10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all

2021/10/2307:06:19 food 1968

Hunan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines. The main features are heavy oil, hot and sour, spicy, spicy, oily, spicy, crispy, fresh and spicy, and bitter and spicy. However, Hunan cuisine has a long history, and it has been in the Han Dynasty. Since its establishment, it has been famous at home and abroad for its rich connotation and strong local characteristics. In fact, there are many famous dishes in Hunan cuisine, which are not spicy at all. It is precisely because of the existence of these famous dishes that are not spicy can they better reflect the rich connotation and diversity of Hunan cuisine. Instead of pursuing the "spicy" taste alone, let the world feel that Hunan cuisine is very simple!

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

Therefore, the editor compiled 10 non-spicy Hunan dishes to let everyone know that the taste of Hunan dishes is not so single, but rich and diverse, rich and profound. Still ranked in no particular order.

Bingtang Xiangbailian

Bailian has paid tribute to Han Gaozu Liu Bang since the Western Han Dynasty, so Xianglian is also called Gonglian. Bingtang Xiangbailian was more popular before the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was first called "Lianglianxin", but it was relatively simple to make at that time. It was only made with rock sugar since modern times, so it is called "Bingtang Xiangbailian."

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

This dish has a clear soup, white lotus, red lotus seed powder, glutinous lotus, pleasant fragrance, white lotus floating on the clear soup, like pearls floating in the water, it is one of the famous Hunan cuisine, it was once necessary for Hunan cuisine banquets Dessert of big dishes. The lotus seeds are white and tender, the soup is thick and thick, and the preserved fruit is colorful. After iced, it is really comfortable to eat a bite.

Mushroom without yolk egg

In 2018, "Flower Mushroom without yolk egg" was rated as "Chinese cuisine" ten classic Hunan dishes. In the 1930s, Quyuan Restaurant was well-known for making this dish. In the "Changsha Guide" at that time, among the famous dishes introduced, there was a mushroom without yolk egg. This dish was famous as early as the 1930s.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

flower mushroom without yolk egg,The taste is fresh and tender, and the delicate preparation requires first knocking the egg into a small eye, taking out the egg white and egg yolk, then filling the egg white with chicken broth and salt back into the egg shell, steaming and peeling it, topping it with chicken broth, mushrooms, seasoning and green onion sauce. , Proper molecular cuisine. The key to making yolk-free eggs with mushrooms is to master the heat, which must be steamed without allowing the egg white to flow out and ruin the shape. It's a pity that many Hunan cuisine chefs can't do this.

sea cucumber pot steamed

sea cucumber pot steamed is one of the traditional dishes of Hunan cuisine. The sea cucumber steaming pot uses clean hens, fat ducks, and water-fat sea cucumbers as the main ingredients. Cooking mainly uses steamed vegetables. It has the effects of regulating qi and blood, strengthening the body, and regulating malnutrition.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

This dish combines a variety of raw materials, fully embodies the richness, fullness, and affordable characteristics of Hunan cuisine. It is the representative dish of Hunan cuisine. The "Sea Cucumber Steaming Pot" has four colors of red, green, white and brown. The soup is as clear as a mirror, and the taste is delicious. The raw materials are diverse. The taste is soft and tough. It is affordable and suitable for all seasons.

Lap-Wei Steamed

La-Wei is a specialty of Hunan. All poultry, wild animals and aquatic products can be pickled. The production is very fine, the varieties are also diverse, and the flavor is overflowing, and the saltiness is moderate. It's worthy of being the number one in China. lavender and steamed is a traditional dish in Hunan. In 2018, it was named one of the top ten famous dishes in Hunan by Chinese cuisine.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

The lavender used in this dish is not limited to the type, the number is not limited, and the method is very simple. It became popular in Hunan at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Usually chicken broth and seasonings are added to a bowl of bacon, cured chicken and cured fish .When eaten, it is salty and sweet, flexible but not greasy. Its waxy fragrance is strong, salty and sweet, flexible and not greasy.

Chinese chestnut roasted cabbage heart

Chestnut roasted cabbage heart is one of the representative dishes of Hunan cuisine. At the 2014 APEC meeting, this dish appeared at the state banquet as the main dish of the welcome dinner. Compared with other dishes, this chestnut stir-fried cabbage heart has a richer taste, reducing the spicy flavor and enriching the sweet flavor. The chestnut-fried cabbage heart is also a dish with very high taste requirements, and special seasoning must be used. The juice can be cooked to make the chestnut roasted cabbage heart reach the ultimate taste.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

After being cooked, the yellow-red chestnut is sweet in the mouth, coupled with the white heart of the cabbage, the tender, milky white flavor is even more delicious. All these rare flavor characteristics make this dish show unusual quality, so that every time this dish is eaten out of the table, it sometimes leads people to eat it before serving it.

