Click the blue words above to follow, and Qingfeng will analyze emotional knowledge with you every day. Text: Qingfeng Tu: Internet (If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it) In the world of love, we all hope that we can meet someone who truly loves us. We hop

Click the blue words above to follow, Qingfeng will analyze emotional knowledge with you every day.

Text: Qingfeng

Picture: Internet (If there is any infringement, please contact us for deletion)

In the world of love, we all hope that we can meet someone who truly loves us.

We hope that while we love them, they also love us. We also hope that they really love us and love us with their whole hearts.

But many times, it is not what we think it will be.

So we have to understand that in the world of love, some people really love you, while some people actually pretend to love you.

There is a clear difference between someone who really loves you and someone who pretends to love you. Those who pretend to love you will generally do the following 4 things to you.

People who pretend to love you will only care about you

I wonder if you have such a feeling?

Some people say they love you, always telling you that they value you and care about you. But there won't be any actual action.

In fact, this kind of people will only care about you and say they care about you, but they will never truly care about you.

They are not willing to spend time caring about your feelings, nor are they willing to spend energy thinking about you.

just uses the simplest and most convenient way. That is to say, I love you.

For example, when you are sick. They will tell you that you have to take care of yourself, and they will be worried if you cannot take care of yourself, but they will never take the initiative to take care of you themselves.

For example, when you are in a bad mood, they will send you a message to tell you that you should be happy. He will be sad if you are sad, but in fact he does not take any actual action.

In fact, in the world of love, people who pretend to love you are like this. They will only say they love you, and they will only say some words of love for you, but they will never take any actual actions.

Their love for you is limited to words. After all, it is much easier to express love, but it is relatively troublesome to do something to the other person.

So in the world of love, once a person just says they love you, then you have to know that the other person does not really love you. When you meet such a person, you must learn to stay away.

People who pretend to love you will not take any actual actions

I wonder if you have such a feeling?

When some people are with you, they always tell you that they love you, but they don't take any actual actions.

They are not willing to accompany you when you are uncomfortable, they are not willing to see you off when you get off work late, and they are not willing to comfort you when you are in a bad mood.

In other words, when you really need them, they will always say that you need to take care of yourself and treat yourself better, but they will never take any actual actions to treat you.

They don't want to take the initiative to treat you better. In fact, they know that it would be better, but they are unwilling to do it because they don't love you enough.

In fact, in the world of love, when a person doesn't love you enough, they are like this.

They will not treat you with sincerity, but will only treat you perfunctorily; they know what you want them to do, but they are unwilling; they are only willing to tell them that they love you very much; they are very worried. They are anxious, but they will not take any practical action.

In the world of love, when a person really loves you, they are willing to do anything for you, but if a person doesn't love you enough, then they are not willing to pay anything for you.

At this time, you will find that their love for you is limited to words, without any actual actions.

People who pretend to love you are not willing to give you a future

In the world of love, when a person pretends to love you, they are not willing to give you a future.

Because they don’t love you enough, they are not willing to hand over their future lives to you, and they are not willing to be with you all their lives. For them, being with you is just a while.

Therefore, they will not be attentive to you, nor will they give you any promises about the future. They will neither take the initiative to mention that they want to be with you, nor will they take the initiative to say what it will be like to be together in the future.

Even sometimes, when you bring it up, they just ignore it.

It’s not that it’s not the time yet, it means that when you make enough money, you will have a better life.

In the world of love, when someone treats you like this, you will find that they don't really love you. People like

are just pretending to love you. They are only with you for a while. They never thought about giving you a future, nor did they think about being with you for a lifetime.

When you are with such a person, you will find that you are in pain except pain.

Because no matter how much you pay, no matter how long you wait, they are not willing to give you the future.

So in the world of love, when you meet such a person, you have to know that they are pretending to love you, and when you meet such a person, you must learn to stay away.

People who pretend to love you don’t care when they are with you

In the world of love, you will find that when a person really loves you, they will be very attentive when they are with you.

They can understand your feelings, know how you feel, and will treat you with care.

They will care about you, care about you and take care of you, but if a person pretends to love you, then they will not treat you sincerely.

know what you want to do, but they refuse it. They know what you don't like, but they don't care.

Sometimes they pretend not to understand, sometimes they pretend not to know.

In fact, at this time, you have to know that this person is pretending to love you, because people who really love you must be very attentive when they are with you, and they must also care about your feelings.

They value you, care about you, know what you want and what you like, so they will do their best to make you happy and make you happy.

But those who don't love you enough are not like this. They don't care about your feelings and don't pay attention to your feelings.

Your feelings are not important to them at all, so at this time, you will find that they are very perfunctory towards you.

Sometimes you think it’s because they don’t understand you, but in fact it’s not the case. It’s because they don’t want to understand you.

In the world of love, we all hope to meet someone who loves us and we love them, but many times we find that a relationship may be one-sided.

When your feelings are one-sided, you have to know that nothing you do is of any use, and no matter how hard you try at this time, nothing can be changed, so at this time you have to learn to give up.


About the author:

Qingfeng, looks at the world rationally, and looks at love warmly. I hope my words can touch you and bring you warmth.