Last Friday, the index fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day, with the GEM index leading the decline. On the market, the resource sector, which is expected to have positive interim results, performed strongly, with lithium mining, cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sec

2024/05/2020:24:38 finance 1260

The index fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day last Friday, with the GEM index leading the decline. On the market, the resource sector, which is expected to have positive mid-term results, performed strongly, with lithium mining, cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sectors rising sharply. In terms of track stocks, automobile stocks rebounded in the afternoon, but the overall rebound was limited. There has been serious differentiation within the photovoltaic sector, with stocks in the middle and lower reaches of the module and other industry chains falling sharply. Sectors related to consumption recovery have collectively adjusted, and tourism and hotel stocks have set off a wave of and . brokerage stock fluctuated lower throughout the day. In terms of sectors, cultivated diamonds, salt lake lithium extraction, phosphorus chemicals, and fertilizers were among the top gainers, while tourism hotels, airport shipping, education, HJT batteries and other sectors were among the top losers. In terms of transactions, the transaction volume of the two cities was 1.0513 billion, a decrease of 108.5 billion from the previous trading day. The transaction amount of the two cities shrank for two consecutive days. Northbound funds were closed due to the Hong Kong public holiday. Overall, individual stocks rose less and fell more, and the market's profit-making effect was average.

Last Friday, the index fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day, with the GEM index leading the decline. On the market, the resource sector, which is expected to have positive interim results, performed strongly, with lithium mining, cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sec - DayDayNews

The important news is: 1. Five departments: Cultivate 200 smart manufacturing demonstration factories in textile and clothing, home appliances, food and medicine, consumer electronics and other industries by 2025; 2. Industry insiders: The National Development and Reform Commission will interview large-scale enterprises on July 4 Pig enterprises slaughter enterprises, and propose not to hoard and drive up prices; 3. Central Bank : Policy and development banks use financial tools to focus on three types of projects, including five key infrastructure areas and major scientific and technological innovations; 4. National Health Commission : Screening for the new crown during the quarantine period for inbound travelers should also screen for monkeypox virus; 5. The three major airlines placed orders exceeding 250 billion; 6. National Health Commission: 75 new local confirmed cases were added yesterday and 310 new local cases were added Asymptomatic infections ;7, Tesla delivered 254,700 vehicles in the second quarter, ending two years of growth; the overall news is neutral.

Technically, Shanghai Composite Index maintained a volatile trend throughout the day, and the index still had certain pressure near 3,400 points. The short-term moving averages on the daily line continue to maintain a bullish arrangement, and the pressure above the annual line still needs to be paid attention to. At the same time, the index continues to shrink. Pay attention to the choice of market direction. It is not advisable to chase higher in the short term.

Last Friday, the index fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day, with the GEM index leading the decline. On the market, the resource sector, which is expected to have positive interim results, performed strongly, with lithium mining, cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sec - DayDayNews

We believe that the current market is still in a steady upward process. Although the upward pressure on the index has gradually increased since the bottom, the trend is still good. The reason for the increase in short-term market fluctuations is the increase in disturbances in the high-prosperity sectors. There has been a storm of order cuts and price cuts for semiconductor chips . Due to the continued rise in upstream silicon material prices, the operating rate of photovoltaic component manufacturers may be reduced. This is combined with the high prosperity since the rebound at the end of April. Track stocks have risen too much, which has disturbed market sentiment in the short term.

However, as the country's epidemic prevention and control measures have been gradually optimized recently, the ninth version of the epidemic prevention and control measures has greatly reduced the number of quarantine days for returnees from overseas. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that the "asterisk" mark will be removed from the communication itinerary card, greatly reducing the provincial Restrictions on the movement of people between provinces and major cities have stimulated consumer demand. In the second half of the year, the economy may enter a stage of gradual restoration. Under the support of economic fundamentals, the downward space for the index may be relatively limited. Still the better strategy. In addition, as the semi-annual market comes to an end, the mid-term report of listed companies will gradually open. Investors can gradually turn their attention to the performance of the interim report, and should remain vigilant about the high-level theme stock . In terms of allocation, focus on green energy, technological innovation, platform economy and other sectors with high prosperity and growth. We can also pay appropriate attention to traditional industries and financial stocks that have reversed their difficulties and are relatively undervalued, and have a balanced layout.

Last Friday, the index fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day, with the GEM index leading the decline. On the market, the resource sector, which is expected to have positive interim results, performed strongly, with lithium mining, cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sec - DayDayNews

Important statement: The content of this article is only the personal opinion of the investment consultant and does not represent the company's position and is for reference only. The individual stocks in this article are based on public information and are not intended as recommendations or specific investment advice. Historical stock trends cannot represent future trends. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk. There are risks in the stock market, so investment needs to be cautious.

Text: Li Jianyun


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