Doing this will detract from the man's heart and make him miss you crazily every day!

How do you make boys unable to help but miss you? How to make boys feel you in their hearts?

I believe this is a question that many girls want to know, so how can it be done? Today I will teach you a few reliable secrets, makes you a lingering "little fairy" in the hearts of boys.


3-1 principle

The lyrics of a song are well said:


Not every time Dating

When you ask me to appear

Not every phone call

I will answer


The essence of the principle is to learn boys Every time you ask for three appointments, you refuse to get along with him once .

Don’t every time a boy asks you or makes a request, you don’t hesitate to accept it. This will only make the boy feel that you are too in control and chasing you is completely non-challenging.

Someone once did an experiment in which three dogs were placed in three different cages, and a bell was hung in each cage. The first dog is fed dog food every time the bell is dialed, the second dog is not given dog food every time the bell is dialed, and the third dog is randomly fed dog food every time the bell is dialed. As a result, of the three dogs, the third is more tame and obedient than the first two.

Uncertainty is more challenging and attractive than knowing the result without any doubt every time. Don't let men figure out your routine at the beginning, random refusal will make men even more obsessed with you.


Repetitive negation

Repetitive negation of a certain behavior will form a subconscious pace that is unified with defensiveness, and the subconscious will become more Affirm this behavior.

Take an example:

Don’t think about oranges in your heart now!

Don't think about oranges!

Don't think about oranges!

After 20 seconds of silent recitation, what is in your mind?

is orange, right?

In fact, it is the same between men and women. When you meet a boy who has a good opinion, in your usual communication, you can express your liking for this behavior in negative words from time to time.

For example, you can ask the other person if you look good in a yellow floral dress. If the other person says: "It looks so good." You can say: "I am so good-looking. Don't like me!"

For another example, if you think boys are outstanding in a certain aspect, you can praise him: "Compared with some of my friends, I think you are a kind of person, you can keep doing it every day. ··".

No matter what the other person says after hearing your compliment, you can say: "Is it nice to speak, haha, don't fall in love with me!"

The most important point must be careful Note: This kind of negation must be repeated many times in ! Repeated many times! Repeat many times!


Zeegnick effect

Zeegnick effect refers to:


When people have something unfinished, their subconscious mind will keep reminding us to complete. This kind of reminder will gradually become a kind of motivation, and this kind of motivation will make this event leave us very deep The impression that the motivation appears, the driving force will follow.

That is to say, when you do something and finish it, you will not remember it.It's up, but if you haven't finished this thing, your memory of this unfinished thing will be even more profound!

Everyone must have heard the story of Cinderella. Cinderella dressed up, appeared at the prince's ball, and danced with the prince. But before the end of the ball, Cinderella was about to fail because of the magic, and had to escape from the ball in a hurry, and even lost a crystal shoe in the process of leaving.

Since then, the prince has been thinking about Cinderella day and night, and even ordered people to hold her lost crystal shoe and search the country. In fact, this is because of the Zeignik effect.

So, if you want men to miss you constantly, you must know how to properly create "unfinished events".

For example, you can "cut off" at the most enjoyable and enjoyable time of your date and say to him: "Then come here first. I have some things. We will meet again next time. !"

Or you can choose a "delayed" dating project, such as doing pottery together. After the first time, it will take a while to see the finished product. Then he will always remember this in his heart and remember the next date with you.

In addition, you can also create "blank" in your chat.

For example, in your circle of friends, you find that a boy suddenly posted a song "Song of the Road".

Then you can say to the boys:


Just watched the "Song of the Road" shared by you in the circle of friends, so you like the Tickling Band? Last time I heard my friend say about them Which bar in our city will have a performance recently, if you are interested, I can ask to see the specific place next time, and then tell you!


Then you say:


or...Oh, forget it, I’ll tell you about this later if I have a chance. I’ll have something to do, I’ll talk to you later.

When you leave half of the words, boys are bound to be all kinds of curiosities: what's the matter? What does she want to tell me? When is the next opportunity?

In this way, boys will come to you because they are curious and want to know what you have not finished talking.

Or when your chat is about to end, take the initiative to cut off the topic.

For example:


You: It’s not early, and I have to go to work tomorrow, I have to go to bed first, good night

Boy: Well, good, good night

你: ah, yes, I forgot to tell you something

boy: what is it?

you: you go to bed first, I will tell you tomorrow.

boy: you said What the hell is it?

You: Good night

Then the boy will think, what exactly are you going to tell him, this kind of suspense will always linger in his heart. Make him miss you.

You know, when a man can't help but think of you countless times, then he is not far from falling in love with you!

The above is the little secret of "make men can't help thinking of you" that I taught you today. Have you learned it?