When I saw the white hair on my mother's hair and her old face, I didn't know that my mother had aged a lot overnight. It turns out that time took away my mother’s beautiful face. What a blessing it is to be able to chat with my mother and tell her innermost thoughts. Because of

When I saw the white hair on my mother's hair and her old face,

I didn't know that my mother had aged a lot overnight.

It turns out that time has taken away my mother’s beautiful face.

How happy it is to be able to chat with my mother for a while and tell her true feelings.

Because of love, I haven’t been home for a long time.

I really miss the happy time chatting with my old mother.

Until I encountered this book "Out of Style".

It is compiled by Yang Xiaosheng teacher. The

book contains 12 short stories by 12 writers including Liang Xiaosheng , Jiang Zilong , Qiao Ye .

12 novels record the lives of different people.

Every story is a piece of life.

There are several stories about relatives that made me feel.

"How are you, brothers"

The opening chapter is "How are you, brothers" by teacher Liang Xiaosheng. The story of

is based on the Y situation in Wuhan and tells the story of a pair of brothers who are 15 years apart.

The parents of the two brothers went to their grandparents' house. Unfortunately, they were trapped in Wuhan and were unable to return.

Only a four-year-old brother and a nineteen-year-old brother are left in the family.

In this special period, the elder brother shoulders the burden of taking care of his younger brother.

The elder brother takes care of his younger brother wholeheartedly.

After the younger brother had a fever incident, the two brothers grew up a lot.

My brother was afraid that his parents far away would worry him, so he hid his brother's fever.

My younger brother also became a "man" because of this incident.

Happy Wedding

Because he had no money, his father gave his daughter to a wealthy family for adoption.

Now my daughter has grown up and is getting married to her lover.

The father heard the news of his daughter's marriage and came all the way to visit his daughter.

The woman's relatives sat with the emcee and cameraman.

Perhaps the old father had no choice but to let others adopt his daughter.

How the old father hopes that he can fulfill his father's responsibilities on his daughter's wedding day.

There is no information about the mother in the article. Why the mother did not come to attend her daughter's wedding. Is

no longer there? Maybe there are other reasons.

As the master of ceremonies, "I" protect my father everywhere.

Thanks to the couple who adopted their daughter. They named their daughter Mo Mo. Her father turned out to be Lao Mo.

This is a warm and depressing story.


There are many touching stories in the book.

"Hello Brothers" and "Happy Wedding" are also two of my favorite stories among these.

"Hello, Brothers" tells the most sincere feelings between two brothers under different circumstances.

You will find that the characters in each story can leave a deep impression on people, and it feels like these characters are flesh and blood.

The male protagonist of "Happy Wedding" does not want to raise his daughter, but he is forced by the situation. There is no parent in the world who does not love his children.

The person in the story seems to be talking about someone else. Isn’t his shadow reflected in you, me, or him?