Taiwanese writer Xi Murong said: "In this world, some roads must be faced and trudged alone. No matter how long or far the road is, no matter how dark the night, you have to walk alone and silently." "For people who live a smooth life and have no worries about food and clothing,

Taiwanese writer Xi Murong said: "In this world, some roads must be faced and trudged alone. No matter how long or far the road is, no matter how dark the night is, you have to walk it alone and silently. . "For people who live a smooth life and have no worries about food and clothing, this passage has little meaning. However, for me, after experiencing the ups and downs of life and the years of wandering, this passage is exactly the portrayal of my life experience and my emotion about life!

People often say that character determines destiny. I deeply believe this. Since childhood, I have always been the center of attention because I love to toss, I am very confident, and I am not content with the status quo. I always have a lot of ideas that make others misunderstand and sigh. After graduating from college, I started working as a teacher. I was doing pretty well at first, but I was not satisfied with the status quo. I jumped around to a bank, then to a newspaper office, and finally resigned. Being confident, I thought I could make great achievements this time, but unexpectedly, my fate took a turn.

Napoleon said: "Those who do not seek lessons from failure will be farther and farther away from the road to success." After getting out of the system, I worked independently in society, first starting a cultural company, and later doing catering. , I have done a lot of various businesses, with ups and downs, I have made money and lost money, but in the end I still fell into the economic crisis . In this case, interpersonal relationships have also changed. My original relatives and friends, hello, me, hello, everyone. When I encountered financial difficulties, no one reached out to help me, and no one expressed understanding. On the contrary, some people Make irresponsible remarks behind the scenes, even ridicule and ridicule. I have experienced the ups and downs of my career, and I have seen through the ups and downs of the world. I finally chose my own direction, which was to face it calmly, be brave and strong, and start all over again.

Jack London said: "Will is the prerequisite for the existence of all things. It is because of the will that exists in difficulties that we have life." The turbulence and wanderings in life are all unpredictable to us. We cannot avoid it. In response to this reality and facing such problems, the best way and the best choice is to adjust our mentality, cheer up our spirit, and start fighting again. Don’t be discouraged, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up, happy and beautiful days will definitely come again.