Nearly 10 stocks daily limit, over 30 stocks rose more than 5%, lithium battery concept stocks collectively restless

In the early trading of November 22, the lithium battery concept stock collectively rested. As of press time, nearly 10 stocks such as Kodak Manufacturing, , and Azure Lithium Core have their daily limit, and 36 stocks in the entire sector have risen by more than 5%.

news page, in order to further strengthen the lithium-ion battery industry management, promote industry transformation and upgrading and technological progress, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Department of Electronics and Information has organized and revised the "Lithium-ion Battery Industry Standard Conditions (2021 Version)" (draft for comments) ) And "Administrative Measures for Lithium-ion Battery Industry Specification Announcement (2021 Edition)" (Draft for Solicitation of Comments).

The "Regulations" proposes to guide enterprises to reduce manufacturing projects that simply expand production capacity, strengthen technological innovation, improve product quality, and reduce production costs.

CITIC Construction Investment released a research report saying that the demand for new energy vehicle power batteries is growing rapidly. It is estimated that the demand for lithium in 2021-2022 will be 610,000 tons and 800,000 tons, with a gap of 43,000 tons and 57,000 tons, respectively. The penetration rate of of new energy vehicles continues to exceed expectations, and the expansion rate of upstream lithium resources is difficult to meet the demand for downstream battery materials.

AVIC Securities pointed out that lithium battery equipment is currently in the stage of periodic and growth resonance. Downstream demand continues to increase, and the operating quality of companies in the superimposed industry continues to improve. Currently, it is an important configuration window. It can start from the explosive performance and long-term growth space, and take into account both performance and valuation.
