Many families regard their daughters as losers. They are reluctant to invest in their daughters and believe that their daughters will always belong to other people's families. Even after their daughters get married, they will still make various excessive demands in the hope of sq

Many families regard their daughters as losers. They are reluctant to invest in their daughters and believe that their daughters will always belong to other people’s families. Even after their daughters get married, they will still make various excessive demands in the hope of squeezing them out in this way. the value of.

Many daughters are not wary of their parents. No matter what their parents ask them to do, they will try their best to do it, but in the end they find that they have lost their original happiness. Despite this, their parents still do not have them in their hearts.

Chen Fei’s family background is very poor. When choosing a partner, her parents are very picky. They always put the other party’s family conditions first. If the other party’s family conditions are too poor, then the parents will deny it. Wang Lei’s family background is pretty good, so the parents will Agree to the marriage.

When she got married, her parents told Chen Fei, daughter, when you come to your husband's house, don't just enjoy the blessings for yourself, but also think about helping your parents' family. After listening to her parents' words, Chen Fei nodded heavily.

As soon as Chen Fei got married, her parents stopped working. They told their daughter that they would give us 2,000 yuan in pension money every month. We were in poor health and took care of ourselves at home. Chen Fei also knew that her parents had worked hard all their lives and deserved it. Take a break. So he agreed.

Just like this, Chen Fei would secretly give 2,000 yuan to her parents every month. The salary was not very high in the first place, almost every month. Her parents said that the house at home was too old and they wanted to renovate it, so they asked Chen Fei for 200,000 yuan. Yuan, how could Chen Fei have so much money, so she had to borrow money from her husband. Although her husband had a good family background, all the financial power was in the hands of her mother, so he discussed it with her.

.2 million is not a small amount. Naturally, her mother-in-law did not dare to give out such a large amount of money, so she only gave 50,000. Chen Fei felt that she could not explain it to her parents and could not help but cry. Her husband was considerate of Chen Fei and borrowed 150,000 yuan from a loan shark. However, he never thought that the interest rate of the loan shark was too high. In just two months, it had reached 600,000 yuan, which was already unbearable for ordinary families, so Wang Lei She had no choice but to tell the truth, and just like that, her mother-in-law put all her resentment on Chen Fei.

The younger brother is getting engaged, and the woman wants a gift of 100,000 yuan. Her parents called Chen Fei and asked her to take the gift money. Chen Fei refused to admit that she had no money. But her parents said to Chen Fei, daughter, you are stupid, asking your mother-in-law to ask for it. Their family has a lot of money. Without this gift, your brother may be a bachelor. He is also a burden to you. When hearing his parents say this, Chen Fei I couldn't help but feel soft again.

When Chen Fei’s mother-in-law came to borrow money again, her mother-in-law was so angry that she fainted after a while. After being rushed to the hospital, the best time for rescue had passed. Just like that, her mother-in-law left, and the family Everyone thought it was Chen Fei who made her mother-in-law angry to death, and her husband naturally couldn't forgive Chen Fei. He knew that Chen Fei didn't mean it, but he still couldn't face her, so after giving half of the family property to Chen Fei, the two divorced. .

If my mother hadn’t borrowed the money, how could such a thing have happened? Chen Fei was very angry, so she said to her mother: "Mom, I'm divorced, don't come to me anymore for family matters!" "Divide half of the property, and finally buy a car for your brother!" her mother said unhappily. . Chen Fei didn't reply, and she rarely even replied to her parents' home.

To be honest, for girls, it is very difficult to adapt to the husband's family. If the mother-in-law's family does not consider the woman's feelings, but blindly hopes that the woman will help the husband's family, it is likely that the woman will lose her status in the husband's family and will be looked down upon. Women also need to be clear-minded. Now that they have a family, they must consider their husband's family and not just think about repaying a favor, lest they throw away their own happiness.