Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in

2021/10/0722:19:07 food 1248

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Even if you see the restaurant, you will not enter the kitchen, but you will not enter the kitchen on the first floor.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

A large freezer filled with imported beef of different grades, all of which are selected from Australian natural pastures. The high quality is visible.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

A professionally customized black furnace, which also occupies the most eye-catching C position. Its existence allows the birth of each pizza to follow traditional practices and ensure the purity of blood.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Ascended to the second floor, the eyes suddenly opened up. Brightly colored walls and suspended ceilings show the modern temperament.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

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divided Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

eclectic interior space,The pure white table top, neat tableware and lambskin chair make this place look elegant and steady.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Although it is full, there seems to be no worrying noisy, but it seems that there are often whispering guests at home.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

As the night darkens, dim lights, elegant music, tall wine glasses, comfortable and romantic dinners...such a beautiful setting and atmosphere, it is no wonder that it was included in the opening just after the opening. There is a list of Xuzhou people’s "private dating holy places".

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

strong Italian food. The selection of ingredients in the restaurant are strictly controlled, and most of them use high-quality imported ingredients to ensure the most original and fresh taste. Even if you are accustomed to eating delicacies of mountains and seas, you can still find the most original, fresh and wonderful taste here.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

You can click it casually and never step on thunder.

pre-meal bread

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

strong pre-meal bread is baked! The crust of the bread is crispy and crunchy, chewy and soft, and sweet again. The bread sticks are crispy and have a hard taste, just like eating a tooth stick~ salty and delicious, and you won't be greasy to eat more.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Bula Da Parma ham with cheese

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

as a former Italian dishes _ the famous span66span, this dish is the hard power of the raw materials. Parma ham produced in Italy is cured with as little sea salt as possible, relying on time and air to give it a delicious flavor. Whether it can provide high-quality Parma ham is also one of the criteria used to judge a restaurant in Italy.


Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews





Cut to order now, meat is plump and not too salty. It is paired with the rich milky Prada cheese, and it is wrapped in the spicy arugula. The mellow taste is enough to make people dream of ,unstoppable.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Tuscany rosemary grilled chicken breast

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Italy Tuscany has always been famous for its gastronomy. This dish was named after it and was recommended by the owner. It really deserves its name.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

The smell of freshly baked chicken with the fragrance of rosemary keeps teasing the taste buds. The chicken skin is grilled soft and slightly tough, and the chicken is full of texture, tender and juicy. After eating a bite, I feel that the whole person is full of blood and resurrected!

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

beef tartare

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

a dish on the table,It is jaw-dropping! How can raw beef be imported? Too savage...

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

However, the fresh and sweet beef and the slightly fishy egg yolk are mixed thoroughly, and the is really amazing after mixing the various sauces. The freshness and sourness after the ingredients are very appetizing. It is not an exaggeration that ranked it as the best dish in our shop this time.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Ribeye steak

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

in CAT, the steak will point the table is the table, we eat the Word The steak comes from Australia's 200-day-fed M5 rib-eye steak.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

The fragrant steak is hot and topped with the special sauce prepared by the chef himself. The lingering juice and meat are very exciting!

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

The entrance is soft and tender, the gravy is overflowing in the mouth, the taste buds are instantly subdued, and the milky fragrance flows between the teeth, making people linger~ _p br9p p0 _p br9p p0 38

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Wellington steak

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imgThe puff pastry is properly crisped, golden and crispy. 18-month-old Parma ham wrapped with Australian selected grain-fed M5 filet mignon steak, maintained at a precise three-par maturity, the cut is an attractive pink color, and the meat is full of fragrance.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

When serving the dish, it will be thoughtfully cut into two pieces for the guests to eat. For the first bite, it is recommended to taste the crispy and crispy outer skin, then puff pastry, ham, mushroom Sauce, Filet mignon cut into small pieces and eat together, you can experience the unique fusion taste of Wellington steak

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews


strong pizza span66 span66 hot span_strong_

Here I will focus on pizza, which is also my favorite of the day. At CAT, let alone other things, pizza has indeed reached the pinnacle level. I think the professional kiln that enters the door must be one of the heroes.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Made from flour imported from Italy, fermented with an exclusive method, after careful pressing and shaking of the cake, the crust is mozzarella cheese cheese , Move the cake crust to the shovel board and send it to the kiln.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

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You can clearly see the subtle changes in the pizzaThe crust is slowly puffed up and colored, and you can smell the special aroma gradually. This is also the essence of the authentic Italian pizza , is baked at a temperature as high as 400℃, and the pizza can be cooked instantly within 90 seconds...



Hot Devil's Pizza , full of jalapeno , cheese and bacon, one bite, the hot and sour taste created by the jalapeno peppers perfectly blend with the milk flavor, and the stomach is full of rich satisfaction.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

In fact, another black truffle pizza in the store is also unique. Of umami.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

Spread the black truffle sauce on the base, and the rich aroma immediately radiates into the air. Then spread mozzarella cheese, knock a sterile egg, and the fragrance of milk and black truffle interweave a wonderful concerto.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews


67strongspan as a classic tail pull perfectThis is definitely one of the best Tiramisu I have ever eaten.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

The dense and soft cakes are covered with fine and silky cream, sweet but not greasy, and the unique flavor of cheese, coffee and wine will make you never think again Eat other desserts.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

While listening to elegant music, while chatting with your girlfriends about life, you will find all the pressures and worries that are accompanied by the sweetness of Tiramisu slowly disappear ~

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

CAT Italian Restaurant

delicious Italian

see here it is not all already in place ,

Want to taste it all at once?

Of course,

CAT Italian Restaurant

There are more authentic Italian delicacies waiting for you,

and it's not as expensive as you think.

Xuzhou's top-notch western food, is it? Also opened the store to Suzhou, attracting domestic big coffee to punch in - DayDayNews

stole for half a day,

, come here to change your taste and mood.

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