Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in

2024/06/2904:27:32 entertainment 1741

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen , you may not know who this girl is. But if you mention Zhu Yawen , Zhang Yixing , do you know? In fact, these top stars are all artists under Yang Tianzhen. This shows how powerful she is.

Yang Tianzhen is also called Yang Siwei. The reason why she has achieved what she has today is entirely due to her own efforts.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen’s net worth is incalculable. But just a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere, like garbage. corner. What is it that makes this girl successful?

Yang Tianzhen’s rise

In fact, Yang Tianzhen has shown amazing business talent since she was a child. She graduated from Communication University of China majoring in directing. After graduation, she served as the publicity director of Fan Bingbing Studio.

In fact, you may not see how gorgeous Yang Tianzhen’s resume is, but the efforts she has put in are several times that of others.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

As early as 2005, she entered Chengtian Entertainment and began to do publicity work. During this period, she also promoted a large number of celebrities. While accumulating rich experience, she also broadened her horizons and connections.

During this period, she also learned a lot of knowledge that was not available in school. Coupled with the amazing talent and brain she has shown since she was a child, she can always handle these things perfectly and appropriately. Make things easy and figure them out. This energetic little girl has also attracted a lot of attention and support.

Later, Yang Tianzhen relied on his own efforts to enter the studio of Fan Bingbing and served as the publicity director. She was often responsible for the packaging and marketing of films and TV shows. At that time, Fan Bingbing could be said to be a generation of movie queens. Being able to ask Yang Tianzhen to do things for her was also an affirmation of Yang Tianzhen's personal ability.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

It is said that when Yang Tianzhen started his business in his early years, he only had a few hundred thousand yuan in his hand. The first start-up capital earned from buying and selling real estate was enough to show that Yang Tianzhen had an extraordinary mind at the time.

During his work, Yang Tianzhen relied on his outstanding mind and profound experience to successfully attract , Chen Jie, , Chen Jia and many other big names. After that, they hit it off and founded Yixin Entertainment Company, which successfully created their own business. Career has opened a new door. After

, Yang Tianzhen's career seemed to be on the hook. During this period, he reached cooperation agreements with many celebrities, such as Lu Han , Zhang Yuqi , Zhu Yawen, as well as many directors, screenwriters and many other celebrities. . These top stars are all from Yang Tianzhen's banner.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

After that, Yang Tianzhen also made more and more money. Whether it was buying a bag or a house, tens of thousands of dollars were like running water without blinking an eye.

once bought a huge Chinese-style courtyard for his parents. I heard that the price of this villa exceeded tens of millions. The heroic Yang Tianzhen spent a lot of money just to be filial to his parents!

Do you fall in love with a girl who combines ability and filial piety?

Yang Tianzhen has a sharp mind.

Yang Tianzhen's real name is Yang Siwei, which shows the depth of her thinking and her broad ideas.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

In fact, Yang Tianzhen’s achievements today are basically due to her personal efforts. Many netizens think that she has such a successful career when she is just over 30 years old. Is it because there is a mysterious family behind her? Supporting her? To be her backer?

is actually not. Through the above introduction, we can also see that the reason why Yang Tianzhen has achieved today's achievements is entirely due to her own sensitive mind and brave heart.

There is very little information about her family background available to the public on the Internet, but it can be seen that she has achieved today's achievements basically entirely through her own strength.

As early as 2016, Yang Tianzhen shared with everyone on the podium the secret method of how the celebrity industry operates in the Internet era, telling everyone how to break through the limitations of time and allow celebrities to create more value for themselves.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

Yang Tianzhen relied on her knowledge of her career to allow the media to conduct exclusive interviews with her, and also published the book The Trader Behind the Big Star Yang Siwei, which described Yang Tianzhen’s thinking image in detail. Given a very high rating.

It is enough to show that Yang Tianzhen has an extremely sensitive mind when it comes to career. She dares to think and do, and can constantly break through her own upper limit. She is worthy of her name, Yang Siwei.

is good at public relations

Yang Tianzhen also has her own unique skills in handling crisis matters. Relying on her sensitivity to things, she is often able to control the key factors well and turn crises into opportunities. A long time ago, Yang Tianzhen made a crisis public relations speech on the and Godfrey Gao incident.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

In her speech, she once stated to the public that all crises are actually opportunities if you handle them well. This sentence also received unanimous affirmation and recognition.

For example, Yang Tianzhen’s creation of saving Ouyang Nana’s reputation and shaping Fan Bingbing into a master model was all done by Yang Tianzhen.

In the case of Gao Weixiang, the rescue was ineffective due to overwork. The reason was that the on-site staff did not carry out rescue operations in time. It also attracted criticism from the official media and made many netizens push this matter to the forefront. .

Yang Tianzhen cleverly used many long articles to turn the tide, showing that celebrity is a high-risk profession, using clever language to change the topic and divert everyone's attention. It has also received affirmation and support from many celebrities, and even proposed a system that requires no more than 12 hours of work, which has also been unanimously praised by celebrities. Although

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

has been recognized by celebrities, it has not received support from netizens. Many people even complained and condemned Yang Tianzhen's Weibo. Yang Tianzhen may have realized the mistake and deleted the Weibo post.

Facts have proved that if some public relations issues are not handled well, it is unknown whether they will turn into opportunities, but the danger is certain.

Grasping the scale is the key

The so-called victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. Yang Tianzhen has experienced countless ups and downs and setbacks over the years. Not everything can be as smooth and successful as imagined. But as long as you grasp the scale, you can survive in the cracks, and you can be at ease even in huge crises.

Speaking of Yang Tianzhen, you may not know who this girl is. She has a good business acumen at a young age. Nowadays, Yang Tianzhen's net worth is incalculable. But a few days ago, photos exposed during media interviews showed that Hermès bags were thrown everywhere and piled in - DayDayNews

Even if there are failures and setbacks, Yang Tianzhen remains optimistic. Today, her company has already achieved an extremely large scale, and there are countless artists under it. It is enough to show that Yang Tianzhen is quick in thinking and talented. Perhaps it is precisely because of Yang Tianzhen’s courage that we have achieved today’s achievements. We must learn more from her

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