Since ancient times, China has had the idea that men are at home and men are at home. In the past, a woman who had nothing to do but had nothing to do, only wanted to support her husband and raise children after getting married. Making money to support the family and self-improve

Since ancient times, China has had the idea that men are the masters of foreign affairs and women are the masters of domestic affairs. In the past, a woman who had nothing to do but had nothing to do, only wanted to support her husband and raise children after getting married. Making money to support the family and self-improvement had nothing to do with her. There is even a thought that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue. From past thoughts to current concepts, we have to admit that this society has higher and higher requirements for women.

If we say that women in the past could live a carefree life as long as they supported their husbands, raised children, and were filial to their parents-in-law. Nowadays, women have no less responsibilities in the past. They also have to make money to support the family, improve themselves, and maintain their skin, figure, and appearance.

There is a very common phenomenon. Before a woman gets married, she can often live a happy life alone. But after getting married, many women lose themselves and are moved to tears by a man's words of "I support you." A woman really thinks that the man who said that can support her for the rest of her life. Once a man likes the new and hates the old, when faced with a woman's question, a man will only say, "I really loved you before, and I have been supporting you. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

I don't know how many women there are in life. It's all ruined by the man's "I support you". I would like to advise all women to just listen to what men say and forget about it. If you really take it seriously, women will lose miserably.

So, how should women break the man's "I support you" curse?

1. Understand the importance of being independent

Some women have the idea that if they marry a good man, they can live a lifetime of food and clothing. In fact, this idea is very wrong, and there are still decades to come. Who can guarantee that the other party will not change? Women need to prepare for the worst. If a man really changes, how will she survive?

This also illustrates the importance of women's independence. Women's independence is not to prevent men from cheating or changing their minds, but to please and please themselves. Even in the worst situations, women can be self-sufficient and live well. A woman who is not independent is like a duckweed, with no roots and no whereabouts.

2. Master more financial power

After some women become full-time mothers, their living expenses can only depend on the mood of their men. When a man is in a good mood, give more, and when he is in a bad mood, give less. As time goes by, women become accustomed to looking up to others. Regarding financial power, women should consider it before becoming a stay-at-home mother. They need to control men’s salary cards, the family’s house, cars, etc., and they should hold on to whatever they can. Everything women do is increasing their sunk costs . Suppose a man cheats on her one day and turns her back on him, and the woman knows what she has in her hands. If a man is reluctant to part with those sunk costs, the woman's marriage will not disintegrate even if his heart is not at home.

3. "For your own good" is not really good

There are not many women who really want to be full-time wives or full-time mothers. Most of the time, women are deceived by men's "I support you" and "for your own good". . Women must know that what a man calls "good for you" should not mean that women lose their independent thoughts and income, but that women have more opportunities and become better and better. When a woman can only live dependent on a man, her fate will be very bumpy. Whether you eat porridge or eat in the future will all depend on the man's mood.

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether you make more or less money. What matters is that women have the ability to support themselves. And women’s minds will not be out of touch, and they will not be unable to find a job that can support themselves because of many years of experience as a full-time housewife. After clarifying these ideas, women naturally know that a man's "I support you" is the biggest lie in the world.