One day in 2000, Yin Jie got up early and took his 6-year-old daughter Nina to Beijing Capital International Airport to meet her husband Carlintong, whom she had not seen for two years.

One day in 2000, Yin Jie got up early and took his 6-year-old daughter Nina to Beijing Capital International Airport to meet her husband Carlintong, whom she had not seen for two years.

Yin Jie and Calintong

Two years ago, in order to escape the war that broke out in Guinea-Bissau, Yin Jie, who had been married to Africa, was forced to separate from her husband and return to China with her daughter. Over the past two years, Yin Jie, who was once a top student at Peking University , has endured countless hardships. In order to make ends meet, she sold lunch boxes on the streets of Beijing. At 3.50 yuan a piece, she could only sell less than ten lunch boxes a day.

The sufferings of life are nothing. The most unbearable thing for her is the unwarranted accusations and ridicule of others towards her and her daughter. When a passerby saw Nina, he blurted out: " Hey, look at that black kid, her mother asked the black African to dump her."

At first, Yin Jie tried to fight back, but more and more people were gossiping. It even spread throughout the community. The only thing she could do was to break her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, waiting for news about her husband. Now, I heard that my husband has become a high official in his hometown and is coming to Beijing to work.

Along the way, Yin Jie had a lot of thoughts, recalling all the past with her husband Calintong...

A talented girl from Peking University, married the son of an African chief

In 1968, Yin Jie was born in an alley in Beijing, his parents They are all ordinary workers.

Like other big girls in Beijing, Yin Jie has developed a tsundere character since she was a child. In addition, as an only child, she has her own opinions on everything she does, and she won't let go when she gets it right.

Yin Jie's academic performance has always been very good. Coupled with the unique advantage of having a Beijing household registration, she stood out in the college entrance examination in 1986 and was successfully admitted to Peking University, one of the top two universities in the country.

After entering Peking University, Yin Jie not only studied hard, she was tall, enthusiastic and cheerful, and was also an organizer and participant of major events. If everything goes well, this talented girl from Peking University will definitely be able to carve out a career and bring glory to her ancestors after graduation. However, her fate changed after meeting Calintong, who came all the way from Africa.

In 1988, at a classmate's birthday party, Yin Jie and the hero of the story, Kalintong, met by chance.

Calintong was born in Guinea-Bissau, a West African country, in 1961. This country is one of the least developed countries in the world, but Calintong's family is very wealthy. His father is a local chief and has married several wives. Calintong is one of his many sons.

Among the brothers, Kalintong is the most promising. In 1987, under the arrangement of his father, he came to China as an exchange student and entered the Chinese Department of Peking University to study. Just one year later, he met the beautiful Beijing girl Yin Jie.

When Yin Jie appeared at the party that day, her graceful figure and elegant conversation immediately attracted the admiring eyes of countless young people. But in that era, everyone was relatively shy and did not dare to strike up casual conversations, which gave Calintone a rare opportunity.

Kalintong did not hesitate at all and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Yin Jie and left each other's contact information. Soon after, Calintone launched a fierce love offensive. As the two get along, Yin Jie gradually discovers that Calintong is not only as humorous and optimistic as other African men, but also possesses the advantages of being gentle and gentlemanly that ordinary black Africans do not have.

Of course, what Kalintong is best at is talking about love. Every time he meets Yi Yinjie, he always praises him. When he confessed his love for the first time, Calintong said boldly and enthusiastically: "Jie, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, I love you!"

How could Yin Jie be able to withstand it and no longer be entangled in Calintong's love? Age and skin color, they talked about sweet love.

When they were in love, Kalintong also cared deeply about Yin Jie. Kalintong lived on the second floor of the international student dormitory. Every time he went back to the dormitory with Yin Jie, there were only a dozen steps, so he insisted on carrying Yin Jie upstairs.

When Yin Jie celebrated her birthday, she couldn't even remember that it was Calintong who prepared the birthday party behind her back, invited friends from both sides, and specially prepared a large bouquet of flowers. Yin Jie held the flowers and was so moved that he almost cried.

