"I came here once in May, and now again, what are you doing back?" With a "pop" sound, her husband Su Dafan slapped his wife Li Xiuhua. Li Xiuhua covered her mouth and endured the pain and hid back. Su Dafan did not Not intending to let it go, he picked up a thick bamboo pole on

"I came here once in May, and now again, what are you doing back?"

With a "pop" sound, her husband Su Dafan slapped his wife Li Xiuhua. Li Xiuhua covered her mouth and endured the pain and hid back. Dafan didn't intend to stop there. He picked up a thick bamboo pole and prepared to hit Su Dafan. Fortunately, the reporter stopped Su Dafan and the farce came to an end.

Su Dafan and Li Xiuhua have been married for 14 years, but they were both married for the second time. At that time, Su Dafan had two sons and lost his wife in middle age. Li Xiuhua’s ex-husband died in a car accident and took away his younger son. From then on, she and her elder son The sons depend on each other for life.

When they were together, Su Dafan's family conditions were not good. The two of them struggled for 14 years. Now Su Dafan's two sons are civil servants, and the family conditions are among the best in the village. It is said that now, the two of them have It’s time to spend your remaining years peacefully.

But now the two of them can't meet each other. Whenever they meet, they quarrel or even fight, and the situation gets out of hand.

Su Dafan knew that Li Xiuhua was here to divide the house, but he firmly disagreed, "Without a penny, why should she divide my house? My son paid for it."

made up his mind never to divide the house Su Dafan's attitude was not so good. He beat his wife every time he came, and the husband and wife of 14 years turned into strangers.

What on earth made them, a couple of 14 years, like this?

Halfway Couple

"I have worked hard for this family for 14 years, and I have worked hard without any credit. Now I have turned my back on you. He is burning a bridge."

Li Xiuhua became very angry when talking about her 14 years of experience. , she married into their family when she was in her 20s, and now she is nearly middle-aged, but she is so disliked by her husband. That’s right, Li Xiuhua thinks that her husband dislikes him, because now his family’s conditions are better and he doesn’t need She was angry, so I wanted to kick her away.

She told reporters that she was only about 30 years old when she got married. When she was 28 years old, her ex-husband and her youngest son had a car accident on the way home, and both of them left her. Since then, her home has not been there. After the death, only one eldest son who was in poor health was left to depend on each other.

She went out to work during the day and came back to take care of her son at night. The money she earned was barely enough for the mother and son to spend their time, and they lived like this.

Later, within two years, someone said that they wanted to be her matchmaker. The person who introduced her was Su Dafan. She was about 30 years old at the time, and Su Dafan was already about 45 years old. There was a 15-year age difference between them.

On the day they met, Li Xiuhua was still looking forward to it. After all, she was still young and only in her early 30s. She thought it would be best if she could meet a good and capable person who could give her and her children a stable home. Now, Raising a child by yourself is always a bit overwhelming.

's first impression when he met Su Dafan was that he was down-to-earth. He obviously looked much older than him, but at the same time he seemed to be the kind of honest and willing to work. After a brief exchange, the two planned to get together.

For Li Xiuhua, Su Dafan was not satisfied with her, but she couldn't fault it, so that was it. Having a stable home for herself and her children, and letting her children grow up safely were more important than anything else.

In this way, the halfway couple officially got together, At that time, Su Dafan not only had two sons, but also a grandson. Therefore, Li Xiuhua had a heavy task after marrying her, as she had to be both a stepmother and a grandmother.

took care of her grandson at home for 4 years. Later, her grandson reached the age of going to school. Li Xiuhua’s task finally became lighter, so she started to go out to work to earn money. Her own eldest son had always been in poor health and needed to take medicine for medical treatment. It was a daily routine, so Li Xiuhua wanted to save more money.

This is also a problem in her heart. Because she is raising her son alone, she has been extremely insecure since the death of her ex-husband. She must take the things that can provide them with a safe life. , such as money.

In the next 10 years, Li Xiuhua went out to work every year. She only came home during the holidays. The money she saved was all for her son.

