On July 15, an administrative penalty information released by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China showed that Beijing Ainong Station Technology Service Co., Ltd. was warned by the central bank due to seven business violations, and its illegal income o

2024/06/3022:15:32 finance 1413

On July 15, an administrative penalty information released by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China showed that Beijing Ainong Station Technology Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ainong Payment") was warned and confiscated by the central bank due to 7 business violations. The illegal income was 1.56137877 yuan, and a fine of 5.60137877 yuan was imposed, with a total fine of 7.16275754 yuan.

On July 15, an administrative penalty information released by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China showed that Beijing Ainong Station Technology Service Co., Ltd. was warned by the central bank due to seven business violations, and its illegal income o - DayDayNews

(Screenshot from the website of the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China)

The administrative penalty information table shows that Ainong Payment has the following types of illegal activities:

1. Failure to follow the "know your customer" principle, establish and improve customer identification mechanisms, and failure to promptly discover and handle Possible transfer of payment interfaces of specially appointed merchants;

2. Failure to verify the willingness of legal persons to open accounts in accordance with regulations;

3. There are situations where payment accounts are opened for financial companies or companies engaged in financial business;

4. Failure to provide payment services in accordance with regulations Record the agreement format terms;

5. Transfer funds without the same name in violation of regulations;

6. Failure to perform customer identification obligations in accordance with regulations;

7. Conduct transactions with unidentified customers or open anonymous or pseudonymous accounts for customers.

Since Liu Guogang, then deputy general manager of Ainong Payment and deputy director of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee, was responsible for the above-mentioned related behaviors, the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China warned him and imposed a fine of 160,000 yuan.

At the same time, Hou Yu, who was the head of the anti-money laundering department of Ainong Payment and the leader of the anti-money laundering leading group at the time, was also responsible for some actions and was fined 60,000 yuan by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China.

Public information shows that Ainong Payment was established in 2004 with a registered capital of 102 million yuan. The company is headquartered in Beijing. The company holds an Internet payment license (national) issued by the People's Bank of China and a cross-border e-commerce foreign exchange payment business qualification issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. (Article | "Financial World" weekly Tang Guo)

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