want to eat, take it out and pop it in the microwave to eat it. It will be soft and warm. So delicious.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

I used 1 pound of flour to make some small flower rolls today, which is enough for the whole family to eat for 3 days. Very simple and convenient ham diced rolls, which can taste the meat flavor, and are loved by adults and children. Hanamaki is kneaded and fermented in the same way as steamed buns, but the operation is much simpler than steamed buns, especially since there is no need to make fillings. You can simply sprinkle with chopped green onion and diced ham, then roll and pull to make a simple-shaped flower roll. alright. It's so simple to make soft and fluffy flower rolls, and it tastes full of meaty flavor because of the addition of diced ham.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

On this hot day, everyone seems to prefer eating porridge and soup, which go very well with Hanamaki. If you don’t have something dry to fill your stomach, it’s easy to get hungry. I made two flavors today, one is chives and ham, and the other is honey bean flavor. Whether it is salty or sweet, the texture and taste are quite good, and the operation is very simple and very easy to use. It’s good to make some pasta at home when you have time. It can be a staple food or a snack to satisfy your cravings. I really fall in love with this delicious and easy-to-make Hanamaki. Let’s take a look at the detailed method of making flower rolls.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

[Ham Diced Flower Roll]

Ingredients required:

500 grams of ordinary flour, 5 grams of dry yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 ham sausage, appropriate amount of chives, appropriate amount of honey beans, appropriate amount of cooking oil,

Specific methods:

1, Weigh the required ingredients separately and prepare them. Put the flour into a large plate, add sugar and yeast powder , then add water or milk in small amounts and times, stir into a dough without dry flour, and then knead it into a smooth dough for fermentation. .

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

2. Dice the ham, wash and cut the chives into chopped green onions (you can also make a puff pastry).

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

3. Take out the fermented dough and move the dough to the silicone mat. You can see the obvious honeycomb shape.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

4. After kneading and deflating the dough, divide the dough into two parts and roll it into a rectangular shape with a rolling pin.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

5. First brush the surface with a layer of cooking oil, then sprinkle with diced ham, chopped green onion and salt and pepper.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

6. Roll up the dough from one side, making it slightly firmer. After rolling, cut it into small pieces with a knife.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

7. Take a good dough ball, press it from the middle with chopsticks, then hold the two ends of the chopstick indentation with your hands, stretch it and knead it together in a circle.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

8. Use a rolling pin to roll the other piece of dough into a sheet, sprinkle with sweet honey beans, roll it up from one side, repeat steps 6 and 7 to make a honey bean roll.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

9. Let the prepared Hanamaki rest for about 10 minutes, put it in the steamer, serve it on the table, and steam it for 13 minutes after the water boils.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

The flower rolls are ready. You can choose salty or sweet ones. Don’t worry about breakfast in the next few days. This flower roll is layered and looks good even without pastry. If you are afraid of doing things when the weather is hot, you can make some flower rolls like me and keep them at home for emergencies. This flower roll is very simple and delicious. Today's two flavors are very fragrant and delicious. The ham rolls are full of meat flavor, and the honey beans are sweet and glutinous. They are both particularly delicious. If you like it, you can arrange it by yourself. The method is simple and not difficult. It's worth learning. Okay, today’s Hanamaki is shared here. I hope you all like it. If you like it, you can practice it at home.

If you're lazy when it's hot, you can do what I do. Make it once and eat it for at least 3 days. Don't layer it like a puff pastry. People tend to be lazy when it's hot, but there are also benefits to hot weather. For example, it's more convenient to make fermented pasta because  - DayDayNews

Thank you for reading. I am the little chef Mea. If you have better opinions, please leave a message in the comment area below. Your opinions are the motivation for me to move forward. Follow BieMea Xiaochu and share delicious and healthy food recipes with you every day. If you are interested, please like, collect, forward and share. All pictures and texts are original by me, any redistribution is strictly prohibited and plagiarism will be prosecuted!

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