Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Luo Shi Correspondent Nan Xuan Li Li On the afternoon of July 15, the Global Traceability Center Co-construction Enterprise Symposium and the Global Traceability System Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Joint Impl

2024/07/0302:07:32 finance 1096

text and pictures/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Luo Shi correspondent Nan Xuan Lili

html On the afternoon of July 15, the global traceability center co-construction enterprise symposium and global traceability system Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area joint implementation standard (Nansha) exchange meeting Held at Nansha Jiangbo Plaza. At the meeting, more than 30 enterprises, research institutions and Hong Kong and Macao business associations from the entire commodity trade industry chain gathered to give keynote speeches and heated discussions around the joint construction and sharing of global traceability centers and the incubation of common implementation standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Luo Shi Correspondent Nan Xuan Li Li On the afternoon of July 15, the Global Traceability Center Co-construction Enterprise Symposium and the Global Traceability System Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Joint Impl - DayDayNews

Zhang Jiahong, second-level inspector of Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau , Xie Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​Free Trade Zone), Jiang Xiaomin, deputy director of the Management Committee of Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​Free Trade Zone), Nansha Pan Yuzhang, Level 2 Inspector of the Management Committee of the Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​the Free Trade Zone), Guo Lian, Executive Chairman of Silk Road Industry and Finance International Alliance, and Wan Jian, Deputy Secretary-General, Fang Ling, Deputy Secretary-General of the World Financial Forum, Guangdong Province Standardization Research Dean Zhang Dingkang, Dean of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Zhen Yong, President of the Hong Kong Logistics Chamber of Commerce Zhong Hongxing, President of the Guangzhou Nansha District Economic Cooperation Promotion Association Niu Xiuchun, and representatives of more than 30 companies attended the meeting.

Global Traceability Center co-construction and exchange feast

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Luo Shi Correspondent Nan Xuan Li Li On the afternoon of July 15, the Global Traceability Center Co-construction Enterprise Symposium and the Global Traceability System Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Joint Impl - DayDayNews

The Global Traceability Center is led by local governments, jointly constructed and shared by regulatory authorities, and jointly participated by social organizations. Based on the basic principles of "co-construction and sharing, authenticity and security, openness and convenience", it establishes rules, standards, legal rights Consensus on responsible behavior, using digital contract technology to transform product information into data production means, serving regional digital governance, industry digitization, and digital industrialization, decentralized that is equally open to global governments, enterprises, and consumers Digital economy public infrastructure.

Xie Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​the Free Trade Zone), said that the global traceability center is to implement the requirements of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan ", dare to be the first, take responsibility, and be the first to build it in the country The “new infrastructure” of the digital economy.

In the next step, the Nansha Area Management Committee of the Free Trade Zone will actively seek the support of national ministries and commissions such as the Information Center of the State Administration of Market, and work closely with well-known international and domestic enterprises and institutions such as China Communications Group to create a traceability industry research and development innovation platform and promote common development. Build an innovative industry cluster with global influence and jointly expand the global network layout of new digital economy public infrastructure.

Liu Jiajun, director of the Political Research and Innovation Office of the Party Working Committee of Nansha Development Zone, introduced the strategic positioning, construction ideas and construction results of the Global Traceability Center in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Liu Jiajun said that the Global Traceability Center builds a public infrastructure for the digital economy, with commodity digitization as the core, promoting the circulation of data element resources and the determination of rights and interests, and providing a standardized, tool-based and integrated "Nansha Solution" for digital governance and application.

Representatives from Guangdong Fenix ​​Energy Saving Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Keyu Robot Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Logistics Chamber of Commerce, Guangdong Zhuozhi Cross-border E-commerce Supply Chain Services Co., Ltd. and other corporate organizations enthusiastically shared their insights on how the global traceability center can help enterprises digitalize their construction. . They all said that the Global Traceability Center provides new tools, new advantages, and new guarantees for enterprises' digital transformation to , and brings new changes to corporate development. They look forward to the Global Traceability Center becoming bigger, stronger, and more effective.

The Global Traceability Center cultivates and creates high-quality "Bay Area Standards"

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Luo Shi Correspondent Nan Xuan Li Li On the afternoon of July 15, the Global Traceability Center Co-construction Enterprise Symposium and the Global Traceability System Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Joint Impl - DayDayNews

In the process of deepening the comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao facing the world, Nansha cannot do without the drive of standards innovation. Zhang Jiahong, a second-level inspector of the Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, said that the Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau will continue to support Nansha’s standardization work and hopes that Nansha will continue to carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, combine the pilot construction of global traceability service standardization, base itself on the Bay Area, collaborate with Hong Kong and Macao, and face the world .

The "Nansha Plan" proposes to "create a highland for connecting rules and mechanisms. Create a world-class business environment, orderly promote the interconnection of financial markets, and improve the level of interconnection between public services and social management." Zhang Dingkang, director of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Standardization, said that the global traceability center and its standardization construction are important measures for Nansha to create a rule linkage mechanism to connect with the highlands.

Data has become the fifth major factor of production, and the development of the global digital economy is showing new characteristics such as intelligence, quantization, cross-border integration, deep penetration, and exponential change speed. Niu Xiuchun, president of the Guangzhou Nansha District Economic Cooperation Promotion Association, said that the global traceability center has grasped the foundation of the digital economy, solved the issue of data rights, and broken the data island . Data in various regions, industries and fields can truly achieve interconnection and interoperability. Empower industries with data, and achieve highly integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy. The

Global Traceability Center is incubating Bay Area standards for global traceability systems, including 8 standards including the "General Principles for Co-construction of Global Traceability Systems", "General Principles for Global Traceability System Services" and "Guidelines for the Construction of Global Traceability Centers" to create a number of high-quality "Bay Area" standards. Area Standards", taking the Greater Bay Area standard as a guide to explore China's solution to international rules for digital governance; in addition, it has released industry standards and local standards, and compiled 44 global traceability system standards, which were approved by the national government in 2021 The seventh batch of comprehensive standardization pilot projects for social management and public services of the Standardization Management Committee. The global traceability center's service standardization pilot construction will provide an institutional foundation for the global traceability system to be replicated and promoted domestically and internationally with unified rules and standards.

"The Global Traceability Center is an important measure to promote the development of the digital economy, an important starting point to promote the openness and sharing of the digital economy, and an important support to promote industrial digitalization and improve digital governance capabilities." Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​the Free Trade Zone) Management Pan Yuzhang, the second-level inspector of the committee, concluded and said, "The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area standards are an important cornerstone for opening up the docking of the Greater Bay Area rules. Nansha promotes the construction of the global traceability center Bay Area standards, which transcends the institutional differences between the three places and promotes enterprises to unify It has important practical and practical significance to participate in the co-construction of the global traceability center with rules and standards, realize the integration of rules and standards in the process of replication, promotion and application of the global traceability center, and promote the high-quality development of the digital economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. " As a major innovation achievement of Nansha, the

Global Traceability Center will usher in an important new year this year, achieving comprehensive upgrades in theory, technology, and services, and demonstrating Nansha's best practices in the global digital economy. (For more news information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

Editor | Wang Nan

Proofreading | Pan Liling

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