There is a saying in "Zuo Zhuan·Xi Gong": "Act according to your ability, and it will be too fresh." There is nothing better than looking at things from time to time in life. The higher you travel, the more you need to understand what "it's cold at high places". The same is true

There is a saying in "Zuo Zhuan·Xi Gong": "Act according to your ability, and the excess will be fresh."

Nothing in life should be measured from time to time. The higher you travel, the more you need to understand what "it's cold at high places".

Similarly, the same is true in life and work. Not all success is achieved in this life. When you are proud, it is not an exaggeration to "see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day", but once you lose power, you must learn to be reserved.

And a person's "implicitness" is mostly reflected in his view of money. A person's attitude towards life can often influence his subsequent life trajectory.

No matter how much money a person makes, if he does not know how to be "implicit", he will be like water, and it is difficult to collect water.

In this life, the importance of money is self-evident. If you don’t know how to exercise restraint, spend useless money and make useless wealth, you will often end up in a situation where you lose both your personal and financial resources.

In this life, if you invest, you should also get returns. It is not always possible to see money flowing out and no money coming in. The result of daily losses and profits is often that the wallet becomes more and more deflated and the self-confidence becomes less and less.

No matter how much you earn, you still have to learn to be stingy. This "stinginess" does not mean that we should be like Yan Jiansheng , two wicks will not die. Instead,

spends every penny wisely, saving unnecessary expenses and achieving real savings.

The biggest problem in people's life is to be "generous to others". Sometimes they contribute money and effort, but the gain outweighs the loss.

Only when you have money in your own hands can you have the confidence to be confident. You will find that the poorer the people, the more generous and confident they are.

thinks that if he makes some small plans and spends some money, others will follow him and do as he says.

In fact, this is not the case. People will only look up to people with big wallets. People without money will be indifferent to them no matter how nice they are.

01. Don’t spend money to maintain your life, and don’t blindly invest in high risks.

The biggest difference between daydreams and dreams is that daydreams always think about using small things to make things big, while dreams use small things to make big things.

The former is easy to lose everything, but the dream is one step at a time, and every successful place has its own merits.

Many times, we all like the story of fighting against . Whether it is "carving a boat to seek a sword" or "Huarong Road", it gives people a sense of danger.

But life is not a script, nor is it the happy and grudges in famous books.

If those stories of last-ditch battles are reflected in your life, you will understand what it means to be surrounded by no relatives and friends, and your eyes will be darkened.

If the foundation of life is disturbed, the foundation will be loosened and life will be unsustainable.

When doing things, you must have your own way out. The reason why the story of a comeback is so enjoyable to read is because there is always a way out after danger.

What we have to do is not to spend our money in order to keep our "open road".

is like Liu Xiaomin's ex-husband Jin Bo in the TV series " Xiaomin's Family ".

Before Liu Xiaomin came to Beijing, the two of them had serious careers in their hometown. Their nine-to-five jobs were much better than the lives of ordinary working-class families.

But Jin Bo is often not good at saving money. Instead, he is always generous to others and pays attention to brotherly loyalty. As a result, he does not see any money coming into his account, but instead destroys the basics of his own life.

Liu Xiaomin quarreled with him, but he always had an indifferent attitude. He kept saying "you will get it back after all the money is gone" all day long, but later he discovered that once the money went out, it would not be so easy to get it back.

Life is like this. Being rich does not mean that you are a generous person. If you learn to be "stingy", you can accumulate small wealth into big wealth.

02. If you don’t spend money to spoil your children, it is the right way to cultivate virtue through frugality.

People always have such a qualitative thinking: they have suffered, so they cannot let their children suffer along with them.

So I make the best use of everything. I am reluctant to spend a penny, but I spend money like water on my children.

Such behavior is not synonymous with children's happiness. More money investment will make children lazy and temperamental.

Just like in "Metamorphosis", rural children and urban children are exchanged. The reason why urban children are separated from their families is because of their parents' doting.

They believe that money can correct many problems, and if used in education, it can correct people's moral integrity. But over-investment often leads to bad habits.

Money should only be spent where it is available. Don't let your children know about the money around you. Likewise, don't cry poor in front of your children.

is what it should be. It is important to put money on learning rather than on what he wants and wants to buy.

03. Don’t spend money that is not beneficial to your body and mind. Either you invest or you will get something.

Many times, when you say “pay money”, you have to mention borrowing money.

People's family relationships and worldly relationships are far more complicated than we imagine.

If you don’t lend some money, others will criticize you privately. If you lend some money, you will never get it back.

It’s not impossible to borrow money. More often, you need to know how to think, just like what is written in " Small Window Secrets ": "First light and then thick, first distance and then closeness, first reach and then get close, this is the way to make friends."

When doing things as a person, you must consider the distance of family ties. You don’t borrow from everyone, and you don’t just give generously.

In this life, it is nothing to be stingy, it is nothing more than what others say, but as long as you live a good life and enjoy yourself, the noise from the outside world can be ignored.

"Hide in a small building and become one, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter." It is also a blessing in life.

Author: Qingshan Intervene

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The pictures in this article are all from the Internet.