In Li Xiuhua's view, she has lived a very hard life in the past 14 years, either working hard for Su Dafan's family or working for her son. She feels that she has made a great contribution to Su Dafan's family, so now she If you want some protection for yourself, it is not in vain that you have been in their house for so many years.

But Su Dafan didn't think so about the 14 years of marriage. In fact, his thoughts were completely opposite to Li Xiuhua's.

"She is just a wild cat. She didn't get married. She only stayed at home for 4 years and went out every year. When will she come back?"

Su Dafan said that in the first 4 years of marriage, Li Xiuhua was really busy at home. It was relatively hard work, and she was very competent, but since then, she has become very shameful. She goes out to work every year, all year round, and has never sent a cent of the money she earned in the past ten years to her home.

So Su Dafan thinks that in fact, Li Xiuhua has left their family. "She has been absent from this family for 10 years, and now she wants to come back to divorce and divide the house. It's a beautiful idea!"

The public is right, and the mother-in-law is right.

Regarding the ten years of Li Xiuhua's absence, Su Da was very concerned about it. He felt that it was no different from an actual divorce. Moreover, all the money she earned in the past ten years was put into her own pocket, and he did not see any of it. It seemed to him that she had already found a way out for herself, so she was getting divorced and preparing to live her old age in a leisurely way.

"She has only come back during the Chinese New Year in the past ten years. Normally she doesn't come back at all. When she comes back, she plays music on her mobile phone and twists around the wall of the house. It's so noisy that it affects my sleep."

Li Xiuhua said She danced Yangko to celebrate the Spring Festival and wanted to relax when she got home. She felt that she had adjusted her good mood and came back to celebrate the New Year. As a result, Su Dafan was unhappy in all kinds of ways. He was just dissatisfied with himself and deliberately caused trouble. .

So every year when I come back, the couple always hate each other. The more they watch, the more disgusted they become. It is common for them to quarrel from time to time.

The issue of working is actually the crux of the problem between them as a couple. When the reporter was talking to Li Xiuhua, he politely said that Su Dafan had a grudge against her for going out to work every year for ten years and not getting a penny back. , Li Xiuhua said disapprovingly after hearing this: "This money is not my own. I kept it for my son who is in poor health. He is in poor health and cannot make money at all."

Speaking of this son , seemed to touch the softest chord in Li Xiuhua's heart. She didn't know what she thought of, and she burst into tears instantly.

She said that in the more than ten years since her ex-husband left, she often thought of her deceased husband and her youngest son, so much so that she often had nightmares at night. For so many years, every time she saw her eldest son, she would unconsciously think of her and him. The dead father and brother.

In the past ten years, she has been accustomed to working outside and earning her own money, so that she can feel safe. If she has been relying on her family, she will not be independent. Maybe they will get divorced when they hate each other. How can I support my son?

"Although I have not sent a penny to my family, I have not spent any money from my family."

In Li Xiuhua's view, her husband Su Dafan just feels that since he is working outside, he cannot do housework for their family at home. He worked hard both inside and outside, so he felt unbalanced and felt that he was at a disadvantage, so he started to criticize her.

It seems that the key to the matter is that Li Xiuhua went out to work, which made Su Dafan feel that she had not fulfilled her obligations as a wife, so she had such a big opinion.

However, Li Xiuhua and Su Dafan had completely opposite ideas about the same thing. After the reporter told Su Dafan about his wife Li Xiuhua's difficulties, Su Dafan still couldn't understand that Li Xiuhua had been working outside alone for ten years and cared little about this matter at home. matter.

He said angrily: "She has been absent from this family for ten years, and I will not forgive him."

No matter how the reporter persuaded, Su Dafan was determined not to forgive his wife Li Xiuhua. The couple who had been married for 14 years still remained Is it coming to an end?

points, no way!

When Li Xiuhua came back this time, she really wanted to divorce and divide the house. She felt that she had at least worked hard for Su Dafan's family for these years, and as a couple for more than ten years, she should be given half of the house.

Su Dafan knew that his wife Li Xiuhua had this idea. Regarding the fact that his wife would come for divorce and want to divide his house, Su Dafan was extremely determined, no way!

