From Julie in "Everything Is Fine", I realized something: the strengths and weaknesses of everyone's personality can be found in the parents of their original family. You can see the advantages and disadvantages of every character in "Everything Is Fine". As one of the characters

2024/06/2904:44:33 entertainment 1010

From Julie in

From Julie in " is good ", I realized something: the advantages and disadvantages of everyone's personality can be found in the parents of the original family.

Julie’s shortcomings

You can see the advantages and disadvantages of every character in "Everyone is Good". As one of the characters, Julie's advantages and disadvantages are also obvious. Let's talk about Zhu first. Li's shortcomings.

First of all, Julie is undoubtedly vain.

Su Mingcheng had a big fight with Zhu Li before their divorce. Su Mingcheng couldn't bear it and accused Zhu Li of her vanity: "I'm old, but most of the money I want to come over is for someone else, you are not I don’t know, how many cents I spent on me were all for you to buy clothes for? If it weren’t for your vanity, everything you buy would have to be brand-name, including a brand-name bag and a brand-name watch. Your little princess temperament is due to that. "You were trained with our family's money, otherwise, who do you think you are?"

From Julie in

It can be said that Zhu Li's vanity gradually caused her and Su Mingcheng to squeeze Mingyu's survival resources.

Su Mingcheng has no excuse for gnawing on his old age, but Zhu Li is the direct beneficiary of the money he gnawing on his old age. Therefore, Zhu Li's vanity is also the driving force behind Su Mingcheng's gnawing on his old age.

And Su Mingcheng's gnawing old age caused Su's father and Su's mother to live in poverty. Su's mother was reluctant to invest in physical examinations, and eventually died unexpectedly. At the same time, Mingyu was severely deprived of living resources. Not only did he have no place to live at home, but he also had no money for schooling. plundered.

Secondly, selfishness is also an obvious shortcoming of Julie.

After Su's mother passed away, although Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li assumed the obligation to take care of Su Daqiang, , because Su Daqiang did not like bathing and was picky about eating and causing trouble, Zhu Li disliked Su Daqiang and asked Su Mingcheng to persuade Su Daqiang, but she did not dare to take the initiative. She sincerely communicated with Su Daqiang. Later, when she saw that Su Daqiang refused to change despite repeated admonitions, Zhu Li wanted to involve Mingyu and wanted Mingyu to take away this annoying Su Daqiang.

From Julie in

Even if Zhu Li doesn’t know the grudge between Mingyu and the Su family, at least Zhu Li must know that Mingyu has not had contact with the Su family for many years. Based on this premise, Mingyu still helped Su’s mother pay a huge sum of money to buy a cemetery and organize the affairs when she appeared. Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng didn't pay a dime for the funeral. Now that they knew Su Daqiang was annoying, they planned to leave Su Daqiang to Mingyu. It must be said that Zhu Li's little calculation was really loud.

In addition, the most selfish thing about Zhu Li is that Su Mingcheng beat Mingyu violently. After Mingyu was seriously injured and was hospitalized, Zhuli did not want to care about Mingyu's injury first, but only wanted to get Su Mingcheng out.

Mingyu kindly let Su Mingcheng go. Out of precaution, Mingyu asked Su Mingcheng to read a confession in public and record a video. When Zhu Li found out, she even complained that Mingyu was too cold and unfeeling and did not save face for Su Mingcheng.

From Julie in

If Mingyu was really cold and heartless, he would have directly dealt with Su Mingcheng in accordance with the law and let Su Mingcheng go to jail, but Mingyu still let Su Mingcheng go in the end.

Zhu Li not only does not appreciate Mingyu but blames Mingyu, which is enough to show her selfish nature.

Source of shortcomings

Each person’s character shortcomings can be traced back to the parent’s education in the original family.

So how did Julie's shortcomings form?

Zhu Li’s shortcomings are mainly related to Zhu’s mother.

From Julie in

The scene in which Zhu’s mother accompanies Zhu Li to visit Mingyu in the hospital nakedly shows Zhu’s mother’s selfishness and hypocrisy.

Zhu’s mother and Zhu Li were about to enter the ward to see Mingyu but were stopped by secretary Xiaoxin. Xiaoxin claimed that Mingyu was seriously injured and needed more rest. Zhu’s mother seemed concerned about Mingyu and expressed that she could wait until Mingyu wakes up to see them again. , in essence, Zhu Ma’s actions were just relying on her elders and using her status as an elder to force Mingyu to see her immediately.

From Julie in

Mingyu had no choice but to force herself to let Zhu Ma and Zhu Li enter the ward. After Zhu Ma saw Mingyu, she pretended to care about Mingyu's injury, but the reason why Mingyu let Su Mingcheng go was so light and unreasonable.

Zhu's mother: "Don't bother with an immature person like him. He is just a child who has not grown up."

From Julie in

Not to mention that Su Mingcheng is already an adult, even if he is a child, he has committed a crime. You have to take responsibility for your mistakes.

Zhu’s mother characterized Su Mingcheng’s beating of Mingyu as Su Mingcheng’s childishness and ignorance, and then forced Mingyu to forgive Su Mingcheng.

