What makes first marriage age! Delayed by 4 years in 10 years? Author: Knowledge Planet Looking for Lao Qi In recent years, we have paid more attention to the birth rate, but in fact, as the first step to having children, that is, the marriage rate, there have also been serious p

What makes the age of first marriage! Delayed by 4 years in 10 years?

Author: Knowledge Planet is looking for Laoqi

In recent years, we have paid more attention to the birth rate, but in fact, as the first step to having children, that is, the marriage rate, there have also been serious problems. According to the 2020 population The census yearbook shows that in 2020, the average age of first marriage for Chinese people is already 28.67 years old, 29 for men and almost 28 for women. So don’t talk about older single men and young people, they are all like this now. If you can get married at 30, you are considered average.

And just ten years ago, in 2010, not so far away, our first marriage age was less than 25 years old, the male was close to 26, the female was 24, and we were basically about to get married. In other words, the average age of marriage has been delayed by 4 years in ten years. This is a terrible thing. If things continue to develop at this rate, fewer and fewer people will get married in the future.

But please note that the above is only the national average. Many underdeveloped areas still have the tradition of early marriage and early childbearing, which underpins the data. If statistics are broken down by region, the results are even more shocking. For example, in 2021, the average age at first marriage in Anhui is already over 31 years old, with men close to 32 and women close to 31. In Xiangyang, Hubei, the average age at first marriage is, Men reach the age of 35 and women reach the age of 33. This data is not complete, but it is conceivable that the more developed the area, the higher the average age at first marriage. If Anhui and Xiangyang, Hubei are like this, then it will be unimaginable for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Looking at the whole country, it is true that the age of first marriage is continuously pushed back. In the 1980s, people who did not get married at 24 years old would be single even at an older age. In the 1990s, it was normal. After 2000, people between 27 and 8 years old could start a family. That’s good, but nowadays, turning 30 is already a hurdle. So late marriage will inevitably lead to late childbearing. What is the reason that causes this phenomenon across the country? In fact, there are nothing more than two big aspects. One is that I want to get married but can't, and the other is that I don't want to get married at all.

Let’s look at the first category first. I want to get married but can’t. The main reason is that today’s society is too stressful for and . I used to graduate from college at the age of 22 and get married after just two years of work. But now I can’t. I will be 25 after taking the postgraduate entrance examination. It’s a little bit If you just hang around, you will be 28 or 30, so as your education level increases, the age of first marriage will naturally be extended. It has increased by 4 years in 10 years. In fact, it is almost the time of a graduate student. In other words, the fair academic qualification in society now is no longer an undergraduate degree, but a graduate degree.

In addition, the cost of getting married is getting higher and higher now. 10 years ago, a house was not so scary, and two families could still afford it by putting together the down payment. But now the down payment requires graduates to save for 10 years without food or drink. .

Third, work pressure is huge, and basically there is not much time to deal with one's emotional life. Many people may be too busy. Especially in the emerging industries represented by the Internet, people are basically at their peak when they debut. Between the ages of 25 and 30, formal income and ranks may rise crazily. If your promotion is interrupted by marriage during this period, you will inevitably be in the competition. If you encounter elimination, if you don't break through as soon as possible, what awaits you is a mid-life crisis at the age of 35. Therefore, the crisis awareness is very strong, and coupled with the 996 job, marriage can only be put on the back burner.

Fourth, there is no way to match the needs. Women are in their 20s, which is the best age, while men often have nothing in their 20s and cannot afford the burden of the family. If they go to big cities to work hard, they will drift north and Shanghai. Drifting, in their 20s is when the pressure is greatest. Many men can no longer survive and go back to their hometowns, while women still stay in big cities and wait for opportunities. So in the end, there are more women left in big cities and more men left in rural areas. There is a mismatch in needs, but they cannot be integrated.

Another big category is the undesirable. Big cities are now bustling with entertainment and social activities, and our lives are filled with entertainment and social activities. Living alone does not feel empty and lonely, but even makes us happy and comfortable. Especially for young people, it is okay to make friends and fall in love, but many people have never thought about getting married.

Secondly, the necessity of marriage has been reduced. In the past, marriage was for two people to be strongly bound. One man and one woman could each use their own advantages to realize men farming and women weaving, balanced allocation, and diversification of risks. But now everyone is an independent social person and can You can make money to support your family and be self-sufficient. If it is not for the purpose of having children, marriage is almost meaningless. If you are happy, live together, if not, live separately. It would be troublesome to get a certificate.

Third, falling in love is always beautiful, and you can talk about a lot of things like music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and wine. But once you get married, all you have to face is firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea, so there is a huge gap. This is also the case in big cities now. young people are unwilling to accept something.

If analyzed by economics, in fact, the pushing of the age of marriage can be attributed to one reason, that is, the cost of marriage increases while the income decreases. This is visible to the naked eye. It seems difficult for us to reverse and change. We have to accept this fact in the future. But if you want to get married and have a more perfect marriage, Lao Qi would like to give some advice. Girls must do it as early as possible, boys must not be anxious, and girls must not be brainwashed by poisonous chicken soup. More and more people want to get married in the future. Few, as you grow older, quality boys will become increasingly scarce. On the other hand, boys, don't be impatient when you are in your 20s. This is the cheapest time in your life. Without a career and unable to make money to support your family, your gentleness and considerateness mean nothing. So even if they get married, they are still full of contradictions. Of course, it's still the same sentence, this is because you want to get married. If you don't want to get married at all and just want to be an independent woman, I particularly agree with your idea. I also feel that marriage is becoming less necessary, as long as you yourself never regret it. The sign of adulthood is to bear all the costs yourself. is in the fan group of Qi Junjie of Knowledge Planet. We often emphasize the point that choice is greater than effort. The college entrance examination is the first major choice in your life, work is the second, then marriage is the third. The importance is also marriage first, work second, college entrance examination third, and marriage. It even determines the fate of many people's lives, and it is even difficult to change