Wen丨Tao Xiaojing, the spring breeze is not as good as yours, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you! -01- I remember this sentence in "Spirited Away": "No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how bumpy it is, you are closer to happines

text丨Tao Xiaojing

The spring breeze is not as good as you, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you!


I remember this sentence in "Spirited Away": "No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how bumpy it is, you will be closer to happiness than standing still. "

It is indeed easier to get happiness by moving forward than standing still, but if you don't find the right direction, continuing to move forward is just asking for trouble.

There are many things in life that cannot be succeeded by being brave and forward, especially emotional matters.

Emotional matters cannot be forced. Once you love the wrong person, your courage to move forward will bring more trouble and harm to yourself.

In this case, standing still may be the best option.

The emotional world is different from the real world. In the real world, as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something. But in the world of love, hard work may not necessarily lead to results.

When you try hard to cover a woman whose heart is as solid as a rock, your efforts will ultimately be in vain.


Whether you can successfully get the happiness you want depends on what kind of woman you choose. If the woman you pursue is always cold and frosty, you will be further and further away from success.

If you don’t want to see your efforts go to waste, then you’d better not cover a woman who doesn’t feel warm. Even if you have fallen in love uncontrollably, please leave yourself a way out.

You have to know that some women are not warm-hearted, so don’t flirt with them.

A woman who has been hurt by love

Although the vast majority of women are full of expectations for relationships, there are some women who dare not even touch them.

She didn't dare to touch him, not because she was not interested in feelings, but because she had been hit hard by feelings.

It is said that "once bitten by a snake, she will be afraid of ropes for ten years." When a woman is deeply hurt by her feelings, no matter how much she wants to love, she will stay away out of fear.

Such a woman will not be easily influenced by love. Even if a man tries his best to influence her, it will be difficult for him to warm her heart.

A woman who has been hurt by love cannot keep her heart warm. If you don’t want to be in vain, then it’s best not to flirt with her.

You have to know that there are many difficulties in flirting with a woman who has been emotionally injured. Before you are ready for a protracted war, you have to control your heart and don't get emotional towards such a woman.

Career-focused women

Some women put feelings first and make all their efforts to get a happy and fulfilling relationship. And some women put their career first, and they can do anything for the sake of their career.

If a man pursues the former, his chance of success can reach over 90%, if not 100%. But when pursuing the latter, a man's success rate is very slim.

When a woman devotes all her energy to her career, feelings are not important to her. As long as she can achieve career success, she will not feel uncomfortable even if no one loves or accompanies her.

For her, career is the most important, and she can even give up her relationship for the sake of her career. How could a woman like

open her heart so easily? No matter what a man does, he can't warm a woman's heart.

If a man doesn’t want to be outdone by his career or waste his efforts, then don’t flirt with a woman who focuses on her career.

There is someone else's woman in my heart

The saddest thing in the world is not that no one comes to love you, but that you love someone in your heart, but you can never get close or get it.

Women simply cannot bear this painful feeling, and it is difficult for them to forget and let go in a short period of time.So along the way, the person who lived in her heart was still there, never wavering.

Before she completely lets go of this person, she cannot easily accept the love of others. No matter what method you use, it will be difficult to warm her heart.

A woman who has someone else in her heart will not only close her heart tightly, but also completely freeze her heart.

On the surface, she looks no different from other women, but when it comes to feelings, she has been escaping and shrinking.

If you choose such a woman as your goal, it will be difficult for you to get what you want. Even if you try your best, it's still hard to win her heart.


Although love is beautiful, not every woman will regard love as her primary goal, and not every woman will easily fall into the world of love.

If the woman you are pursuing is full of longing and expectation for love, then congratulations, you are one step closer to happiness.

But if you choose a woman who has been emotionally injured, or is focused on her career, or has someone else in her heart, then unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, the final result will not be what you want.

are also women, but some women are really not that easy to chase. You can't be too impulsive.

You have to know that some women simply can’t keep their hearts warm, so don’t try it rashly.