We mainly follow the signals to operate, focusing on short-term operations within the day. It has basically formed its own system. If it does not conform to the market and trend within the trading system, we will not operate! We currently maintain short positions. Our team focuse

2024/05/2320:34:32 finance 1654

We mainly follow the signal operation, focusing on short-term intraday operations. It has basically formed its own system. If it is not in line with the market and trend in the trading system, we will not do it! We currently maintain short positions. Our team focuses on swing market conditions and basically does not hold positions at intervals. It does not increase positions or carry orders against the trend. It has a stable trading style on the right side and is slow to follow passers-by. Today's operation is as shown in the figure,

We mainly follow the signals to operate, focusing on short-term operations within the day. It has basically formed its own system. If it does not conform to the market and trend within the trading system, we will not operate! We currently maintain short positions. Our team focuse - DayDayNews

7-4 sector sorting:

The domestic commodity futures market closed more down than up, with the black series leading the decline, iron ore futures main contract fell nearly 6%, coking coal, ferrosilicon fell more than 4% , coke and hot coil fell nearly 4%; most chemicals fell, PVC fell nearly 4%, soda ash fell more than 3%; basic gold was weak, international copper, Shanghai copper fell more than 3%, Shanghai tin, Shanghai aluminum, Shanghai Lead rose slightly; some agricultural products were strong, and pigs were close to the daily limit, hitting a new high since May 2021. , apple, rose by more than 3%, and red dates rose by more than 1%; most crude oil products rose, with crude oil rising by nearly 2%, and LPG rising by nearly 4%. . stock index futures rose across the board, and the main contracts of IF, IH, and IC rose by 0.74%, 0.32%, and 1.19% respectively.

returns to the commodity, a few words to point out:

The trend of U.S. crude oil in the European market has come and gone, so the response to the opening at 9 o'clock in the evening should have jumped too much. However, it is recommended to maintain the main approach when bottoms out and rebounds.

methanol 2209 contract, double bottom rebounded, and is expected to rise in the short term. There are many opportunities to step back to the 2500-2520 area, and the upper target is 2600-50 area to take profits in batches. If this range continues not to be broken, the exit will be accelerated.

Apple 2210 contract, in the early trading of the day, multiple orders were successfully intervened during its positive streak. The current daily line level is extremely strong. Tomorrow, we need to pay attention to the situation of volume and energy. The intensity and quantity of subsequent reductions as bulls continue to increase their positions are the key.

I had a long chat with a fan who just joined me today. Time is limited, so I’ll just write so much for the time being. More follow-up real offers or posts will be updated as appropriate.

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