The Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the economic performance of Tianjin in the first half of 2022 on the 15th. The data shows that Tianjin has achieved remarkable results in continuously optimizing the industrial structure and promoting the implementation of large and goo

2024/07/0304:07:33 finance 1559

The Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the economic performance of Tianjin in the first half of 2022 on the 15th. The data shows that Tianjin has achieved remarkable results in continuously optimizing the industrial structure and promoting the implementation of large and goo - DayDayNews

The Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the economic performance of Tianjin in the first half of 2022 on the 15th. The data shows that Tianjin has achieved significant results in continuing to optimize the industrial structure and promote the implementation of large and good projects. The dividends of anti-epidemic, innovation vitality and development potential are being released.

Our city’s economic performance has stabilized and improved, and structural adjustments have continued to deepen:

From the perspective of industrial structure: First, key industrial chains lead industrial transformation and upgrading. In the first half of the year, the total added value of industrial enterprises in the 12 key industrial chains increased by 1.0%, faster than the city's industrial average, accounting for 76.5%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points from the first quarter. Among them, the added value of three industrial chains including aerospace, biomedicine, and Internet of Vehicles grew at double-digit rates, reaching 38.8%, 19.2%, and 14.8% respectively. Second, the modern service industry has accelerated its development. The construction of world-class smart green ports has been stepped up. The port's cargo throughput increased by 3.2%, the growth rate has accelerated for four consecutive months, and container throughput increased by 2.2%. From January to May, among the service industries above designated size, the operating income of the business service industry increased by 28.5%, and the research and experimental development increased by 26.8%.

| Looking at from the perspective of demand structure: First, investment in adjusting the structure to make up for shortcomings has effectively played its role. Major projects were started intensively and project construction was fully promoted. In the first half of the year, 492 new construction projects were started, an increase of 44.7%, and the completed investment increased by 22.4%. Technological transformation and empowerment continued to accelerate, and investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 12.7%. Significant results have been achieved in making up for weak points. Investment in infrastructure and social fields increased by 13.1% and 17.5% respectively. Among them, investment in water conservancy, ecological environment and public facilities management increased by 57.7%, investment in education increased by 10.4%, and investment in health and social work increased by 48.1%. . Second, consumer demand for upgraded goods continues to rise. Through a series of measures such as accelerating the construction of commercial carriers, launching the second Haihe International Consumption Season, and promoting online shopping and automobile consumption, residents are encouraged to unleash their consumption potential. In the first half of the year, among the commodities above designated size, the retail sales of commodities realized through the public network increased by 15.8%; the retail sales of sports and entertainment products, household appliances and audio-visual equipment, cosmetics and other upgraded commodities increased by 24.4%, 17.4% and 13.4% respectively; new energy The retail sales of low-carbon smart products such as cars and smartphones increased by 1.3 times and 51.5% respectively.

Jinyun News reporter Chen Runing

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