What does a long-lasting and stable relationship rely on? I think everyone has a different answer, but no matter what the answer is, at least one thing is certain, that is, there is a heart that is truly willing to pay for you. It's like I've seen this sentence: "What's vigorous

What does a long-term and stable relationship rely on?

I think everyone has a different answer, but no matter what the answer is, at least one thing is certain, that is, there is a heart that is truly willing to pay for you.

It’s like I’ve seen this sentence: “What’s vigorous may not be sincere; what’s silent may not be unintentional.”

Yes! No matter it is any relationship, it cannot last for a long time just by some touching things or happy things. What it requires more is sincere dedication.

If this relationship is inherently hypocritical, then no matter how happy we get along, one day we will not be able to continue.

Just like men and women in love, they are always easily moved.

For example, the other person may care about you, or accompany you when you are sick, or buy you something despite the cold and rain. In short, you will always encounter something that touches you.

Of course, these are indeed signs that he loves you, but what you need to see more is whether the other person is sincere in doing so. Because when people are addicted to feelings, they always tend to lower their expectations.

Because some things can be done with just a little effort. Because the cost is low, but the rewards are high.

So, in a relationship, if you only value appearance, you will be easily hurt. Because those "low-cost" contributions can only be regarded as the foundation.

agrees very much with this saying: 'Some people give you their heart, but you pretend not to see it, because you don't like it; some people give you their heart, but you pretend it doesn't hurt, because you love it. . ’

Indeed, people are really strange sometimes. The more things they can’t get, the more they want to get them. If you get something and cherish it, you will regret it easily. The reason is that we don't know enough about emotions.

You must know that any relationship is not simply a race against time. It requires your sincerity and patience to care for it.

Just as there is a saying in "The Catcher in the Rye":

"True friends, whether men or women, if they know each other, they must cherish each other. If they cherish the truth, it is only for the sincerity and has nothing to do with romance."

A long-term relationship , the most important thing is sincerity. Although it is said that you give sincerity, what you get in return may not be sincerity. But only sincere dedication can make a relationship last for a long time.

Otherwise, no matter how happy you are when you get along, you will be nothing more than "a flower in the water, a moon in the mirror" in the end.

Yang Jiang once wrote the details of her relationship with Qian Zhongshu in "The Invisibility Cloak":

"I will give you a fairy magic weapon, what do you want?"

"We all need invisibility cloaks, one for each batch. Let’s travel together. We just want to get rid of the restraints and experience everything. It doesn’t seem like we are doing anything wrong, but when we have fun, we can’t help but be naughty and naughty, so we startle people, we can’t hide, and we have to escape quickly.”

“Ah, there’s still something to be done. "Shuichi method."

"There is also a way to protect yourself."

Indeed, their relationship is just like this conversation. In fact, it is not very dramatic, and some of them are just getting along normally. But the real willingness behind this is because of their sincerity for each other. It's really because of such sincerity. Only then can we withstand more than 60 years of ups and downs.

Because in our lives, many things will become dull after the enthusiasm fades, and at this time, it is impossible to just rely on happiness.

Many times, what can change a relationship is not the distance between two people, but the loss of sincerity between them. Because true love is not afraid of time, nor will it change due to the changing of seasons.

And all this requires is sincerity.

Therefore, it is difficult to maintain a long-term and stable relationship just by being happy. If you want to go on for a long time and steadily, you can only do it with sincerity.

text | Ming Fusheng

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