From Zhu’s mother’s attitude towards this matter, we can see that she is a selfish person who only considers her own interests but is unreasonable.

Mingyu was seriously injured and needed a quiet environment to help his condition. After Zhu's mother was rejected by Mingyu, she even threatened Mingyu. If Mingyu didn't agree, she would come to the hospital with Zhu Li tomorrow.

From Julie in

Zhu’s mother kept saying that they were all a family and asked Mingyu to let Su Mingcheng go for the sake of his family. However, Zhu’s mother knew that Mingyu was seriously injured and did not care about Mingyu’s injury. She threatened and disturbed Mingyu. Like a family.

The so-called family is just an excuse to help Su Mingcheng escape guilt.

Moreover, after Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li divorced, Zhu's mother quickly helped Zhu Li find a partner with very good financial conditions, but she did not care about what Zhu Li was thinking in her heart.

From this we can also see Zhu Ma’s vanity and worldliness.

Therefore, I think Zhu Li’s shortcomings are most likely due to Zhu’s mother’s wrong views on education and negative guidance.

Julie’s advantages

It’s true that Julie has shortcomings, but her advantages are also very obvious.

For example, she is more reasonable than Su Mingcheng, and she is more courageous to take responsibility than Su Mingcheng.

Su Daqiang’s account book incident was exposed. Zhu Li knew that Mingyu had no obligation to support Su Daqiang, so she took the initiative to let Mingyu stop caring about Su Daqiang. She and Su Mingcheng would take care of Su Daqiang.

From Julie in

If Zhu Li was really unreasonable and messy, she could have acted like Su Mingcheng and deliberately pretended to be stupid and evaded her support responsibilities, but we know that Zhu Li did not. She bravely accepted the support responsibilities and was better than Su. Mingcheng took care of Su Daqiang more patiently. At the same time, Zhu Li also proposed that she and Su Mingcheng would repay the money owed to Su Daqiang. In order to repay the money, Zhu Li also took the initiative to work overtime.

Zhu Li is usually squeamish, vain, and a bit selfish, but when it comes to big things, she is at least more responsible and reasonable than Su Mingcheng.

In addition, Julie also has the ability to reflect.

After Su Mingcheng beat Mingyu and was forgiven by Mingyu, he didn't know how to be grateful. He continued to inflict his own tragic experience on Mingyu, wishing he could beat Mingyu again to relieve his anger.

From Julie in

The difference between Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng is that she knows how to reflect on herself. In the original novel, after Mingyu forgives Su Mingcheng, there is a description of Zhu Li's inner activities.

Zhu Li: Is all the unrest in the Su family caused by Mingyu's unreasonableness, or is it possible that it is caused by Mingcheng's ignorance and shamelessness?

From what Mingyu did today, Dad inferred that Mingyu was reasonable. In this case, could it be that her mother-in-law and Mingcheng had been distorting right and wrong before?

Zhu Li wanted to deny that Mingcheng was not such a person, let alone her mother-in-law, but she had to reluctantly admit that the account books reflected everything.

She couldn't help but think that if there was a brother above her who was sane and healthy and shamelessly occupied all the resources in the family, forcing her to have no place to go home and have to support herself since college, she would also despise this brother. He was avenged by the bandits, and it was hard for Ming to escape the blame as a living person.As for the mother-in-law...

Although Mingyu said that he owed her Zhu Li today, she had thought so before, but now that she thought about it, as someone who followed Mingcheng to deprive Mingyu of her survival resources, how could she still dare to say that Mingyu owed her.

What Mingyu scolded in public yesterday, I can only say that she deserves it. The more Julie lay in bed, the more she thought about it, the more she blushed, the more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and the more she resented Mingcheng for getting into trouble and refusing to admit his mistakes.

From Julie in

As long as a person still knows how to reflect, it means that she is not completely bad, and is a person who understands the truth and is willing to take responsibility for her own actions.

Advantages source

Since the disadvantages can find corresponding sources, naturally the advantages can also.

Julie’s advantages can be traced back to her native family. I think most of them come from Zhu’s father’s correct outlook on education and positive orientation.

Dad Zhu’s position in the play is set as the district education committee and he works in education. Judging from his words and deeds, Dad Zhu is indeed more decent and polite in dealing with people than Mom.

From Julie in

After Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng divorced, Su Daqiang went to Zhu Li's house to apologize for Su Mingcheng. When Zhu's mother saw Su Daqiang, she raised her eyebrows and stared at her, not giving Su Daqiang any face.

Even though Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng have divorced, they used to be in-laws. Even if they don't care about the relationship between in-laws and family, they are still guests when they come to the door, so they should always treat guests with all the courtesy.

Compared with Zhu’s mother’s arrogance and rudeness, Zhu’s father was polite when he met Su Daqiang.

We often say that what kind of father there is, there is what kind of son. Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages of a person, if you walk into his native family, you can find the shadow of his parents.

So from Julie, we can also see the character of Zhu’s father and Zhu’s mother.

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★ About the author: Xinqing, the original author, reviews books and dramas, and encounters better things in the world. of myself.

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#Everything is good#


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