Once you are entangled in love, you are like an ant on a hot pot. Ready to move, itching unbearably. I wish I could tell the whole world that someone loves me, or that I am loved by someone. This is the characteristic of love. It's normal to get carried away and turn your anger i

Once entangled in love, it is like ants on a hot pot. Ready to move, itching unbearably. I wish I could tell the whole world that someone loves me, or that I am loved by someone.

This is the characteristic of love. It's normal to get carried away and turn your anger into beauty.

When two people are together, whether you are a couple or lovers, as soon as these three words are spoken, it actually indicates that your fate has no way to go and is over.

"You are so annoying" is a kind of boredom that comes from the heart.

Love is magical. It can often change a person, making silent people no longer silent, and making impatient people become patient.

If a person falls in love with the other person from the heart, these changes can easily occur physically.

He will feel that he has a thousand words in his heart and just wants to tell her. Every time he saw her, he could chat for a long time.

He will feel that she can come to him at any time. As long as she does it by herself, no matter what she does, there will be time to accompany her.

This is the most intuitive expression of loving someone. It is the desire to express and the feeling of expectation. It cannot be faked. It is the best proof that two people love each other.

The evidence of lovelornness also comes from this.

When you find that he becomes more and more speechless and does not like to talk to you, you have to know that he is no longer the person who once loved you as much as his life.

The sentence "You are so annoying" is not just annoyance from the heart, but more like telling you that the relationship between us is over.

"So boring", we can't find any fun together.

Two people in love will never get bored.

Because love always makes people feel full of surprises and freshness. When two people are together, even if they are just eating and watching TV together, they will not feel bored.

But this feeling will inevitably fade away over time. Over time, you will know whether the person in front of you is really suitable for you.

All love, in the beginning, is driven by passion. If you are in love, you will even feel that you will not be bored even if you just look at each other's face silently all day long.

But as time passed, the passion subsided, and as both people calmed down, this feeling no longer existed.

The longer you get along, the more you will find that what really determines whether two people can continue is their tacit understanding.

This kind of tacit understanding is not only the agreement of concepts, but also the harmony of personalities and interests.

That is, you two live together and you have the same ideas and goals. You can understand each other and have a common language on many things.

Only in this way can feelings last forever. Instead,

will fall into an "incompatible" situation, with different views, different goals, and different interests, and will never be able to get together, just like people from two worlds.

Then you will often hear him complain about being "bored". Don't be surprised, because I believe such a life must be boring for you.

"Say goodbye", from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to force myself anymore.

When two people are together, saying "I love you" does not necessarily mean that they really love you; but when you say "break up", most of them really don't want to be together anymore.

In any relationship, breaking up is a very cautious matter. As long as people take their feelings seriously, they won't play games.

For many couples, quarrels are just quarrels. No matter how hard they try, they will never go out of their way, nor will they say the most hurtful thing - breaking up.

Because they are both seriously in love, even if there is a conflict at the moment, they just want to resolve it and never want to separate, so don't say the word "break up", even this idea has never been touched.

But some people are different. Because he really wanted to break up, he blurted it out every time he had the chance.

"All separations have been planned for a long time."

Don't think that he just said this out of anger. In fact, he had already thought about this problem silently in countless midnight dreams. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he doesn’t want to force it anymore, and he makes up his mind to leave you again and again.

He doesn't say anything, he is just waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for you to make a mistake, so that he can speak openly and with reason.

"Love always starts with full expectations and ends with full disappointment."

Many people say that love is a reckless journey. Now that you have chosen him, don't look back and forth and worry about gains and losses. If you want to love, love boldly. Who knows what will happen in the future?

Indeed, love is like finding a needle in a haystack. In the beginning, no one will know what kind of person they have chosen. Even so, there are still so many people longing for love.

Because meeting beautiful love is really heartwarming.

It is as warm and comfortable as spring breeze, as fragrant and intoxicating as red wine.

Two people who love each other can soothe each other's souls together. They don’t feel lonely, they don’t feel afraid, they are always full of fighting spirit, as if they are full of expectations for every day in the future.

But in life, where can there be so much contentment? What it's best at is waking up other people's dreams!

Too many feelings, all in love, have lost their former glory and gradually become eclipsed.

When love becomes a thing of the past, don’t miss it. Maybe separation is the best choice for each other.

And the disappearance of any relationship can be traced and does not happen overnight.

People who truly love you will not talk about the word "break up".

Therefore, the person who says "break up" to you really doesn't love you anymore and really doesn't want to live anymore.

Feelings are always reluctant to let go. If he doesn't love you, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

A strong melon will not be sweet, and there is no need to miss a lost melon.

The old ones won’t go, and the new ones won’t come. Instead of getting entangled with someone who doesn't love you, it's better to let go as soon as possible and let yourself be free physically and mentally.

is waiting for the opportunity to find his own happiness. #爱## breakup#​#marriage#​#两性#​#emotion#​