Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first

2024/07/0302:27:33 finance 1496

Yesterday, Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first half of the year and 0.7% in the second quarter. , 0.6 percentage points faster than the first quarter, 0.3 percentage points faster than the national average, and its ranking among the 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the country has improved by 11 places compared with the first quarter.

As the first megacity in the country and even the world to "hard-core" Omikerong, this 0.7% is extremely hard-earned - it is a solid foundation for us to always adhere to the general policy of "dynamically clearing ", among which Many of the data also truly reflect the changes brought about by our continued optimization of the industrial structure and our insistence on the path of high-quality development... What do you think of

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

? This 0.7 is hard-won

It must be admitted that whether it is Tianjin or other cities, the impact of the epidemic on economic development is obvious. htmlIn early January, epidemics were detected in Jinnan and Hebei. Tianjin, as the world's first "hard-core" megacity, has united as one and fought "in the south and in the north", and the city's production and life have almost come to a "rest". When the "hard fight" finally passed, in early March, the epidemic situation related to multiple farmers' wholesale markets became extremely violent. In hindsight, if the handling is slightly improper, it will lead to a larger area of ​​"urban paralysis" - fortunately, we have "bitten" and "forced" it back little by little!

Tianjin, which had two "tough battles" in the first quarter and has always insisted on dynamic clean-up and unwavering, has better found the rhythm to face the cunning Omicron, and has laid a solid foundation for economic construction "in the period of occasional epidemics" , accumulating strong momentum of "double war and win-win". After

, although the epidemic situation around us has been relatively complicated, especially the pressure from imported foreign defenses, and although mutated virus strains continue to infest us from time to time, we have been working hard on economic construction. Keep up the good work.

html At the end of March, Binhai New Area's key investment projects were "cloud signed", and 82 key projects with a total investment of 58 billion yuan were settled together; on April 11, the Tianjin Science and Technology Award Conference was held, and Kunpeng and other units jointly completed the "Internet of Things Radio Frequency Sensing" The "Core Chip R&D and Application" project won the "Special Award", and its independent Internet of Things industry chain has become an important growth point for Tianjin's Xinchuang industry. On April 22, the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to report on the performance of a number of free trade pilot zones. It is the first initiative and breakthrough reform measure implemented nationwide; on April 26, key projects in Wuqing District were signed online and offline, and 30 projects were settled in Wuqing, with a total investment of over 23 billion yuan; on April 28 On the same day, Tianjin held a centralized signing event for major commercial projects in cultivating and building an international consumption center city in 2022 in an "online + offline" manner. 60 major commercial projects were signed, with a total investment of more than 20 billion yuan; 15 major commercial projects started construction. The total investment is 18 billion yuan...

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

html On June 1st, the "Implementation Plan of Tianjin City for Implementing a Package of Policies and Measures to Stabilize the Economy" was released! 35 specific measures were proposed to minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. Among them, 18 items focus on tax cuts and fee reductions, rent reductions, job stabilization returns, and financial support reported by small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

From June 24th to 25th, the 6th World Intelligence Conference was successfully held in Tianjin. The conference was full of distinguished guests and attracted much attention. It combined online and offline activities and featured more than 30 summit meetings and parallel forums. Many Turing Award winners, Nobel Prize winners, academicians of the two academies and well-known entrepreneurs focused on artificial intelligence ethics, Technology empowers the "dual carbon" strategy and other cutting-edge topics to launch a global dialogue... In the shadow of the new crown epidemic and concerns about the global economic downturn, the high-level conference fully demonstrates Tianjin's urban resilience, innovative character and industrial advantages, and releases our persistence to the outside world has the confidence and determination to develop with high quality.What do you think of

? This 0.7 structure is more optimized

The numbers will speak. In the second quarter, from the perspective of production, the development of some key industries improved month by month. From the perspective of factor guarantee, energy production is stable and orderly, transportation and logistics continue to recover, and financial vitality is effectively released.

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

More importantly, through 0.7 it can be clearly seen that structural adjustments continue to deepen. key industrial chains lead industrial transformation and upgrading. In the first half of the year, the added value of industrial enterprises in 12 key industrial chains was faster than the city's industrial average, accounting for 76.5%. Among them, the added value of three industrial chains, aerospace, biomedicine , and Internet of Vehicles, grew faster than the city's industrial average. Double digits. The modern service industry is developing at an accelerated pace. The construction of world-class smart green ports has been stepped up. The cargo throughput of ports increased by 3.2%, and the growth rate has accelerated for four consecutive months. From January to May, among the service industries above designated size, the operating income of the business service industry increased by 28.5%, and the research and experimental development increased by 26.8%. From the perspective of demand structure, the role of investment in adjusting the structure and making up for shortcomings has been effectively played. Major projects have started intensively, and project construction has been fully promoted. In the first half of the year, 492 new construction projects were started, an increase of 44.7%...

