The college entrance examination is an important turning point that changes life. Getting admitted to a good university can lead to a bright future in life. For those couples who are in the college entrance examination, it is actually the most tangled. If two people have the same

The college entrance examination is an important turning point in life. Getting admitted to a good university can lead to a bright future in life. For those couples who are in the college entrance examination, it is actually the most tangled. If two people have the same It's okay to have the same ambition and the same score, but if the gap is too big, the two people may be separated. A boy fails the college entrance examination and a girl gets admitted to a key undergraduate program. The boy wants the girl to give up the key university to accompany him.

Xiao Liu and Xiaoli were a high school couple. Although their relationship was severely attacked by their class teacher, the two will still be together. In private meetings, there are actually advantages and disadvantages to the issue of early love. Some scumbag students eventually counterattack because they like the top students in school. Of course, there are also some top students who fall in love because of love. Therefore, many schools would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. In the blink of an eye, the college entrance examination is over. It's already here. Xiao Liu usually doesn't pay much attention to studying, so after the college entrance examination, his score was only 475 points. However, the girl studied well and her extraordinary performance this time gave her a good score of 640 points.

After the results came out, Xiaoli was naturally very happy, but Xiaoliu was very entangled. According to Xiaoli’s results, she could go to a very good college. Xiaoli has liked Xiamen since she was a child, so when he filled out the application form, he He wanted to go to Xiamen University , but Xiao Liu's grades could only go to an ordinary undergraduate college. Xiao Liu approached Xiaoli and hoped that Xiaoli would go to an ordinary undergraduate college with him and give up Xiamen University.

Normally, most people would not give up this opportunity to go to 985 to change their destiny, but girls in love have negative IQs. In the end, they couldn't resist Xiao Liu's sweet words. Xiaoli said yes, but when she got home, Xiaoli asked her parents. When she went to study for a general undergraduate degree, her parents strongly opposed it. Xiaoli was also stubborn. He decided that Xiaoliu didn't want to have a long-distance relationship with Xiaoliu. Her parents had no choice but to compromise, but they only agreed to Xiaoliu and Xiaoli's relationship. They will study together for one year, and if Xiao Liu can get the same score as Xiao Li, they will agree to be together.

Xiaoli was also very happy to tell Xiaoliu about this matter. Xiaoli originally thought that Xiaoliu would work hard to study hard and get good grades for the sake of the relationship between the two of them, but Xiaoliu thought that she was simply not good at studying, and she also Not wanting to suffer for another year, he insisted that Xiaoli go to study for an ordinary undergraduate degree with him. Xiao Liu also posted his story in his friend group, hoping that his friends could help with ideas.

Xiao Liu’s friends thought that this was delaying Xiao Li. If he loved her, he should let her study instead of holding her back. Later, when a friend asked Xiao Liu whether he was planning to marry Xiao Li, Xiao Liu He hesitated at first and said that he didn't know whether he would marry her. Then many of his friends began to scold Xiao Liu for being irresponsible and selfish, and eventually the chat ended on bad terms.

The editor thinks that if Xiao Liu really loves Xiao Li, he should let her go to 985. If the two people have a deep relationship, they will not break up because of the distance. If Xiao Liu only lets Xiao Li out of pure possessiveness It would be too selfish to give up Xiamen University. Dear friends who have completed the college entrance examination, if you encounter the same problem when filling in your application, you can first consider the future issues. First, whether the love between two people can lead to marriage. The second step in this step is to choose a good university for your future life. Love without a material foundation will not last long. Friends, what do you think? #College Entrance Examination Volunteer Application#