On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series "The Pretender" can be said

2024/06/2905:28:32 entertainment 1199
On the one hand, they are high-level officials of Wang's puppet government, on the other hand, they are the agents of the Kuomintang military command, and at the deepest level, they are the underground party of the Communist Party of China. Minglou in the TV series " Pretender " can be said to vividly display the image of an agent with three exquisite faces and unfathomable depth. But you know what? Such legendary agents don't only exist in TV series. Minglou also has its prototype in reality. Moreover, he has two more identities than Minglou, making him the most powerful agent in history!

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

When we think of agents, the first thing that comes to our mind must be that they are well-trained, skilled, smart and unfathomable. But Yuan Shu is different from the agent we imagined. At first, he was just a literary young man with considerable literary literacy. It was only through various chances and coincidences that he became an all-rounded agent. But his transformation was remarkable. Not only did he have five identities at the same time, he also played tricks on the Wang Puppet Government, military commander , and the Japanese. So how did he do it?

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

In 1911, Yuan Shu was born into a declining official family in Qichun, Hubei. His father Yuan Xiaolan's ancestors were all court officials. However, Yuan Shu's father was very enthusiastic about the anti-Qing movement, and for this reason, his family's wealth was completely wiped out. Fortunately, his mother Jia Renhui's family was a salt merchant in Qing Dynasty , so she could still provide some support. Later, Yuan Shu's grandparents passed away, and his mother had to take Yuan Shu to Shanghai to join Yuan Xiaolan. I thought it would be a family reunion drama. However, his father Yuan Xiaolan got involved with a local female student and abandoned them very irresponsibly. In order to make money, Yuan Shu started working since he was a child. He not only sold fried dough sticks but also shined leather shoes. Later, with the help of his father's friends, he came to study at Rieter College.

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

The May 30th Movement broke out in 1925. 14-year-old Yuan Shu participated in this anti-imperialist and patriotic movement with his classmates. It was this movement that changed Yuan Shu's thinking. At that time, Yuan Shu had a girlfriend named Ma Jingxing who was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. So Yuan Shu told Ma Jingxing, "He wants to study in Japan." Ma Jingxing readily agreed and came to Japan with the support of his family. After the two arrived in Japan in 1929, Yuan Shu studied journalism. He read a lot of "Communist Thought" books in Japan and developed a strong interest in such books. Later, Yuan Shu returned to China and founded a newspaper with left-leaning ideas called "Literary News". It was this newspaper that brought him to the attention of Pan Zinian . Pan Zinian introduced Yuan Shu to his younger brother, Pan Hannian, the Communist Party member. This person who changed Yuan Shu's life appeared.

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

After the two talked, they reached a consensus, and Yuan Shu successfully became a member of the CCP's Special Section, helping the CCP collect intelligence. Later, Pan Hannian learned that Yuan Shu had a cousin named Jia Botao who held an important position in the Kuomintang, so he asked Yuan Shu to contact Jia Botao. Because Jia Botao had received help from Yuan Shu's father, he immediately introduced Yuan Shu to Wu Xingya, the then director of Shanghai Society. Wu Xingya appointed him as the head of the Intelligence Department of the Central Bureau of Statistics and gave him the identity of a reporter to disguise himself. This identity completely opened the door to Yuan Shu's intelligence information, and he also made a lot of connections, including the important Japanese official Iwai Eiichi .

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

Because Yuan Shu could speak Japanese, Eiichi Iwai admired him very much and invited him to provide intelligence to the Japanese. Of course, in return, they will also exchange information. So the two sides reached an agreement. In 1934, 21-year-old Yuan Shu joined the Green Gang organization in order to better obtain information, and won the favor of Cao Youshan, the elder of the Green Gang, and became an equal to Du Yuesheng in the Green Gang. But how can you walk along the river without getting your shoes wet, especially Yuan Shu's identity as a multiple spy, which soon gave Yuan Shu a huge blow. This incident even caused Yuan Shu to live a miserable life for the rest of his life. Why is this?

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

Yuan Shu's superiors rebelled after being arrested, which led to the exposure of Yuan Shu's underground party identity. So Yuan Shu was secretly arrested by the military commander. In order to save his own life and to keep the information, he first pretended to surrender to the military commander, and then provided several obsolete contact points to the military commander.However, what Yuan Shu did not expect was that although this false surrender did not cause much loss, it became a stain on his life. In 1835, with the secret help of various organizations, Yuan Shu was released. He wanted to find the CCP, but the CCP did not trust him. At this time, Eiichi Iwai found him and invited him to study in Japan and work for the Japanese. Yuan Shu thought this was a good opportunity to collect intelligence, so he came to Japan and met a number of important officials, and also collected important intelligence such as Japanese military maps. When the July 7th Incident broke out in 1937, Yuan Shu was sent to China by Japan. After Yuan Shu returned to China, he found Pan Hannian and told him the information. As a result, Yuan Shu gained the trust of the CCP again.

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

Later, during the Battle of Songhu, , the Nationalist Government needed a spy who could speak Japanese. The then deputy director of the Military Command Bureau of the Nationalist Government - Dai Li, personally approached Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu reported this matter to Pan Hannian. Pan Hannian felt that this was a good opportunity to join the army, so he asked Yuan Shu to join the army. So Yuan Shu, despite being called a traitor, a dog thief, etc., worked around Japan, the Central Government, and the military to provide us with intelligence. And rescued Lu Xun's wife Xu Guangping . Later, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Yuan Shu was awarded the rank of general by the National Government. At this time, Yuan Shu quietly left Shanghai and came to Yan'an . After coming to Yan'an, he combined his experience to write espionage textbooks for our party and trained underground workers for our army. Later, during the War of Liberation, Yuan Shu was transferred to the East China Bureau to engage in espionage work. After the liberation of Peiping, Yuan Shu was transferred to work at the intelligence headquarters.

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

thought it would be a smooth success, but in 1955, the "Pan Han Year Case" happened. Because Yuan Shu was once Pan Hannian's subordinate, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Later, Yuan Shu was released from prison in 1967, but it coincided with the Cultural Revolution and he was sentenced to another eight years in prison because of his status as an underground worker. Until the expiration of his term in 1975, he was sent to a farm in Wuchang, Hubei Province for transformation. During the farm renovation period, he returned to Beijing once, but what he didn't expect was that things had changed twenty years later. His imprisonment implicated his wife, who was so overwhelmed that she ran away from home after attempting suicide.

On one side are the high-level officials of the Wang Puppet Government, on the other side are the Kuomintang military reunification agents, and at the deepest level are the underground parties of the Communist Party of China. Ming Lou in the TV series

Later, Pan Hannian's case was vindicated, and Yuan Shu also restored his status as a party member and his due treatment. But at this time, Pan Hannian collapsed emotionally under long-term mental pressure. In 1987, 76-year-old Yuan Shu died of lung infection caused by an accidental fracture. Underground workers are a group of people who deserve our admiration. For the sake of the safety of the people, they wander among various intrigues and intrigues, and they also bear the reputation of being traitors. Therefore, we in the new era should also keep these lovely people in mind! Okay, that’s it for this video. Do you think you have the potential to be an agent? Welcome to tell Xiaode the answer, we will see you in the next issue!

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