#情 Comment大盈# I especially like a passage: If you can live like a tree, don’t be a vine; if you can be brave yourself, don’t let others be strong for you. Sometimes insisting on relying on yourself is not a matter of stubbornness, but self-reliance. When I was seven months pregna

Sometimes insisting on relying on oneself is not a matter of stubbornness, but self-reliance.

When I was seven months pregnant, I caught up with the outbreak of the epidemic. At that time, I went to my husband's house to celebrate the New Year. Because of the city and village closures, I was stranded in my hometown.

Once, when I was warming myself by the stove, my father-in-law said: "When the child is born, you don't have to worry about anything. Your two sisters will help you raise it."

I said, that definitely won't work. You still have to rely on yourself. Others, how will they live in the future?

Father-in-law said: Your sister-in-law’s two children are supported by your two sisters. You dare not care about them. Are you afraid that they will not support them? "

I was very angry at the time, so I got up and left.

Later, when my baby was more than three months old, I went back to my hometown to live with them for a while, and a series of conflicts occurred.

At that time, my baby was still breastfeeding. , my parents-in-law urged me to go out to work. At first I ignored them, but later they were like Tang Seng every night, and they were just annoyed to death.

I said I couldn’t go because I couldn’t let go of the child.

My father-in-law said: What can I do if I can’t let go? What if you don't go to work? Didn't you say that you have to rely on yourself? You go to work, you go...

When I heard my father-in-law say these things, I was so angry that I was speechless. I remained silent.

Later, no matter what I bought for my children, they would tell me that I should let my aunt buy it.

At that time, I really had to spend my own money to see how they looked. Later, I went back to live with my parents.

In 2021, just after the New Year, my baby was eight months old. They called me to go to work and said that after sending my child to my aunt's house, I would give it. My husband called and said to him:

"Tell your parents that if you can't make money and can't do anything, no one will blame them. As long as they take good care of their bodies, they will be the greatest help to us. Otherwise, I will have nothing to do with your family. They thought about sucking the "blood" from her daughter's family all day long and transporting it to her son's family. They didn't even think about why their sister and sister-in-law didn't have a good relationship. Why do elder brothers and sisters-in-law often get divorced? "

Later, my parents-in-law never called me again.

I also tried not to go back to my husband's house, and I tried not to stay overnight when I went back. I couldn't bear it.

In fact, it is normal for people to have different views. But you To impose your three views on others is like sparks hitting the earth.

In my opinion, this is a very shameful behavior.

Before, I had a colleague who was 35 years old and didn’t have a penny in savings. Dare to talk about friends, she feels that her family are all vampire "ghosts".

She feels that she will not be happy even if she enters the marriage.

She said: My brother, my whole family is morally kidnapping me, thinking that I will give up to my nephew. My niece should buy things, and let me buy everything...

I have always been puzzled. Parents hope that their children can live in peace and share difficulties together, regardless of you and me. So why do they, as parents, Is it not enough to live with your brothers and sisters like this?

Have you ever thought about how parents always exploit their daughters to help their sons? Daughters also have families, and their money is not brought by strong winds. They are really willing to give it. It's for the sake of the parents.

When the parents are gone, it is impossible for the brothers and sisters in this kind of family to move around anymore.

The one who has been exploited for a long time must be traumatized. The person who has been supported for a long time is unlikely to have a big future. Not only is it difficult for such people to become successful, but their family fortune will be very poor. , I deliberately keep a distance from my husband's family. I think that in any relationship, keeping a distance can only last long.

I don't want my aunt to be exploited by my parents-in-law, and I don't want to become a dependent.

Fortunately, my husband and my third wife. We have the same view.

We try our best to solve things by ourselves, because once people have hope, they will become lazy.

I particularly like a saying:

"A bird standing on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking."Because what it relies on is not the branches, but its wings. "

The sense of security comes from oneself, how can one expect others to give it.

Relying on others is only temporary, relying on oneself is eternal.

I am Fei Tong[yeah]

The kindness of the weak is called sacrifice, and the kindness of the strong is called dedication.