As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time.

2024/07/0212:04:33 sports 1836

Speaking of James and the Green Army, this is also a topic that is often mentioned. When James was in the East, both the Heat and Cavaliers were regarded as the biggest threatening team in the East. As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time.

As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time. - DayDayNews

The official confrontation between James and the Green Army began in 2008. That season, James led the team to meet the Green Army for the first time in the playoffs . The Green Army gave James a blow in the first game. This year, the Green Army had just formed the Big Three, and it was also a time when morale was at its peak. Under the defensive defense of , Pierce, and others, James played the worst game of his career in the playoffs. He only scored 12 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists. He made 2 of 18 shots and as many as 10. mistakes.

As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time. - DayDayNews

This game is considered a formal confrontation between James and the Green Army. The young and energetic James was not mentally prepared enough. After losing the first game, James performed even better. After that, they worked even harder against the Green Army, and the competition between the two sides became increasingly fierce. According to

statistics, James scored more than 1,100 points in the playoffs against the Celtics. He scored 30+ points in 22 games and 40+ points in 7 games.

As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time. - DayDayNews

After many years, when James talked about the Green Army in interviews, he still had a fondness for them. Both Green Army players and Green Army fans left a deep impression on James.

When James was a guest on the "UNINTERRUPTED The Shop" program, when asked which team's fans he hated the most, James took a deep breath and said he was a Green Army fan.

As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time. - DayDayNews

James said that Green Army fans are very rude and will do a lot of violent things, so they need to be careful when playing at their home court. James said: "Not only will they curse, but they will curse at a very close distance. I will not pay attention to this situation. They will also wear T-shirts with insulting words, saying Fxxk LBJ and so on. These In fact, it doesn't matter. What's even more terrifying is that they also throw things. A few times when they were leaving the game, they threw things like beer bottles at me. "

As a veteran team, the Green Army's strength should not be underestimated. The disputes between the two sides, both on the field and between the fans off the field, intensified at that time. - DayDayNews

James said that Boston has very strong racial discrimination. , which makes their personality more public, and they are very angry when facing different races. This is the reason. James said bluntly: "I have faced this situation throughout my career, but I don't mind. As long as they don't do anything outrageous, I will not fight back, whether it is words or anything. After all, my main job is to play ball. I only care about the game and how to win, and I don’t care about anything else.”

As James said, he only cares about the game and how to win the game. This is what makes him achieve his current honors. It is precisely because of his self-discipline that he has won the game. Now 37 years old, he is still shining on the court.

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