After falling in love for two years, Yin Jie brought her African boyfriend home. Not surprisingly, their relationship was opposed by the woman's parents. Her mother advised her earnestly: " I am only a daughter like you. You must think clearly that African men have three wives and four concubines, and they are also very rude..."

But Yin Jie can't control that. Much, she had already fallen into Calintone's sweet words. In 1990, the two overcame many obstacles and held a wedding in Beijing, officially becoming husband and wife.

Traveled to Africa, a land of chickens

In 1992, Kalintong obtained a doctorate from Peking University as he wished. Before graduation, his father, a chief in Africa, arranged a job for him as a diplomat in Guinea-Bissau. Calintong must be going back to Africa, and he also hopes that Yin Jie can go with him. After all, the two are legally married.

But on the other hand, Yin Jie's parents were worried. In their impression, Africa was poor and backward, and the local black people were not only barbaric, but also reckless. They feel relieved that their daughter stays in China, but once they go to Africa, no one can guarantee what will happen.

Yin Jie herself had hesitated, but love still injected infinite power into her. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. If her husband wants to go back, of course she will go with him.

So, Yin Jie and Calintong took a plane to Calintong's hometown. Although she had been mentally prepared before was launched, she still encountered unimaginable difficulties after it was launched.

When Yin Jie visited her husband's house for the first time, he found that there were more than 20 people in the family, both young and old. The house was crowded and noisy.

When her husband's family knew that she had come from afar, they were very enthusiastic and brought her a sumptuous lunch, palm oil , oyster sauce and other food. But Yin Jie's "Chinese stomach" could not tolerate these cold and raw foods. He pushed it down one bite at a time, but his stomach was broken.

Yin Jie was anxious to go to the toilet, but found that there was no toilet at home, so he had to run outside to find a public toilet. The public toilet was dirty and poor, and the smell almost made her faint.

After learning this lesson, this Beijing girl, who had no fingers in the water, began to learn to cook Chinese food on her own. When I encountered something I didn’t know how to do, I would make international long distance calls to my mother and teach her step by step.

After some time, Yin Jie finally adapted to the African environment, but a new problem arose: her husband, Kalintong, seemed to have cheated on her.

Calintong's job as a diplomat only requires 6 hours of work a day. But he often comes back very late. When he goes out in the morning, he has to dress up carefully and even spray perfume.

With her mother's warning still in front of her, Yin Jie was afraid. She believed that her husband had cheated on her and abandoned her. So, having just learned to drive, she drove all the way to where her husband worked and wanted to confront him. However, the security guard at the door ruthlessly blocked her from the door.

When Calintong came back in the evening, Yin Jie lost his temper, questioned her husband, and even filed for divorce. Kalintong was startled and hurriedly explained that he dressed up carefully because he needed to socialize and did not take care of his wife's feelings. After saying this, Kalintong knelt on the ground with a plop and assured his wife: " I will only I love you alone and will never marry another girl.”

Just like that, the storm finally subsided.

gave birth to a mixed-race daughter and was forced to return to China to sell box lunches

In June 1994, Yin Jie was ten months pregnant and gave birth to a mixed-race girl to her husband, named Nina. Because of this birth, Yin Jie almost died and suffered massive bleeding during the operation. Fortunately, the doctors rescued her with all their strength and saved her from death.

The lives of his wife and daughter were saved, and Calintong was heartbroken. From that day on, he took more care of his wife and daughter and came home after get off work every day.After Yin Jie recovered, he also started his own business and opened a local Chinese restaurant. While taking care of his daughter, he was busy in the kitchen.

However, such a happy life only lasted 4 years. One day in March 1998, Karin ran home in a hurry and told Yin Jie: "Pack your things quickly, you take Nina back to China."

Yin Jie was confused and did not understand what her husband meant. . Calintong had no choice but to explain: " A civil war broke out here. I want to stay and live and die with the country. You go first, and I will take you back when the situation stabilizes."