Farewell My Concubine

The editor said that Farewell My Concubine may be a bit strange. If you talk about stewed chicken with fish and fish, many people in Hunan will find it very cordial. Rumor has it that 60 million people in Hunan love this delicacy. This is a well-known traditional nourishing dish. It is a mixture of turtle and chicken essence. The meat is delicious, the soup is clear, and the mouth is smooth. Because it is rich in collagen , it is especially suitable for people who are weak.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

Farewell My Concubine, as a traditional Hunan dish, came out in the late Qing Dynasty. It is often served at Yulou East, Quyuan, Xiaoxiang, and Laoyiyuan restaurants in Changsha. Farewell My Concubine uses turtle and chicken as the main raw materials, supplemented with mushrooms, ham, cooking wine, green onions, ginger, garlic and other condiments, and is refined by cooking first and then steaming. Exquisite production method,Unique eating method, delicious flavor, rich nutrition, once tasted, the teeth are still fragrant, it is a good product on the banquet banquet.


百鸟朝凤 is an indispensable dish in traditional Hunan cuisine. It is made with the finest fat and tender hen, and is carefully made with various ingredients such as choy sum and shiitake mushrooms. A hundred birds and phoenix symbolizes the gathering of guests to congratulate the host. It is often seen in birthday banquets, wedding banquets and other banquets. It is a rather festive dish in Hunan cuisine.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

The practice of Bainiao Chaofeng is mainly stewed, and it is made like a bird flying towards the phoenix. The name Bainiao Chaofeng is mainly derived from the shape of the dish , Very beautiful, so I took a name like this.

Guoqiao Tofu

Guoqiao Tofu, a traditional famous dish with delicious color and flavor, belongs to Hunan cuisine. Made with lactone tofu , eggs, pickled vegetables and minced meat. The role of tofu is to build a "white jade bridge" between the eggs, which is as exquisite as a work of art, which makes people unwilling to take their mouths.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

This dish is smooth and tender, salty and delicious, and the dishes are beautiful. The tofu is like a small white stone in the river water, and there is egg yolk like a moon reflected in a small river. After thickening, it looks elegant and beautiful. Use a small spoon to scoop a spoonful and serve it in your mouth, it feels smooth, tender and sweet. Integrating color, taste and cultural connotation, it is nutritious but economical.

Pouch belly

Pouch belly is a famous dish in Zuan dishes, which is famous for its rich raw materials. pork belly filled with scallops , pork, ham, chicken, mushrooms , winter bamboo shoots, etc.,It looks like a big purse, hence the name .

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

The ingredients of this dish are extremely rich, and there are so many ingredients. It is very similar to Cantonese cuisine in its complex and delicate features. This dish is a blend of a variety of raw materials. The soup is light yellow, shaped like a purse, pork belly is soft and tough, the ingredients are mutually infiltrated, mellow and oily, salty and delicious.

Five Yuan Whole Chicken

This is a famous historical dish. In the Qing Dynasty, " Tiaoding Ji", there was a record of immortal stewed chicken. Soy sauce, stewed in the soup. Tender chicken belly filled with astragalus to count the money, dry steamed, more beneficial.” It was originally made by the famous " Quyuan Restaurant" in Changsha, where Li Zongren once feasted guests. Quyuan Restaurant is also the premier Hunan restaurant in China.

10 classic Hunan dishes, not spicy, just not spicy, not spicy at all - DayDayNews

was originally steamed with whole chicken and astragalus. Later, it was changed to lychee, longan, red dates, lotus seeds, medlar as raw materials, and steamed with condiments in a bowl, so it was called "Five Yuanshen Fairy Chicken."

Today's Hunan cuisine, driven by commercial interests, "fries everything with peppers". Therefore, the biggest side effect is that, regardless of bacon, smoked bamboo shoots, or abalone and sea cucumbers, they all have the same flavor when they are fried. Although the pace of life of modern people is very fast, our tastes are becoming heavier, and the dishes we eat in restaurants are becoming more and more single, but in the long run, there is still room for these classic dishes to survive. Woolen cloth? Will we still be able to eat these authentic Hunan dishes with fine preparation, varied tastes and a wide range of varieties in the future?

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