When a man and a woman fall in love, it is inevitable to prepare gifts for the one you love! But if you overspend and ask for it directly, should you return the money and things after a breakup? Recently, Ms. Xu broke up with her boyfriend of two years because of her unhappy rela

When a man and a woman fall in love, it is inevitable to prepare gifts for the one you love! But if you overspend and ask for it directly, should you return the money and things after a breakup?

Recently, Ms. Xu broke up with her boyfriend of two years because of her unhappy relationship. However, her boyfriend asked Ms. Xu to pay back a total of 960,000 yuan he spent on her in the past two years.

Ms. Xu said she could not understand: "Is there no compensation for my youth?"

Ms. Xu is 28 years old, about 1.70cm tall, beautiful in appearance, and tall in stature. She works in a company! I met Mr. Yu by chance!

Mr. Yu is only 1.65cm tall and his appearance is not very outstanding, but fortunately, Mr. Yu has many companies under his name. When he first met Ms. Xu, he was impressed by her appearance, so he began his courtship journey.

At first, Ms. Xu did not like Mr. Yu. After all, their appearance and height were not a good match. But in the end, Ms. Xu agreed to Mr. Yu’s pursuit. The reason was that Mr. Yu was generous and would send Ms. Xu text messages from time to time. The lowest red envelope was 5,200, and the highest was a transfer of 110,000 yuan!

Mr. Yu successfully pursued Ms. Xu in this way. After the two got together, Mr. Yu did not want Ms. Xu to work outside the home, and said that you can just eat, drink and have fun every day, and you can support her by yourself! Of course, Ms. Xu had no objection, so she quit her job and started living as a rich wife. For this reason, Mr. Yu even spent 400,000 to buy her a BMW for future travel!

However, the good times did not last long. Just two years after the two dated, Ms. Xu broke up with Mr. Yu due to personality differences. After many efforts to retain her, Mr. Yu expressed his hope that Ms. Xu would return to him a total of 960,000 yuan spent in the past two years!

Ms. Xu couldn't understand this. She believed that it was inevitable for men and women to spend money together, and she also spent two years of her youth.

In the end, the two went to court. After the verdict, in addition to daily holiday expenses, Ms. Xu needed to return 860,000 to Mr. Yu.

It turns out that things are not at all like what Ms. Xu said. Ms. Xu got every expense from her boyfriend!

Moreover, Ms. Xu also asked her boyfriend for money for various reasons. In order to take care of his girlfriend's feelings, Mr. Yu made her think that he was not taking care of her. He also gave his girlfriend money for various reasons. In addition, he bought a BMW car for his girlfriend on the premise of getting married. However, he did not expect that the final result would be That's it!

Fortunately, Mr. Yu saw that Ms. Xu only valued her money and had no intention of getting married. Since she had no intention of getting married, she should return the money she had spent to him.

Although the final verdict was that Ms. Xu should return 860,000 yuan, she was very unconvinced and planned to continue to appeal! Fortunately, justice prevails, and Ms. Xu lost the second trial and upheld the original verdict.

Ms. Xu not only has to return a huge amount of property, but also faces public opinion from the society.

I think this is really satisfying. I can actually spend more than 900,000 yuan in two years. That’s okay. I don’t care who makes my boyfriend rich, but if you can’t enjoy everything, just leave!

Although love cannot be without financial foundation as a guarantee, relationships maintained by money are destined to not last long!

Do you think the court’s decision is reasonable?

welcome to leave a message for discussion! Have you ever encountered this kind of money-worshiping girl?