Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading "Menghua Lu". The overall feeling is pretty good, the plot at the end is more compact than the previous one. I have not stud

2024/06/2610:07:34 entertainment 1424

The author of this article: Sichuan Meimei

In the scorching summer heat wave when the epidemic is always around and closed and released at any time, I finished chasing " Menghualu ".

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

The overall feeling is pretty good, the plot at the end is more compact than the previous one. I have not studied history seriously, but I have heard about the commercial development and openness of the ancient Chinese and Song dynasties. Moreover, Song Huizong, the eighth emperor of Song Dynasty , was not a good emperor. He was an artist. He had deep attainments in calligraphy, poetry and flower-and-bird painting, and also led the gentle and elegant artistic style among the people. .

The drama’s official Weibo announcement stated that it was launched online on June 4, and the number of views exceeded 1.5 billion within 12 days of its launch, with a Douban rating of 8.8. But it has touched the ceiling of costume dramas in 2022.

Let me sort out the forty-episode drama:

01 The main line of love between the male and female protagonists runs throughout, leading all the ladies to pursue love

At the beginning, Zhao Paner ( Liu Yifei ) and Imperial City Division conductor known as Living Yama Gu Qianfan ( Chen Xiao Decoration) is on the line. First, Zhao's tea shop was attacked by gangsters. He saw Sanniang and Zhao Pan'er bravely protecting the shop despite strong enemies. When a gangster wanted to attack Zhao Pan'er, Gu Qianfan rescued her. He took her little hand and blocked it for the little lady. One knife, but he held on to her without letting go. When Mrs. Zhao was saved and looked at him, he let go of her hand in embarrassment.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

The second scene was at Yang Yunpan's house. They met again. Maybe this was fate. One wanted to find the "Night Banquet Picture"; the other wanted to save his younger sister Song Yinzhang. They wanted to beg Yang Guanren, but both of them witnessed the Yang family's fire that was ordered to be wiped out by the imperial court.

Fortunately, the two escaped and boarded Master Zheng's merchant ship. Mrs. Zhao had some silver in her hand and rented the back warehouse of the boat. With her kind and gentle nature, she hid Commander Gu, who was disguised as a boatman, in her own territory. Although the two bickered from time to time, they seemed to have recognized each other as "good people."

Fate is destiny. I remember that at the chaotic scene of a knife and gun fight at Yang Yunpan's house, Commander Gu held the dart tip and flew it accurately to Mrs. Zhao's shoulder. The blood was smeared all over the place. He did not forget to threaten "Poisonous!" Mrs. Zhao was hateful and annoyed, and she was anxious. Zhong bit him on the shoulder and said, "You move your hands, I'll move my mouth"! Ha, this tooth mark destined the two to be in love for this life.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

Wait a minute, what really allowed them to continue their entangled relationship was because of the night banquet picture. The night banquet picture recorded a prophecy about the queen, and the Imperial City Secretary was ordered to destroy it and save it. The queen's reputation. In addition, both parties have generous and kind characters, and they are both philanthropists. They later had a heart-to-heart conversation on the boat. Commander Gu comforted Mrs. Zhao not to be too sad about Ouyang Xu's regretful marriage, and risked his own life to save Sanniang, who had committed suicide. He also tried to raise money to help Zhao Pan'er save his sister Song Yinzhang. In order to help her go to Tokyo before Guyu to stop the wedding of her ex-boyfriend Ouyang Xu and Gao Kuan's daughter, she did not hesitate to give Pan'er a piece of Hetian jade that was passed down from his family. Pan'er held it in her hand with tears in her eyes. I think they are the same kind of people at heart, with similar personalities from values ​​to pure heart and hatred of evil, which makes them get closer and closer.

Mo Yan once said, "There is always an auspicious cloud surrounding you in this world." Isn't it? In the play, the three ladies went round and round and finally seemed to find the auspicious cloud. Sun Sanniang ( Liu Yan) suffered an affair with her husband and adopted her son to Tao (the adulteress). Finally, she met Dr. Du, a Jinshi scholar in Tokyo, and found a good son-in-law who scored twice, finally realizing her life dream of "Feng Guan". Xia Phi".

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

Mrs. Song ( Lin Yun) was taken advantage of by a scumbag twice. She was upset and sad, but she gradually became sober and mature. With her own "character" and superb skills, she was able to stand proudly in the classroom. She gained people's respect, and as the plot develops, it seems that Chi Yanei has become interested in her.Even Ge Zhaodi ( Li Muchen ), the unscrupulous man who started to make money and set up a trap to frame the tea house, was subdued by Pan'er regardless of past suspicions and became a clerk. He devoted himself to helping the three ladies and also gained the attention of Commander Gu's follower Chen Lian. ( Guan Yunpeng)'s only pet has become a happy little woman who is cherished by others.

