As the eleventh season of "The Voice of China" in 2022 progresses, news about The Voice has become more and more frequent. Recently, it has been on the hot search. The most eye-catching thing is probably the special guest star Andy Lau joining this season. !

2024/06/2904:40:33 entertainment 1754

As the eleventh season of "The Voice of China" progresses in 2022, news about The Voice has become more and more frequent. Recently, it has been on the hot search. The most eye-catching one is probably this season's special guest Andy Lau. has joined! As the eleventh season of

If he is a mentor, guest or host, there may not be too many questions. However, this time a "good voice witness" was specially set up for Andy Lau. So the question is, what does the witness do? Do you have a chance to see every issue? Official reply to netizens’ questions!

As the eleventh season of

As for what Andy Lau's "Good Voice Witness" will do specifically, the official answer is this: he will witness the start of "The Voice" at the opening of the first issue, and witness the birth of the champion at the finals. Is

witness just a spectator? Don’t you come every time?

As the eleventh season of

The official reply from Good Voice has somewhat disappointed netizens who are eager to see Andy Lau in every issue. But it is expected to a certain extent. After all, given the busyness of Andy Lau, a model worker in the entertainment industry, it is basically impossible to spend several months in a year recording variety shows. Even if he has this time, he would rather spend more time. Spend time with your family.

As the eleventh season of

Furthermore, Andy Lau also said that he would not be a variety show instructor. Since he does not participate in performance rehearsals or make on-site comments, and just sits there to "witness" for a long time, he will definitely be questioned as a "vase", so the beginning and end Appearing in two episodes, giving speeches, interacting, and increasing the popularity of the program are the most basic. So, can you sing?

As the eleventh season of

When it comes to singing, some people will probably immediately complain about Andy Lau, especially now that he is getting older and his voice has somewhat deteriorated. But in fact, this does not affect the possibility that the program team will arrange for Andy Lau to sing. First of all, what you hear when listening to music live is the atmosphere and feelings. These two aspects of Andy Lau's live performance are irreplaceable.

As the eleventh season of

There is another more important point, which is also the ultimate purpose of many contestants participating in variety shows, and the usual method used by the program team: to share the stage with important guests as a reward for the contestants, and to present it at key moments such as the ultimate ceremony. , this will undoubtedly become the capital for the debut of "The Voice of China" students.

As the eleventh season of

Therefore, since the kings are here, the program team will try their best to get Andy Lau to perform one or two songs. This will be a major expectation of the program. Of course, this is not the most important thing, there may be greater expectations!

The stage occupied by "originals" may be expected to sing Andy Lau's classic

It is said that in competitive variety shows, few contestants choose Andy Lau's songs, and the most representative one is "The Voice of China".

As the eleventh season of

In the previous seasons, due to the lack of original singers, many singers struggled to embark on the road of originality after taking advantage of the bonuses. In the last tenth season of "The Voice of China", originals almost dominated the screen, but the audience suffered. Not only did they make crazy comments in the barrage area, but they also spoke out to change the name of the show to "China's Good Original".

As the eleventh season of

Classics need to be passed down, and good originals also need to have a chance to show their face, but the premise is "good" originality, rather than treating such a grand stage as "The Voice of China" as a stage for celebrating new artists and new songs. A good original work should slowly break through after going through many tests on a small stage step by step until it is widely recognized. This is also fair to all original creators.

As the eleventh season of

In addition to original creations, the contestants' song selection criteria are basically based on "showing off skills", soaring high notes, showing off changes... and gradually deviate from the audience's feelings. Andy Lau's songs are just the opposite. The songs are not very difficult and the singing range is not wide, but they are very heart-warming and give people a pleasant and refreshing feeling.

As the eleventh season of

According to past practice, Good Voice students also prefer to be influenced by their mentors and choose some of their mentors' works. Andy Lau, who has thousands of original songs, can be said to have provided students with a large number of choices. Will he lead "The Voice of China"? How can we let Chinese music develop in a healthy direction that is popular and can bring people enjoyment, instead of blindly pursuing "personality" and "novelty"?

As the eleventh season of

Regarding the status of "Good Voice Witness", some netizens said that if the instructor is a teacher, then he is the principal, so he has more authority and power. There is some truth to this statement, but perhaps it would be more appropriate to use the metaphor of "consultant". He does not directly participate in program management and production, but mainly expresses himself in the form of image and endorsement, which makes him look like an outsider.

As the eleventh season of

As for whether the program will give "witnesses" some competition rights similar to "resurrection", it depends on the program settings. In this case, the participation rate will be relatively high. Imagine in advance that if there are many contestants singing " Chinese people ", " Forgetting Water ", " Thank you for your love " and "The Days We Walked Together" on "The Voice of China"... it will be really impressive. Spectacular.

As the eleventh season of

Andy Lau has his forty years, but he is getting old after all. If there is a girl or boy among the contestants who is particularly good at Andy Lau's songs, and also wins titles such as "Little Andy Lau" and "Female Andy Lau", there will be It will be a season of "The Voice of China" worth looking forward to!

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