The author of the book "At the Turn of the Xiajiang River" is teacher Chen Xingjia, a government official who once won the honor of "National Outstanding County Party Committee Secretary" and is currently a charity person. This book reviews the important people and important thin

"At the Turn of the Xiajiang River" The author of this book is Teacher Chen Xingjia, a government official who once won the honor of "National Outstanding County Party Committee Secretary" and is currently a charity person. This book reviews the important people and important things in each stage of the author's life from childhood to the present, and tells the author's precious life insights at each stage. Today I will share the story of the author and his lover. Their relationship and relationship are enviable to others and they are a model for everyone to learn from.

The author met his lover in college. His lover is the goddess in the eyes of the author. She comes from a big city, has excellent grades and hobbies, and has a beautiful appearance. The author is an ordinary student from a mountainous area. They were separated by a class, but they met in the same class at university.

The first close contact between the two of them was during an autumn outing. It started with the author "showing affection for nothing" and ended with the author's lover ignoring him angrily. This relationship was destined to not be so smooth, and the author did not dare to get close to her after that autumn outing. The author's lover may have sensed the change in the author's attitude and took the initiative to come to him and perform a dance with his classmates. As a result, the author's classmates misunderstood the author's lover's original intention and mistakenly thought that he wanted to take advantage of the three boys. Therefore, the three boys did not Participated in the performance, but it turned out that they were wrong. The performance between the author's lover and her female classmate was a great success in the end. The author regretted it. Before the two of them got acquainted, the author's eyes would light up every time he saw his lover. , especially once when he saw his lover walking elegantly in front of him in a casual skirt on the lawn, this image was deeply imprinted in his mind. In the process of meeting and getting to know each other, it can be seen that the author is a person whom he admires.

They gradually became familiar with each other and began to have a good impression of each other probably from their junior year. The author's lover gave the author a poem called "There is a Fate". The author was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he can still recite it to this day, which shows the depth of his love for his lover. It can be seen that his lover's feelings for him were very reserved and she did not express them, which also allowed the author to see that she had a crush on him. Perhaps the author's talent had already begun to attract his lover at that time. The two of them got to know each other better and were about to confirm their relationship when they were about to graduate in their senior year. His lover wanted to apply to go abroad, but the English required , IELTS and , so he came to the author to help translate the document. The author completed the task very quickly and actively by copying it by hand in a few days, which can also be seen here. This man's character and affection for the heroine are really good. You can try to think about it. He knew that the woman was going abroad and might not be able to be together, but he still worked very hard to help her. How could he not have a good character and sincere feelings? It can be done.

Because of visa issues, the author’s lover was unable to study abroad, but it was their previous experience of learning from each other, helping each other, trusting each other, and developing good feelings for each other that made their relationship sublime again. Before graduation, they played happily together and became intimate. Because they would be separated during graduation, one of them could not pierce the last layer of window paper, and the tacit understanding between them made them sad.

Their love for each other is inevitable. Such pure love for each other is so passionate that it only needs a fuse to ignite. The turning point came after graduation, and they began to exchange letters. The feelings between them could no longer be contained. Although the distance between them was far apart, the love between them had already flown across thousands of rivers and mountains, and was reflected in the letters. It is so passionate that readers can feel it strongly.

Their long-distance relationship is destined to be tortuous. After the two had been in a long-distance relationship for a year, due to the distance, environment and income gap, especially the man who was at a disadvantage, the two decided to break up after careful consideration. For more than a year after that, the two were tortured by longing. There is a saying that lovers eventually get married. Due to their deep feelings and simple personalities, the two finally decided to be together without hesitation. This time it was at the woman's "sacrifice" "At the cost, they resigned from the coastal area and returned to the author's mountainous area to get together. After many hardships, the two finally came together, and they got married.

After getting married, the little things in life such as "oil, rice, sauce, vinegar, tea" are the time to really test the relationship. Since the author is an official in other places, the family affairs are all handed over to the author's lover. You can imagine how hard it is, but these It didn't affect the relationship between the two of them.

The most heart-warming moment between the two of them is how to deal with conflicts when they arise. The author knows that his lover has an impatient and hard-working personality. Every time he wants to quarrel, he will retreat knowingly. His lover will naturally feel it, and a quarrel will disappear invisibly. , if it is his lover's fault, the author will "settlement the accounts" and reason with his lover, so that such quarrels will gradually become less and less in the future.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, and the moment when you can best feel the two people's mutual support is when the author was severely depressed due to long-term exclusion and the underhanded tricks of his subordinates during his tenure. He could not sleep all night, and could only rely on sleeping pills until he finally stopped using sleeping pills. When it failed, I could only ask for help from my wife, who "supported" the author with her weak shoulders at this most difficult time, took the author to see a doctor, comforted the author with the warmest words, and took care of the author with the most considerate actions. In less than a month, Within a few months, the author's condition improved greatly. In the later period, he slowly took medicine to control it, and finally recovered. This dark experience also made the lives of the author and his lover more closely connected.

In the author's eyes, his lover is his strongest support. When he was at the height of his anti-corruption campaign, his family and his own safety were greatly threatened. The author's lover made the author feel at ease and encouraged him to insist on doing the right thing. The incident gave him great strength.

The author's description of his lover's feelings in this chapter is sincere, touching and not exaggerated. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a legendary portrayal of love, and it is really a role model for everyone.