There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it

2019/11/0316:55:06 food 981

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

Speaking of stuffed pasta, if you like food, you can blurt out, steamed buns, dumplings, pies, there is actually another kind of stuffing food What did not say, that is "wonton". It is a classic pasta that is hungry when you eat it, but thinks if you don't eat it. It has a wide range of flavors and types, simple preparation, full of flavor, and delicious soup.

Wonton is a traditional folk pasta originating in the north. It is thinly wrapped with a vegetarian or meat filling. After the pot is cooked, the hot soup in the pot is poured on the wonton, and then sprinkled according to personal taste Serve ground coriander, chopped seaweed, dried shrimp skins, and a little vinegar or a few drops of sesame oil. It tastes really delicious.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

Wontons are called in many ways, Jiangsu and Zhejiang wontons, Guangdong wontons, Hubei wrapped noodles, Jiangxi clear soup, Sichuan Chaoshou, Xinjiang Ququ are all wontons.

According to legend, in the Han Dynasty, the Huns often harassed the frontiers. At that time, there were two leaders of the Hun clan and the Tun clan, which were extremely cruel. The common people hated them deeply, so they wrapped the horns with meat, and took the sounds of "hun" and "tun", and the prototype of the current wonton was created." Because the first wonton was made on the winter solstice day, so there was On the winter solstice day, every household has the custom of eating wonton.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, Lin'an, which is today’s Hangzhou, also had the custom of eating wonton every winter solstice. Song people Zhou Mi said that Lin'an people eat wonton at the winter solstice to worship their ancestors. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the custom of eating wontons in the winter solstice began to prevail.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

There are wontons in the north and wontons in Guangxi and Guangxi. The wontons originated from "wontons" and are also called "flat foods". It was originally classified as a cake. Most of the wontons are cooked in boiling water, added with noodles and soup to become wonton noodles, and some only eat net wontons, which is a kind of traditional snacks in Guangdong and Guangxi.

After a long process of development, wontons have gradually formed their own unique style. The skin and fillings are different from wontons. The size of the head is generally based on "swallow in one bite". The number of wontons in a bowl is about 6 Pieces to 8.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

1, three fresh wontons

  • Preparation:

Longli fish meat, shrimp, pork filling, skin, Coriander, spring onion, wine, salt, pepper, sesame oil, egg white, starch, stock.

If it is troublesome, you can buy wonton wrappers at the market, and the stock can be prepared beforehand. Longli fish has no thorns, and both the market and the supermarket It is sold.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Practice:

1. Chop the fish; the shrimps are washed and the shrimp line is chopped into meat for use.

2. Chop the fish, prawns, and pork stuffing again, then add green onions, wine, salt, pepper, sesame oil, egg white, and starch to make the stuffing.

3. Put a little stuffing in the wonton wrapper Ingredients, square or triangular skins are sealed diagonally, and then the diagonal corners on both sides are gently pinched together.

4. Add water to the pot, boil, pour the wrapped wontons, and cook until water Open, the wontons can be fished out and placed in a bowl. Then add coriander, chopped green onion, and a little pepper to the boiling broth.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

2, fresh meat and shrimp paste wonton

  • Preparation:

pork filling, shrimp, celery, spring onion, wonton wrapper, egg white, salt, pepper, starch, broth, sesame oil.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • How to:

1. Wash the shrimp and remove the shrimp thread and chop; the pork stuffing is chopped again with a knife and the shrimp. Add egg white, salt, pepper, starch, and mix well to make a filling.

2. After applying a layer of filling on each piece of wonton wrapper with a chopstick head or a small trowel, repeat the diagonal sealing of the square or triangle wrapper, and then gently pinch the opposite corners together to wrap the wonton. Up.

3. Bring water to a boil in the pot, add the wrapped wontons, and cook until the pot comes to a boil. The wontons float up, remove them and put them in a bowl. Sprinkle in the cleaned, chopped celery and chopped green onion to pour the broth.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

3, chestnut fresh meat wonton

  • Preparation:

pork filling, dried chestnut about 10 lessons, wonton skin, coriander wine, salt , Sesame oil, stock, pepper.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Method:

1. Soak the dried chestnut in boiling water for 20 minutes-about half an hour, peel off the hard film with a toothpick, and put it in the pot Steam the chestnuts, let them cool, and chop them into cubes.

2. Add the pork filling to the seasonings such as wine, salt, sesame oil, and chopped chestnuts and mix well to make a meat filling.

3. After spreading a layer of filling on the wonton wrapper with a chopstick head or a small trowel, repeat the square or triangular wrapper diagonally, and then gently pinch the opposite corners together.

4. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the wrapped wontons, cook until the wontons float in the pan, remove the wontons, and put them in a bowl, then add salt and pepper powder and ground coriander to the bowl, and then cook Just open the broth.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

4. Pork and cabbage wonton

  • Preparation:

flour, pork filling, cabbage, chopped green onion, ground ginger, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine ,sesame oil.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Practice:

1. Put the flour into the pre-prepared container, slowly add the appropriate amount of water, and mix the flour into a medium soft and hard Dough. Cover with plastic wrap and wake up for about 30 minutes.

2. Add the chopped green onion, ginger, salt, cooking wine and soy sauce to the pork filling, and stir well. Wash the prepared cabbage and chop it into fillings with a knife. During the chopping process, add an appropriate amount of salt to the cabbage filling. In order to make the cabbage out of the soup, clean the water in the chopped cabbage with your hands. The mixed meat filling is mixed together to form the finished wonton filling.