"Why have I worked in your family for these years? It's hard work even if I don't have any credit. Why are you so cruel?"

Seeing Li Xiuhua bringing this matter up again, Su Dafan was furious. He walked forward a few steps, pretending to hit someone, "Hey! Hey! Brother, you can't hit people."

"You can't hit people. If you have anything to say, please say it."

The reporter quickly stopped Su Dafan, preventing him from going any further. Walk.

In fact, Li Xiuhua sensed it in advance when he was walking forward and quickly hid aside. The reporter breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. The relationship between the couple was indeed a bit bad.

She quickly persuaded Su Dafan, "Brother, today we are here to have a good talk. We can't hit anyone. You all listen to each other's opinions, okay?"

Su Dafan didn't say anything, snorted coldly, and stood aside. , he said in a cold tone: "I have the nerve to say that I only stayed at home for 4 years. You worked hard during those four years. Did I give you money? Did I give you money? I didn't lose you."

Su Dafan said that his wife was really hard-working when she first got married. He took all the busy work at home and outside the house into consideration and gave her money every month. During that time, it was really hard for her to do housework and take care of her grandchildren, but it was all It couldn't offset the dissatisfaction she caused him after she left home for 10 years.

Speaking of which, when they first got married, their relationship was really good. Her family, including Su Dafan’s two sons, saw her busy work at home and outside the house and kept it in their hearts. At that time, the two sons were very interested in each other. The stepmother was quite satisfied. They just wanted her to live a good life with their father.

In this way, they would treat her as their biological mother and take care of them when they get old. Unexpectedly, after 4 years of staying there, she would go out to work and not be seen all year round.

"She has a personality problem. Ask her who she has a good relationship with in the village? She doesn't get along well with anyone. This is her problem."

The two sons said that after Li Xiuhua got married, she had a bad relationship with the village because of her personality. They didn't have a good relationship with the people in the village, and sometimes they wouldn't say hello when they met. They said they got along very well with the people in the village when their biological mother was still alive, so it was obviously Li Xiuhua's problem.

"She didn't even want to live a good life with my father. Has life ever been like this?" It seems that the two sons also have great opinions on Li Xiuhua going out to work every year.

They said that as long as Li Xiuhua is willing to live a good and honest life with their father, they will also provide for her in the future.

The attitude of the two sons was better than that of the two parties. The two sons were willing to give Li Xiuhua a chance, but the two parties were unwilling to continue.

Li Xiuhua admitted that she had decided to divorce Su Dafan and asked to share his house. This house was still under construction and was built for him by Su Dafan's son.

Su Dafan clearly rejected his wife's request. He said that his son paid for the house to be built for him and he would not share it with Li Xiuhua. "I work here from dawn to dusk every day, cooking for more than a dozen workers every day." "Has she come to work for a day?"

During the conversation, the reporter also learned that not long after they got married, he built a house for her at Li Xiuhua's request. It was built in Li Xiuhua's hometown.

"I moved the wood one by one. Now that I think about it, she probably wanted to divorce me, get some money, and go back to her house to spend her old age."

Li Xiuhua should have saved some money in the past ten years of working , maybe this money will be the basic guarantee for her to live with her eldest son in the future.

The couple talked back and forth for a long time. Su Dafan refused to let go. He said that the house would never be given to Li Xiuhua. Upon seeing this, Li Xiuhua planned to give up and ask for money instead. She and Su Dafan agreed to a sum of money. The two of them argued about the breakup fee of 100,000 yuan for a long time. In the end, Su Dafan said that he was willing to give Li Xiuhua a breakup fee of 28,000 yuan, but Li Xiuhua was unwilling.

She said it would be at least 50,000, but Su Dafan disagreed and the negotiations reached a deadlock. Finally, Li Xiuhua said she would sue for divorce.

It is said that "husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes." However, as in this article, there are many cases of divorce when conditions are good. In the final analysis, there is a deviation in the ideological understanding of the husband and wife, and they want different things. , this deviation is destined to become a disagreement between them, so communication between husband and wife is very important, communicate in a timely manner, and solve problems in a timely manner, so that they can run a family well together.