Although there was a lot of reluctance, Yin Jie Still enduring the pain, she took the plane back to Beijing, China, with her husband's instructions.

came and went, six years passed, and she brought nothing back except her 4-year-old daughter. Due to the war, she lost contact with Calintong, who stayed in Africa. She nominally had a husband, but in fact she was a single mother.

Although Yin Jie graduated from Peking University, he has been separated from Chinese society for too long and has no career resources at all, so he cannot find a decent job. Her parents sympathized with her plight and used part of their small pension to support her. But as time went by, Yin Jie, who had a strong nature, couldn't stand it anymore.

In order to provide her daughter with a comfortable living environment, she regained her cooking skills, set up a stall at the entrance of a vocational high school, and started selling packed lunches. In order to attract customers, others sell box lunches for 5 yuan a piece. She sells them for 3.5 yuan. She can earn 30 yuan a day, barely able to survive.

While struggling to survive, Yin Jie also had to endure the cynicism of others. When she first returned to Beijing, the old neighbors who had watched her grow up started gossiping: "The daughter of the Lao Yin family was abandoned by an African man." daughter".

Every time he heard this, Yin Jie could only endure it silently. He was so angry that he couldn't sleep at night and could only wipe away his tears all night. She sometimes laments: When will the hard days like end?

See you again, your husband is already a high official, and after all the hardships come happiness.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye, and in 2000, Yin Jie finally received news about her husband.

It was late one night, and Yin Jie received a strange phone call. When he answered the phone, a familiar voice came from the other end. The caller was none other than Kalintong, the husband that Yin Jie missed day and night.

Calintong told his wife on the phone that because of his contribution to quelling the chaos, he was entrusted with an important task by his superiors and became a senior official in Guinea-Bissau. At the same time, Calintong also shared good news: Now, he has been appointed as the counselor of the country's embassy in China and will arrive in Beijing soon to take office.

At that moment, Yin Jie burst into tears and was as happy as crazy. She responded with great affection: " I will pick you up the day you arrive in Beijing! "

When Calintong appeared at the airport, Yin Jie immediately rushed over with his daughter, and the family of three hugged each other and cried bitterly. more than. At that moment, Yin Jie forgot the pain and humiliation she had suffered in the past two years. All her efforts would be richly rewarded.

Kalintong was very moved after hearing about the grievances suffered by his wife. He immediately decided to drive the red flag car of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the community where Yin Jie rented. He drove around the community three times and announced to everyone: This Chinese woman selling lunch boxes is not without a man! From today on, she no longer needs to sell lunch boxes and becomes the minister’s wife.

After that, the two settled down in Beijing and welcomed their second child, son Lele, two years later. The family of four lived a happy life.

In 2012, Yin Jie’s daughter Nina took the college entrance examination and went to study in Portugal. Four years later, she returned to China and has now become a major internet celebrity with millions of fans. The video she posted caused countless netizens to marvel: , a girl with dark skin and a disability since birth, can speak fluent English and Beijing dialect.

Yin Jie’s son Lele has also made achievements.Standing over 1.90 meters tall, he has grown into a Chinese men's volleyball team player and now plays for BAIC Men's Volleyball Team. In his spare time, he also makes videos with his sister, and has more than one million fans.

Yin Jie and Kalintong have been together for more than 40 years and are still as loving as ever. When the couple appeared on a TV show together, they dressed up to look 80 years old and walked into the time tunnel hand in hand.

The moment the two turned around, they both laughed when they saw each other's appearance. Yin Jie asked her husband: "Can you accept it?"

Calintong responded affectionately: "No matter what you become, I will always love you."

"Me too."

As soon as the words fell, the audience There was a round of applause.

A talented girl from Peking University married in Africa. After going through so many hardships, she finally came to an end. In cross-border marriages where one is black and the other is yellow, some people can't bear to part ways, but there are also role models like Yin Jie and Kalintong who have endured hardships and hope to stay together forever.