If you hold me in your arms, love me to the core, and protect me, I am willing to cover my eyes and not distinguish whether you are a human or a ghost. Whether you treat me sincerely or perfunctorily, my heart is like a mirror, I just like to play dumb for a while. The spring bre

If you hold me in your arms, love me to the core, and protect me, I am willing to cover my eyes and not distinguish whether you are a human or a ghost.

Whether you treat me sincerely or perfunctorily, my heart is like a mirror, I just like to pretend to be stupid. The spring breeze and I are both passers-by, and you carry the autumn water to embrace the stars.

Sansheng is lucky enough to meet you, even if it is sad, it is still love.

The desired love is not sad

I like the above paragraph, just like me.

Last time I talked about the man coming back to take care of the housework. Before he comes back, let me talk about other trivial things.

When I married far away, there were not many people marrying far away. Except Xiaomu and I were familiar with each other, I didn’t know much about other people.

There is another woman from Henan who lives far away from my home and she is also married far away.

I envy them both. They are both pregnant, but their treatment is completely different.

Xiaomu's man stays with her at home, and her parents-in-law treat her like a daughter. Her father-in-law always catches eels, loach, and small fish to feed her.

I don’t like eating meat, but I still envy her.

There is a market every three days. The local dialect is called "go naozi", which may mean to catch up with the excitement.

The dates in town are on the 2nd, 5th and 8th of the lunar calendar, while in the countryside they are on the 1st, 4th and 7th. I also like to make trouble and spend time.

Xiaomu always invites me to go to that place in the countryside on foot, but her man never lets her go alone.

The mountain road is difficult to walk

Her husband also accompanied her on the walk. She has a motorcycle at home, so she would take me with her when riding.

Her man is not willing to take me, but if Xiaomu insists on going with me, her man will definitely take me.

Once when I was walking and approaching the market, I met a group of junior high school students after school. They smiled and said curiously: "This man has two big bellies."

Xiaomu's husband was a little angry, and I was a little sad. After I got pregnant, my man came back once, and the rest of the time, I was abandoned at home.

When I was busy, I mostly bought cucumbers and apples. There were more than 10 apples sold in bags. They cost 2 yuan. One yuan can buy 8 catties of cucumbers.

It was a busy time and 10 yuan could buy a big basket of vegetables.

I buy cucumbers because they can be eaten raw. I can eat cucumbers when I am so hungry that I can’t help it.

One afternoon, I was sitting alone under the camphor tree at the door. The postman came and he gave me a remittance slip and asked me to sign for it.

The man’s mother also saw it, but she didn’t look closer or ask me.

I signed the remittance form, packed it up, and planned to go to Jishang to withdraw the money the next day.

The man’s mother went to a neighbor’s house and called her aunt. After a while, aunt came to the camphor tree.

My aunt asked me: "Who gave you the remittance slip? Is it your natal family?"

"No." I told my aunt, it was a man.

My aunt then asked me how much it cost. I couldn’t say much and stopped talking.

People in rural areas are simple. They keep asking me, but I never say anything.

I'm embarrassed to say it.

The next day, I got up early. No matter what, I was still very happy. The man knew how to send me money, but he still took me to heart.

The aunt next door followed me. She said she was also going to the market. Along the way, she asked me a little forcefully how much it would cost.

I just didn’t say it.

I thought to myself, when I go to the market, I will withdraw the money and she will go shopping.

Unexpectedly, when I withdraw money, there will be a huge crowd of people. In those days, remittances were sent by postal services, and there were three levels of people withdrawing money.

I said: "Auntie, why don't you go shopping?"

"I'll accompany you to see how much money you withdraw?" Auntie said confidently.

I'm dizzy and there's nothing I can do.

I squeezed to the window, turned around and saw my aunt also squeezed in after me.

I handed the remittance form into the window, and my aunt asked the salesperson with her head cut, "How much is it?"

"150 yuan!" The salesperson didn't even look up.

I suddenly felt very inferior. Although in an era when 10 yuan could buy a basket of vegetables, 150 yuan to send it all the way back, I still felt it was a bit small.

So I feel inferior, so I don’t want to say how much it costs.

took the money, but I was not willing to use it arbitrarily. I felt that men had a hard time outside. I wanted to save every penny and share it with him.

At that time, I knew that I felt sorry for men.

I still bought 10 yuan of things and took the rest home, planning to save them together with the previous money.

I was walking back home. I was very tired, so I went to my room and lay down.

It’s summer, cicadas and keep shouting, the weather is sultry, and I don’t know if I can survive the summer without a fan.

Under the camphor tree, my aunt and the man’s mother were muttering to each other. When I got up to eat, the man’s mother said that the matchmaking money had not been given yet.

Matching balls are used for cooking and firewood is used for cooking.

I could only take 60 yuan out of the 150 yuan and gave it to the man’s mother. I only had 90 yuan left.

10 yuan to buy groceries is my own money, which is very sad. I'm reluctant to use a man's hard-earned money.

wanted to keep it, save it, commemorate it, and inspire him.


Whenever this happens, I miss my mother very much.

My mother is very kind, gentle, understanding, and the best person in the world.

When my parents were young

I married far away, and my parents did not agree, so even if I was sad to the dust, I was not willing to ask my parents for help.

Since coming to this home, she has changed from a heartless girl to a negative, low self-esteem, depressed and sensitive rural woman. After the

man came back, the solution I expected did not come true.

I became a married man without a family, and my original natal family was no longer a family because I was married.

Extremely sad!

(To be continued)

The six sufferings of women: the difficulty of pregnancy, the pain of giving birth, the hatred of confinement, the pain of raising a baby, changes in body shape, and destruction of body. Don’t advise others to be good without others suffering. Be kind to yourself and don’t accept any candy from anyone when you get through this period.