Where there are people, there is family. Where there is family, there are relatives. Where there are relatives, there is family affection. The only true love in the world is family love. Love will go bad, but family love will never go bad. I am a cold-blooded person when it comes

Wherever there are people, there is family. Where there are families, there are relatives. Where there are relatives, there is family affection. The only true love in the world is family love. Love will go bad, but family love will never go bad.

I am a cold-blooded person when it comes to relationships between men and women, but when it comes to family relationships, I have a fiery heart. I have true love for my family, no ambiguity at all. If a man is gone, you can find another one. If your family member is gone, where will you find him? In my eyes, family affection comes first and family affection comes first.

So far, the person who worries me the most is my younger brother, and the person I feel most distressed about is also my younger brother. Because my younger brother is a patient with severe mental illness. He is unmarried and has no children. He is seriously ill and unemployed. He has nothing but his family. My father has been dead for four and a half years. Before his death, my father asked me to promise him that I would take good care of my brother as always. I promised my father. I owe my father a promise, a promise made, and a debt owed.

My mother is old and cannot protect herself. It would be good if she could take care of herself. My brother can only count on me. The person I am most worried about is also my brother, because he is the weakest in my family. Except for my younger brother, everyone in my family has a better life. Everyone is able-bodied and has money to buy whatever they want. Whatever you want, you have the ability to realize your wish. But what about my brother? He has nothing but talking to himself every day, auditory hallucinations every day, behavioral disorders every day, he is in a state of illness every day, except for his mental illness and his family, he has nothing. Whoever is the weakest in the family should be cared for. In my family, my brother is the weakest, so I only care about my brother because he needs me.

I have been in a bad mood in the past half month because my brother has been getting sick. The nursing staff saw that he was seriously ill and could not take care of him. The nursing staff stopped working. The nursing staff also wanted to make money and wanted to take good care of the patients. Now During my brother's illness, he definitely didn't want to take care of him. I paid the bill to the nurse and took care of him myself.

As soon as my brother gets sick, he will harm himself, bang his head, and slap himself. A few days ago, he had severe auditory hallucinations. He was tortured by auditory hallucinations. He couldn't stand the torture. He hit his ears and broke them. He was bleeding a lot and I couldn't hold him back, so I had to ask the doctor to restrain him. Mental patients are most afraid of auditory hallucinations, which are too painful. My brother was restrained and I had to put a diaper on him. Seeing him suffer makes me sad. He has been suffering from mental illness for thirty-five years. July 10th is his forty-seventh birthday. By July 10th, he will have been ill for thirty-five years.

There are patients at home, so I can’t be sunny, and I can’t pretend to be happy, and I can’t be happy. I’m a human being, and my heart is warm. Seeing my relatives being tortured by the disease makes my heart break. Broken. I want to help him, but I can't because I'm not a doctor. I can only take care of his life. Seeing him like this, I really hate myself for being incompetent.

Right now, I feel really lost and sad. In the past, I claimed that money can make me happy, but I found that money cannot make me happy. No matter how much money I have, it is just a number in my eyes. In the past, I was keen on making money. If I could save money every month, I would I am very happy, but now I find that money cannot make me happy. Because my thoughts are all on my brother. If he doesn't get sick, I will be happy. If he gets sick, I will be sad. My happiness is related to my brother. If he is good, I will be good. If he is not good, I will be sad.

Look at it now, people are the most important, really people are the most important. No matter how much money you have, it is just an amount. No matter how many houses you have, they are still vacant and rented to others. No one, no matter how much money or house there is, no one will enjoy it. My biggest wish is that my brother can recover. If he recovers, I will definitely buy an RV and take him around the country to enjoy life. But if he is not well, what is the use of buying an RV.He was ill and was hospitalized in the mental hospital every day. I didn't want to go anywhere because I cared about my brother and my heart was with him, so I couldn't travel far away. Traveling far away makes no sense to me.

When someone has a family, there is a family, and when there is a family, there are relatives. Anyone who eats whole grains will get sick, but minor illnesses can be cured, while major illnesses can only be left to fate. My brother's illness is real and even the miracle doctor cannot save him. The busiest place is the hospital. The hospital is overcrowded at any time, and no family with patients at home is relaxed. Because the patient at home is hospitalized, the whole family has to surround the patient. I understand all the patients’ families so much. I’m afraid there are no patients’ families who can be truly happy.

Life is really not easy, and every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite. Family members who are caring for patients in the hospital, please take good care of yourself. I am also caring for my younger brother in the hospital. I understand how difficult it is for everyone. Let’s all pay attention to our health and take care of ourselves.

I hope that all patients in the world will recover and be discharged soon, and that their families will learn to take care of themselves, pay attention to their health, and pay attention to rest.