#MarriageHandbook#Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the man doesn’t go out to make much money, and even has to be supported by the woman. Such a marriage always seems incredible, or difficult to last. My friends Brother Long and Sister Ni are almost in such a marital status. Thei

We are an old couple. Brother Long doesn’t know how to cook and his wife is not at home, so he orders takeout, or Sister Ni has to cook more in advance and eat it hot when the time comes. For a period of time, Brother Long's career was not going well, and he became really decadent later on. He basically stayed at home reading novels and playing games without ever leaving the stairs. Sister Ni is responsible for household expenses and children's education expenses alone. Sister Ni never says anything, and we are not easy to persuade. Men want to save face.

In the past, Brother Long was considered the rich son of the family and had never suffered any hardship. My grandfather is the leader of Changde Electric Power Bureau, my father is also in the power department, and my mother is also in the public service. My family is well off. After graduating from high school, I went to South Korea to study, and later met Sister Ni through the Internet. The two fell in love and came together, but were strongly opposed by their families. Brother Long did not follow his family's arrangement and join the electric power sector. Instead, he set up his own business for love and bought a house in Xingsha, Changsha. Fortunately, the price at that time was only 3,000, so he settled down. Without the support of the family, life is dull, but the two of them will get better if they work together. After the child was born, I slowly recognized Sister Ni's existence.

Later, due to the epidemic, Longo's career suffered a huge setback, and foreign debts also accumulated. When there is great pressure, people become depressed. But Sister Ni remains optimistic and calmly faces all the changes and dissatisfactions in life. Even if a man is unemployed and at home, he never complains, let alone talks about his failure.

Fortunately, he finally returned to life and regained the courage to face life. He always said that without Sister Ni, he would not know how to live the rest of his life.

Sister Ni said that he chose me when he was at his best, and I should accompany him to make a comeback when he was at his lowest. I appreciate Sister Ni's attitude towards life, and I also admire her for remaining in love even when a man is frustrated.

Perhaps two people in a marriage support each other, grow together, and encourage each other. If one party is unhappy, they should face it together and overcome it together. If you keep complaining and nagging, it will only make the other person feel bored and depressed. As the result, there will be more and more conflicts, the distance will become farther and farther, and communication will become more and more difficult.

The foundation of marriage begins with refusal to communicate. If you can't speak calmly, you just want to persuade the other party, forcing the other party to compromise and agree, and you will silently agree with your mouth, but you will always be holding back passive confrontation in your heart. Such a force may be like methane in the sewer, a small spark, and finally be ignited and explode... and the marriage will fall apart and disintegrate.

A good marriage can share joys and sorrows. The ten years they have gone through may not always be sweet, but there must be bitterness. Life is full of ups and downs, with highlights and gloom. In a marriage, it is not necessarily sunny every day, there will also be wind and rain. Holding an umbrella together with our hearts can withstand all waves.

The lubricant in marriage is not only mutual accommodation, tolerance, and mutual understanding, but also needs praise and encouragement. Praising a woman will make her more beautiful and her happiness index will increase; praising a man will make him more confident and lead a calmer and happier life. Only when you are recognized in marriage can you be satisfied and harmonious.

We should not let nagging and complaining become a sword that hurts the other party, nor should digging a hole for ourselves become a trap for burying ourselves.

Pamper the other person like a child. Don't be stingy with sweet words to each other. Baby, baby, darling, you can do whatever you want... In marriage, cyclamate is needed to keep it fresh and sweet. It doesn’t necessarily require a sense of ritual during holidays. Every day can bring different surprises and small touches. As long as there is a heart, a long-lasting marriage will still have love.

Good love is sometimes as sweet as delicious snacks