02 The love brain overthrows the scumbag to freedom, and lives out the true style of a woman

"Meng Hua Lu" is adapted from "Zhao Pan'er Feng Yue Saves Feng Chen" by Guan Hanqing, a great dramatist in the Yuan Dynasty , adding many modern elements, I I saw some people’s negative comments on the Internet, and I tend to side with the screenwriter. Today's remakes should always add modern understanding and elements. The tree of art must be evergreen and lush. Isn't it more vital to incorporate modern elements into seeking novelty and truth? Then why don't you even change the title of the drama and just make a movie called "Save the Fengchen ".

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

The love interest in this play is Lady Song Yinzhang, who is known as the best master of the pipa in the south of the Yangtze River. She loves vanity and dreams of one day leaving her lowly status and marrying her husband, with plenty of food and clothing, and beautiful scenery. But her vision is too short-sighted. We had only known each other for fifteen days for the first time, and I already wanted to entrust him with me for the rest of my life. Fortunately, my sister Zhao Paner saw right away that this guy was a drunkard from Yanhua Liuxiang and rejected his proposal.

Zhou She ( Zhang Xiang) has a decent appearance. After tricking Song Yinzhang into eloping, he revealed his hideous face as a rogue gambler. He tied up the weak Song Yinzhang and deprived her of food, forcing her to hand over her money. , the poor instructor of a dignified pipa teaching practice was worse than dead in the wilderness in the middle of the night. Alas, I suddenly thought of the woman in chains. It turns out that evil acts that violated women's dignity and rights began thousands of years ago. The road to safeguarding women's human rights and liberation is really long and arduous.

Fortunately, Zhao Pan'er is both smart and brave. She set up a beauty trap to trick Zhou She into falling into the trap, leaving behind the introductory chapter to marry Pan'er. Now all the cash and property from the house and house were returned to Madam Zhao, and he was only worthy of being a prisoner. A decree was issued and he was exiled.

This time she was deceived and soon forgot about the reversal. She met Shen Ruzhuo (Sun Zujun), a romantic man who was looking for flowers and flowers, and a writer in Tokyo Jiaofang. On weekdays, he looks polite and not greedy for power, but in fact he is a hypocritical man with evil intentions. He said that he admired Mrs. Song's piano skills and would marry her as his first wife and take care of her and cherish her for the rest of his life.

Love brain Song Yinzhang was defensive at first, but later she followed the first prostitute in Tokyo, Zhang Haohao (played by Nazakaiti Maihemuti) into the palace and successfully performed a pipa opera, and was inscribed "Character character" by Mr. Ke in his own handwriting With the words "" on her pipa, her arrogance exploded, and her feelings for Gu Qianfan secretly arose in her heart. When she learned that Gu Qianfan only loved Zhao Pan'er, her jealousy and sense of loss drove her to throw herself into Shen Ruzhuo's arms. It wasn't until Shen Ruzhuo wanted to dedicate her to Lin Sansi that she woke up from her dream.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

all say that a person cannot fall into two similar rivers at the same time. Why don't you improve your ability to identify people? In the end, she relied on her wise sister Zhao Pan'er. She and Gu Qianfan jointly planned to make Shen Ruzhuo like a lost dog in the capital, and he became infamous.

From then on, 's love brain really grew up, and devoted all his attention to the half-covered tea house jointly opened by Pan'er and Sanniang and himself, and later Yong'an Restaurant. Chi Yanei financed his Yong'an Restaurant, Sanniang was in charge of the dishes in the kitchen, Yin Zhang was in charge of the presentation of performing arts programs, and Pan'er was in charge of the overall business. It even alarmed the butler ( Bao Jianfeng ), who also visited Yong'an Building incognito and drank the privately brewed Huayue Banquet wine, which cured the emperor's headache.

03 Three ladies integrated into Tokyo's luxurious business trend and completed the most beautiful redemption with their own hands.

"Meng Hua Lu" is adapted from the famous play "Zhao Pan'er Feng Yue Saves Feng Chen" by Guan Hanqing in the Yuan Dynasty. The names of the three ladies are still used in the original play. , Zhao Paner, Sun Sanniang, Song Yinzhang.The plot confines the characters to the pavilions of ancient times.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

Three ladies from Qiantang, driven by fate to join hands in Tokyo, they are the modern version of Tokyo Drifter.

The bustling scene in the opening credits comes to an end, with multiple tones of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and purple. It seems like a dream, translating the luxurious scene of Northern Song Dynasty two thousand years ago, which is very imaginative.

co-wrote the opening song of "Meng Hua", which was performed affectionately by Modern Brothers and Liu Yuning , and the main characters made their debut. The heroine Zhao Paner is the biggest highlight in the play and is also the source and driver of the story. She is beautiful, generous, courageous, wise, and strong. One of her most important qualities is self-love and self-improvement. She was turned into an official slave when her father was convicted of a crime since she was a child. Although she was later pardoned and returned to a good life, this incident could not be erased from other people's memories, and it became the "stain" she least wanted to mention. In the play, Zhao Pan'er fights constantly and unyieldingly to fight against "injustice" and discrimination. Her heart is extremely strong, and this powerful inner driving force is her self-love, self-improvement and lack of regrets. He has repeatedly told his sweetheart Gu Commander, I will not regret what I have decided.