From the electricity consumption analysis of the State Grid Power Tianjin Branch, it can also be seen that structurally, high technology and equipment The proportion of the manufacturing industry in the secondary industry and the proportion of the modern service industry in the tertiary industry are on the rise, and the industrial structure is both excellent in quality and quality; in terms of growth rate, the secondary industry is gradually picking up, and the growth rate of the tertiary industry has gradually accelerated since April, 6 The monthly growth rate reached the highest value during the year.

In addition, through 0.7, we can also see that our kinetic energy conversion continues to accelerate. The new industry of is developing well. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.5%, accounting for 14.5%. Investment in high-tech industries continues to grow rapidly. In the first half of the year, investment in high-tech industries increased by 11.4%, and investment in high-tech service industries increased by 14.3%.

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

In the first half of the year, investment in people's livelihood protection continued to increase, and the results were good in ensuring supply and stabilizing prices. In the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income of the city's residents increased by 3.4%, 3 percentage points higher than the GDP growth rate. At the same time, aid to enterprises and job stabilization continued to show results, creating 179,500 new jobs. How to do

? Be confident and unswerving!

It is advisable to take a broad view of the scenery. We need to see not only the "shape" of short-term fluctuations, but also the "trend" of long-term development. In the short term, the impact of the epidemic has caused some indicators to fluctuate and fall. Looking at the overall situation, the fundamentals of long-term economic growth have not changed, especially the general trend of high-quality development. We are still "in a period of promising strategic opportunities, a historical window period of superimposed advantages, a decisive period of transformation and upgrading, and a period of striving for the lead in building a new development pattern" !

The epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stable, and development must be safe. This is the "biggest country" in the current economic and social development work. The "dynamic clearing" approach is still China's best choice for coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Faced with the temporary "growing pains", the whole city responded actively and successively introduced high-level, powerful, precise and warm policies to stabilize growth to protect the stable and healthy operation of the economy. We maintain our determination, strengthen our confidence, overcome difficulties, and take positive actions; we consolidate the foundation, introduce policies, relieve difficulties, and activate our strength. As the epidemic is effectively controlled and the policy effects gradually appear, our city's economy will surely return to " Fast Lane".

At present, the city is focused on development, and the consensus to recover the losses caused by the epidemic is getting tighter and tighter.

In the Economic and Technological Development Zone, the country’s first inter-bank refactoring business of Yunxin Assets was launched; in the Jinghai Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, major health projects have sprung up; in Hebei District , Huawei Tianjin Regional Headquarters Construction has accelerated since it started...

Yesterday, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year. The city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved in the first half of the year: the regional gross product (GDP) increased by 0.4% in the first - DayDayNews

Potential is more important than results. The economy has stabilized and improved, high-quality development continues to show results, and entrepreneurs are favoring Tianjin. For several days in a row, senior executives from Sinopec , CNOOC , SMIC , TCL came to Tianjin... During the Sixth World Intelligence Conference that concluded not long ago, a total of 136 projects were signed, with a total of The investment amount is approximately 84.9 billion yuan., areas are mainly concentrated in emerging industries such as information innovation, high-end equipment, biomedicine, etc., which has injected strong impetus into the city's manufacturing industry to move towards the high end.

Confidence is more precious than gold. Small, medium and micro enterprises are the most dynamic cells of the economy. In the first half of the year, 19,000 "small, medium and micro" households in Tianjin received credit loans of 8.816 billion yuan. Consumption is a barometer of the economy. Only when residents have confidence in the future will they be willing to spend money and dare to spend money. In the second Haihe International Consumption Season in 2022, 170 million yuan of consumer coupons will be issued to boost consumer confidence. Jincheng night economy is becoming more and more lively. The summer travel market is exploding. Only , Ctrip , the air ticket summer travel search index has equaled that of 2019...

As long as the direction is correct, you are not afraid of a long journey - although the road is far, the journey is coming! Only work hard and work hard!

text/Jin Yunping

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