Inamori Kazuo: A person who can be famous has the "3 Don't Ask" in his life, but you may be just the opposite


someone asked the takeaway: "If you win 10 million, what are you going to do?" The takeaway said excitedly: "If I win 10 million, of course it is to buy a car. Car delivery!"-The terrible thing is that many people think so...

I have always had no good feelings for a certain island countryman, but one person is an exception, , because he is so amazing, and is so admirable for me Up. This person

is Kazuo Inamori , a business celebrity who came out of suffering and made from scratch.

Kazuo Inamori was born in an ordinary family, does not have a prominent family background . When he was a child, he just caught up with the war. After his father died, he lived a life under the fence of a stranger . When he was in school, his grades were also very poor, and even the college entrance examination were only admitted to a third-rate university . After graduation, I couldn't find a job. I finally got introduced as an intern. After finally got the job, the company went bankrupt and didn't even get my salary.

However, these early sufferings of did not defeat Inamori Kazuo . On the contrary, he worked hard in such an environment and created his own brilliant achievements step by step.

Inamori Kazuo successively founded two Fortune 500 companies, and when he was nearly 80 years old, he also rescued JAL, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. With his own business performance, Inamori Kazuo was hailed as Japan’s "Sage of Management" .

Kazuo Inamori wrote in one of his books that is a well-known person who has the "three do not ask" all his life. After reading it, many people regret that they know it too late, because most People are just the opposite.

So, what are the "three no questions"?

-01- Don't ask about the past, don't read the past

There is a saying: will remember the past when a person is in a bad mix.

Why? Because the reality is too difficult, people can only find satisfaction in the past glory, , and stop moving forward.

However, this is really stupid , because remembering the past is useless.

Kazuo Inamori believes that can mix with famous people and will not worry about the past. If you need to let go, let go of and face the present with an empty cup mentality.

Ordinary working people often have a kind of inertial thinking, they often like to follow past experience to do things , this seems to be efficient, but it is easy to fall into the trap of ability, this is the so-called "success path Depend on ".

once had a beggar who picked up a golden rice bowl by accident. He was overjoyed, and actually took this golden rice bowl to beg.

This is a typical "inertial thinking" . The beggar thinks about the past every day, and reminds himself that he is a beggar and lives by begging. So even if he holds the golden rice bowl in his hand, he still considers himself a beggar, and don't know that the golden rice bowl is sold for money, and he can completely change his identity.

In fact, in real life, people who think like this beggar are everywhere. Imagine that if we have been stuck in the cognition of the past, how can we expect to find a new path for ?

Therefore, we need to be like Inamori Kazuo, can maintain an empty cup mentality when facing new things and learn with an humility. Even if you have made some achievements in this field, has to let yourself go in the face of other people's suggestions, and find different things from others' opinions, so that you can continue to improve.

-02- Regardless of the future, living in the present

as the saying goes, "people have no long-term worries, there must be near worries" , many people think about things all day, every step of the trouble, and the result is nothing in a lifetime.

Kazuo Inamori believes that can mix with famous people, will not look forward to the future, will not be embarrassed by the "unpredictable future" , but do his best to live the present day.

Inamori Kazuo thinks this way, tooDid this. After he founded Kyocera, only made annual plans instead of 5-year or 10-year plans. He knows very well that five years later, no one can tell. If you spend energy in the unpredictable future, you will easily toss yourself to death.

This era is changing too fast, and science and technology are changing with each passing day. No matter how we plan, will ultimately be "the plan cannot keep up with the changes" . If we are born, we will set the direction of our life for the next few decades. In the end, is often exhausted and frustrated and full of disappointment in life.

So, , let’s not think about the future too much, don’t ask about the future "prospect" , we just need to know a general direction, spend our time and energy on , and make sure to do today’s things right. Is the right way to live.

-03- Regardless of suffering, stride forward

The ancients once said: "The winner is not proud, and the loser is not discouraged."

Unfortunately, more people are complacent when they have achieved a little. Happy, , and when it suffers some setbacks or failures, it will be downcast. For people like , can't hold back in case of trouble, embarrassing big responsibility , and there is nothing to be expected.

Kazuo Inamori believes that young people cannot be proud of good things and cannot be depressed when they encounter hardships. can really mix with famous people, is never caught in suffering.

Maybe you think you are facing a hurdle that you can't get past, but in the long journey of life, this little tribulation is really nothing. Tang Seng Xitian learns the scriptures, there are still ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

is the so-called "general on the road, don't cut off the little ghosts" , a person who really wants to do great things will not be entangled in the suffering that has occurred, but stride forward, because your goal is in the front, not under your feet .

In fact, the wisdom of Inamori Kazuo is like a surging river, endless . His life experience, successful experience, and failure lessons are all worth learning from. His life perception is more like a lighthouse, illuminating the way forward for us.

If you are at a low point in your life , if you have encountered failures and setbacks, if you still don’t understand the path of life, might as well settle down and read Kazuo Inamori’s Heart+ "How to Work + How to Work".

This book aims at common problems faced by ordinary people like you and me in life, such as: looking for a job, getting a promotion and raising a salary, thinking of the rich, the path to success, living in the world, from suffering to glory, and shaping personality Charm, and discussing the meaning of life , etc., gives a deep interpretation of , and specific countermeasures.

If you want to listen to the instructive teachings of "Sage of Management", may wish to click on the bar below. , can click on the horizontal bar below to see this set of books.