When a woman is interacting with you, she has no feelings for you and does not want to be with you. At this time, her attitude towards you may be a little cold, she will not receive you warmly, and will often neglect you, which makes you feel sad. plug.

When a woman is interacting with you, she has no feelings for you and does not want to be with you. At this time, her attitude towards you may be a little cold, she will not receive you warmly, and she will often neglect you, which makes you feel Congested.

If when you come to see her, she has nothing to say to you, is unwilling to open up to you, and is unwilling to talk to you about anything. After you broke up, she was just busy with her own affairs and basically never took the initiative to contact you. If a woman treats you like this, she obviously doesn't like you enough.

On the contrary, if a woman has true feelings for you and appreciates you from the bottom of her heart, when she sees you, she will feel happy from the bottom of her heart. When she does not see you, she will miss you and miss you day and night. Think about it, if you look at her attitude towards you, you can feel her affection for you. A woman has you in her heart and misses you deeply. These three signs are very conspicuous. Don’t turn a blind eye.

 1. I will feel depressed because I can’t see you.

When a woman is getting along with you, she has no feelings for you, so she will not want to have more interactions with you in life. After you break up, she will not be upset because she misses you, and even more so. She won't be devastated because she can't see you. She will live a very relaxed life without you accompanying her, and she will basically not think of you.

On the contrary, if a woman has true feelings for you, how can she not miss you if she can't see you?

 She will miss you in her heart because she can’t see you, she won’t be able to help but contact you, she will tell you about her lovesickness, and she won’t help crying in front of you, just for you to spend more time with her. , a woman releases such a signal, indicating that she really misses you.

 2. I will not be able to let you go and take the initiative to visit you.

Usually women are relatively reserved emotionally. Even if they like a man, they will maintain a high profile. Just like the line in the TV series " Love Book ", "it is better to give in than to fight, to dazzle than to dazzle".

The reason why a woman can manipulate a man through some love strategies or routines is because the man loves the woman deeply, and the woman is not affectionate enough for the man, so she can maintain "absolute rationality" in the relationship.

However, when a woman has true feelings for a man, the woman will not be able to control her feelings. She cannot bear to manipulate the man. Even if she knows a lot about how to get along with the opposite sex, she will often act emotionally at critical moments.

After two people separate, a woman will not be able to control her longing, and will take the initiative to contact the man, take the initiative to visit the man, and talk to the man about the pain of longing for him.

 3. Will do something for you silently and surprise you.

Unless she is really emotional, a woman will not change herself to accommodate a man, nor will she put down her own affairs to do something for a man, nor will she humble herself to please a man.

Only when a woman has true feelings for a man and loves a man from the bottom of her heart, will she be trapped by love and unable to let go of the man.

When she can’t see the man she likes, women often can’t help but want to do something to please the man. A woman will silently do something for a man and surprise him, which shows that she is really affectionate.