However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st

2024/07/0301:18:33 entertainment 1729

Actors are always in the spotlight, so they should always be careful about what they say and do.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen , and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. He has become notorious for going home to collect money.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

How did Jiang Dawei gradually become a person that everyone shouted for beating?

In 1947, China was in ruins. At this time, singer Jiang Dawei was born.

Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his studies, but has the opportunity to develop his own hobbies.

He has loved music and art since he was a child, and Jiang Dawei, who has a good voice, chose to pursue a career in music.

At that time, many people went to the countryside. As soon as he graduated from high school, Jiang Dawei knew that the Tianjin Propaganda Team was recruiting students, so Jiang Dawei went to give it a try. During the performance, he won the love of Zhang Peijun with his performance.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

Zhang Peijun has loved music since she was a child. Zhang met by chance and the two hit it off. There is no expression of passion, no pledge of eternal love. The two of them came together tacitly.

However, happy days are often short-lived. Two years after they fell in love, Zhang Peijun was told to go to a village in Inner Mongolia to join the queue. As a result, they had only been together for two years and were about to part ways, and this separation was likely to end their relationship. Under such difficult circumstances, I made a decision that my family and friends disagreed with: to follow Zhang Peijun to Inner Mongolia to join the team.

In 1968, they went to Inner Mongolia, where Zhang Peijun lived, and the two reunited and lived a happy but embarrassed life.

In 1970, the Forest Police Art Troupe came to perform locally. Jiang Dawei, who was working in the fields, was spotted with his singing talent and joined the performance team.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

In 1971, Jiang Dawei personally composed and sang "Lumberjacks Hearts to the Party", which was appreciated by the troupe leaders and became famous in the art troupe. In 1974, at the urging of both parents, this loving couple also entered the marriage hall.

married life is also very happy, Zhang Peijun gave birth to a little daughter. In 1975, Jiang Dawei also ushered in the rising period of his career. He was transferred from a local performance troupe to the Central Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe of , and his career has been smooth sailing ever since.

In 1984, Jiang Dawei was invited to sing at the Spring Festival Gala, which brought Jiang Dawei to the highest stage. Jiang Dawei also did not sleep well for a long time.

In order to choose songs, he chooses songs that suit him day and night. Finally, he took "Where Peach Blossoms Bloom" to the Spring Festival Gala.

Jiang Dawei seized this opportunity to become famous. After he finished singing, his fame spread throughout the country.

He became a well-deserved artist, which brought Jiang Dawei's career to its peak.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

" Journey to the West " was filmed in 1986. At that time, the ending song " Dare to Ask Where is the Way " could not find a suitable person to sing it.

This gave the crew a headache. Yang Jie had been looking for suitable singers. At this time, Xu Jingqing said, there is a person who I think is pretty good. When Jiang Dawei opened his mouth, Yang Jie immediately agreed upon hearing it. He was the one who sang. After the

86 version of Journey to the West was released, it became the TV show with the highest ratings , and also made "Dare to Ask Where is the Road" spread by word of mouth.

However, after that, Jiang Dawei began to slowly destroy his reputation.

director Yang Jie said in an interview that without Jiang Dawei, this song would not exist, and Journey to the West would not be so popular.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

So whenever Jiang Dawei is interviewed or performs, he always talks about the words of director Yang Jie, and every time he says that he saved Journey to the West.

Later, when Jiang Dawei served as a judge on " Avenue of Stars ", farmer singer Zhu Ziwen won the championship all the way. Through the matchmaking of "Avenue of Stars", Zhu Zhiwen accepted Jiang Dawei as his disciple, but soon after, Jiang Dawei denied it when asked about it on a talk show. In fact, this is a show between Jiang Dawei and the media. Poor uninformed farmer brother. Jiang Dawei once mocked peasant singers, that is, grassroots farmers, in a program.None of the songs were composed by him, and he became popular just because he covered a few songs. Nothing to do with the singer or artist. As an old artist, Jiang Dawei does not have the grace and magnanimity he deserves. Doesn't he know in his heart that he also became famous through other people's works?

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

Jiang Dawei and Zhang Peijun have a daughter. They love this daughter very much and want to raise her up. In order to give her a better chance to study, they sent her to Canada. They were far from home and couldn't leave their children alone abroad, so they decided to move to Canada. This is just a need, but I didn't expect it would bring so much trouble to Jiang Dawei.

Jiang Dawei is a famous singer in China, but abroad he is just an ordinary singer. A family of three can only rest on their laurels. As his savings dwindled, Jiang Dawei returned to his hometown alone and continued singing. However, the domestic market has undergone tremendous changes, and Jiang Dawei no longer has a place. Although there are performances, the appearance fee is as low as tens of thousands. Jiang Dawei was involved in a scandal in 2003. A woman named Yao Man claimed online that she was Jiang Dawei's mistress and manager, and that Jiang Dawei charged her 900,000 yuan. As soon as this news came out, Jiang Dawei became the target of public criticism, and some even called him "Lao Lai".

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

As soon as this news came out, Jiang Dawei's reputation was completely ruined. Not only was he criticized by the media and public, he was also described as a loser. Jiang Dawei was misunderstood by his wife, who explained the whole process to her. After learning the truth, she and Jiang Dawei went to the police station and sued Yao Man at the Haidian District People's Court. As a result, Yao Man was sentenced to five years in prison.

Since Jiang Dawei was blackmailed, he has not participated in any business activities and returned to Vancouver , but his physical condition is not good. However, Jiang Dawei was very happy. Her daughters have graduated and have jobs, so they don’t have to worry anymore. But Jiang Yi found a boyfriend and prepared a dowry for his daughter, which became a big stone in Jiang Dawei's heart. Jiang Dawei once said: "I want to continue acting, earn more money, and buy a house for my daughter as a dowry. Otherwise I will be uneasy."

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

Anyway, this 75-year-old artist has brought us Countless classic moments.

But there are many words that still make us speechless. Now Jiang Dawei and his wife live in China, and his daughter works in management abroad after graduation.

Artists must have the character of an artist and establish correct values ​​for everyone.

Not only that, all public figures should establish some positive energy and bring some light to our ordinary lives.

However, in recent years, veteran artist Jiang Dawei has publicly ridiculed his overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, and even made inappropriate remarks against peasant singers. Jiang Dawei's family is relatively wealthy, so Jiang Dawei does not consider only studying books during his st - DayDayNews

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