Mr. Zhou's stock trading status is different from that of most people. He is the type of person who falls in love with others. How to explain this? It means that once he buys it, he is reluctant to sell it. No matter whether the stock price rises or falls, he wants to hold the ti

Mr. Zhou's stock trading status is different from that of most people. He is the romantic type. How to explain this? It means that once he buys it, he is reluctant to sell it. No matter whether the stock price rises or falls, he wants to hold the ticket in his hands. When the stock of

rises, will hold the position of without moving. It will not sell until it finally makes no money. If it loses, it has to be held on, hoping for the day when the capital is recovered. In this way, is repeated over and over again and is lost, and there is not a penny. Earn it.

He has also learned about some automatic trading software on the market and found that most of these software are stop-loss and stop-profit, which is faster than manual operation. In October 2020, Mr. Zhou saw the Xundong stock software for the first time on snowball . He thought it was no different from the stock trading software he had seen before and was not very new. But he didn't expect that after actually using it, he was amazed.

He found that Xundong Stock is different from common software on the market. Its functions are richer than and , and it can also help users overcome human greed and other bad emotions. Overcoming emotions is crucial for Mr. Zhou, because in the past, he was always affected by emotions and had been trading in stocks for so many years without making any money. Since using Xundong Quantitative interval arbitrage, this situation has finally been improved.

When he first started using interval arbitrage, Mr. Zhou still couldn't control himself, and couldn't help but manually intervene in the arbitrage operation. As long as there is money in position , he wants to buy it immediately, so he only uses 5% of the position for arbitrage. He is also worried about losing the position. The position is full almost every day. If he has money in his hand, he will be restless and want to make some operations.

But soon, he realized a problem. After such frequent intervention, the account had not yet achieved profitability. After communicating with the account manager, he understood that interval arbitrage achieves profits through frequent selling high and buying low. If there is always manual intervention, it will affect the execution effect of the set arbitrage plan. And in order to achieve frequent high selling and buying low, it is necessary to set aside a certain position specifically for arbitrage. If you choose to use interval arbitrage, you must implement it resolutely. If accumulated over a long period of time, the benefits will be very considerable.

In the process of using interval arbitrage, he learned about DIY stock trading robots and became very interested. At first, Mr. Zhou felt a little uneasy. Is the robot reliable? But after only half a month of use, the robot has brought about three or four points of profit in and . In December, the highest profit was four or five points, which is very stable.

Unfortunately, the market situation in early January this year was too bleak, and even robots were powerless and had no way to save the day. But when the market gets better, will start to steadily increase revenue from again.

Mr. Zhou believes that in general, robot operation is much better than his own operation. In extreme market conditions like that in early January, no one can guarantee profits, and there is no way to guarantee that the loss will be stopped. However, The robot can do it, and his losses are almost minimized when encountering extreme market conditions.

Mr. Zhou summarized his feelings and experience in using robots during this period:

First, the robot has a high degree of discipline and , which is incomparable to manual operation. The robot will judge the market situation and reduce or short positions in a timely manner. Mr. Zhou has been trading in stocks for many years, but he has never learned this. He is always full of positions.

Second, using the robot no longer requires long-term monitoring of the market and manual buying and selling of , freeing up both hands. Stock prices are volatile, but the rise and fall of prices can easily affect emotions and thus actual operations. After using the robot, Mr. Zhou has almost no intervention. He trusts the transaction to the robot and only occasionally adjusts the parameters. Now he still has time to drink a glass of wine, travel and spend time with his family.

Third, you can face the robot's retracement with a more healthy and good attitude. Many people are sensitive to retracement and find it difficult to accept a robot retracement. In fact, you can think about it in another way. If you don’t use a robot and trade stocks by yourself, won’t there be a retracement? It's just that people's mentality is different.Mr. Zhou believes that many people can withstand the retracement of the stocks they bought themselves, but if they use robots to retrace their steps, they are in trouble. In fact, they do not realize that the determination and discipline of robots are a hundred times stronger than that of humans. Under extreme market conditions, Retracement is inevitable, but the cumulative effect of the three factors of probability, law, and time will definitely lead to profits.