But looking at Zhao Paner’s business philosophy, it looks like a modern marketing method. For example, they use the method of creating IP to package Song Yinzhang, add cultural added value to Sun Sanniang’s fruit to increase the price, invite "big V" like Zhang Haohao to bring the goods, and carry out limited edition and raise the purchase threshold marketing, etc. It is simply an "Internet celebrity" on Wukang Road. "A replica of a milk tea shop. A costume drama that embodies modern business concepts. Madam Zhao is a fashion trendsetter in Tokyo Commerce and Industry, making the audience understand and enjoy watching it frequently.

The other two main characters: Song Yinzhang, who lives in a happy family, and Sun Sanniang, who is ostracized by her family. Like Zhao Pan'er, who was a former official slave, they came from "humble" backgrounds. However, they did not feel sorry for themselves, but were confident and self-reliant. In the prosperous world With a pair of hard-working hands, Tokyo has opened the shackles of fate, and has made the business of Half-covered Tea House and Yong'an Restaurant prosperous, taking the lead in Tokyo's catering industry. In the end, he successfully completed the redemption of his own destiny.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

04 Good looks and acting skills hold up the ceiling of costume dramas

Liu Yifei and Chen Xiao star respectively as Zhao Pan'er and Tokyo Imperial City's Commander Gu. These two young actors are both good in looks and acting skills. I remember the first time I watched Liu Yifei play the role of Little Dragon Girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Her immaculate charm made me suspicious of being a heavenly being; and Chen Xiao played the same role as Xiao Longnu in the 2017 TV series " That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full " The male protagonist co-starred by Sun Li and is also very brilliant, and I will remember this handsome face. In this play, the lively conductor Yan Luo Gu, who plays the role of the Imperial City Division, is perfectly controlled with his professional calmness and ability. The life-and-death love that can lead to wandering and love till eternity is truly admirable.

Sun Sanniang, played by Liu Yan, who dreams of having her son become a dragon, is also very brilliant; Lin Yun plays Song Yinzhang, a pipa girl who yearns to leave her country. She is sometimes willful, silly and cute.

Gu Qianfan's biological father Xiao Qinyan ( Wang Luoyong), I thought his cunning as an official and his deep affection for his own son were very touching. This is the finishing touch for screenwriters and directors to create three-dimensional characters.

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

Bao Jianfeng plays the gentle and bookish emperor, who has the indecisive charm of the Song Dynasty emperor; Yao Anlian plays Qi Mu who is well versed in the intrigues of official circles, etc. The veteran actors all gave excellent performances in the play.

The final villain Ouyang Xu (Xu Haiqiao) I think what he embodies is the evil and despicable character of human nature. When he was selected to be the prostitute, he tried to break the engagement with Zhao Pan'er. Zhao Pan'er was unwilling to give up and came to Tokyo to accuse him. His official career was not going well and he became cruel and ruthless. He wanted to use the stigmatization of the queen to stir up a bloody storm in the palace and achieve some of his own political goals. In the end, the agency was too clever and his hands were stained with blood. In the end, he was ruined and destroyed. .

Author of this article: Sichuan Meimei. In the scorching heat wave, when the epidemic was always at the mercy of lockdowns and releases, I finished reading

However, I don’t quite agree with the Chi Yanei played by Dai Xu. I feel that it is a bit facial expression . He is too emotional to act as he wants. Maybe it is the role requirement given to him by the screenwriter and director haha.

Director Yang Yang said that this is a very smoky urban drama. From the scenes, costumes to the expressions of the characters, it has a sense of life. Although many of the characters in the drama are in ancient costumes, they express stories with modern ideas. You can see the epitome of the "Beijing Drifter" girl. Watching the whole drama is very empathetic . As a modern woman, you must bravely face the challenges of fate. When you want to give up, you must stand up strong and never bow to fate. In this way, it has met the audience's preferences, and its Douban score remains high.

The final recommendation is the opening song of this drama that I like very much, Liu Yuning performed it affectionately -

After the winter, I only look forward to the flowering period

How to be obsessed with the laughing spring breeze

Whose breath warms my cold heart

There is a layer of ripples

Maybe there is a certain figure hidden in the eyes

How many memories have gone through

Even if I have been wandering for love all my life

I would like to watch the clouds and the breeze with you

Don’t blame this fate, this providence

This fate is ruthless

Let the world of mortals come and go like a game

It’s not a pity to gamble my own heart

Exchange all the joy for the rest of my life


(pictures come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author)

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