3. Knead the awake dough into smooth dough. Use a rolling pin to roll the kneaded dough into a dough. Then cut the dough into triangular or trapezoidal wonton wrappers, take a wonton dough piece, and spread meat filling.

4. Roll up the dough sheet from the short side to the long side, pinch the two or two corners with both hands, and pinch the overlapping part. For the wrapped wontons, add water to the pot and wait until the wontons are boiled. Then, order the raw water or no raw water, and then boil the meat fillings and the wontons will be cooked.

Let’s talk about the popular Wantan in Guangdong and Guangxi.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

1. Dried scallops and fresh pork wonton

  • Preparation:

pork, dried scallops, wonton skin, green onion, sliced ​​ginger.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Practice:

1. Clean the scallops and rub them carefully. Brew the sliced ​​ginger and green onion with warm water for a while, and carefully grasp it with your hands, soak the green onion juice and garlic juice, and pour the soaked green onion and ginger into the washed scallops. Do not use too much water, just one bowl for meals.

2, steam directly on the pot, add cold water to the pot, steam for about 10-12 minutes, the steamed scallops will become bigger and softer. Shred the steamed scallops.

3. Cut the pork into small pieces, soak in water with green onion and ginger to remove the fishy, ​​marinate for 5-10 minutes. Put the marinated pork into a blender orUse a knife to chop into meat filling and add scallops.

4. Add a little water for steaming scallops and a little cooking oil. Stir the pork stuffing evenly until it becomes strong, and keep it in one direction when stirring.

5. Wrap the minced meat into the skin according to the method of the former bread wonton, cook it in the pot, and pour the hot soup or stock.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

2, mandarin fish wonton

  • Preparation:

a mandarin fish, 1 catty pork belly, 1 egg, salt, cooking wine ,White pepper.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Practice:

1. Buy the mandarin fish from the market or supermarket, wash it, and shave it off!

2. Put the shaved fish into a meat grinder or chop it into puree with a kitchen knife, and pour it out for use!

3. Wash the pork, peel the skin and chop it into meat with a meat grinder or a kitchen knife. Pour in the fish, eggs, cooking wine, salt, pepper, and chopped green onion, and stir well.

4. Cut the shaved fish bones into sections, add a little oil to the pan, stir fry two or three slices of ginger until fragrant, then add the fish bones and fry for 3 minutes until fragrant. 5. Add appropriate amount of water and a little cooking wine to the pot with fish bones, cook for about 15 minutes, filter, pour into a bowl, and add the cooked wontons.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

3, fresh shrimp wonton

  • Preparation:

pork belly, shrimp, wonton skin, coriander, shallots, ginger, food Oil, salt, soy sauce, white sugar, pepper, cooked white sesame, oil consumption, sesame oil, cooking wine, cornstarch.

There are not only dumplings that are delicious, but seven kinds of wontons make you want to eat it - DayDayNews

  • Practice:

1. Wash the green onion and ginger and cut them into pieces for later use. After washing the pork belly, use a knife to cut into pieces of about 3 cm, and then chop them into minced or minced meat.

2. Wash the fresh shrimp and remove the shells. Remove the shrimp thread and mud and wash it again with water. Drain the water, chop with a knife and mix with the pork filling and stir well.

3. Add the previously chopped green onion, ginger and appropriate amount of salt, sugar, cooking wine, cornstarch, edible oil, and oil consumption to the meat filling. Then stir the filling in one direction to make it stronger, you can add a little bit of water.

4. Put an appropriate amount of minced meat on the wonton wrapper, press down on the minced pork with chopsticks, close the palm up, pinch the wonton wrapper, and tighten the wonton mouth at the same time, and wrap it up. The wontons are the right size. After all the wontons are wrapped, they are ready to cook.

5. Wash the coriander and cut into froth, wash the shallots and cut into chopped green onion, put a little salt, sugar, soy sauce, oil consumption, and sesame oil into the bowl and add the chopped coriander and chopped green onion.

6. Add clean water to the pot, boil over high heat and put in the wonton, wait until the wonton rises from the pot. Put the wonton and soup into a bowl, use a spoon to scoop a spoonful of wonton soup and pour it into a bowl of coriander and other condiments for dipping. According to personal taste, put a little dipping sauce into a wonton bowl and sprinkle with pepper and cooked sesame seeds.

A bowl of fragrant shrimp wonton is ready. Whether it's wonton or wonton, it is easy to make, but it is not so easy to make it well.

Here are three points that must be paid attention to:

1. Make the noodles. The noodles must be soft and hard. You can add eggs or a little salt during the mixing process. , The noodles made in this way have tenacity, and you can add more water if it is too hard. Be sure to roll it thinly when you roll it into a big skin.

2, and the filling, must be stirred in one direction, do not change the direction back and forth repeatedly, until the stirring is strong, the strong strength here represents the perfect combination of the seasoning and the filling.

3. Boil, the wonton will be cooked after boiling, that is, the wonton will float to the boiling after the soup in the pot boilsThe surface of the soup can be taken out, because the wonton skin is thin, so it can’t be cooked like dumplings. Add water and cook again. If it takes a long time, the wonton skin will break open.

Regarding the practice of wontons and wontons, if you have anything to say, you can leave a message to exchange.

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