In the movie "Chun Jiao and Zhiming", Chun Jiao said: "I tried hard to get rid of Zhang Zhiming, but in the end, I became another Zhang Zhiming." Perhaps, there is Zhang Zhiming in everyone's life.

In the movie "Chun Jiao and Zhiming", Chun Jiao said:

"I tried hard to get rid of Zhang Zhiming, but in the end, I became another Zhang Zhiming."

Perhaps, there is Zhang Zhiming in everyone's life.

When he comes to you, he will bring you deep or shallow memories, and then when he leaves, he will leave traces on you, big and small, some like scars, which will make you feel in your heart every time you touch him. It hurts; some are like a state of mind, which makes you think of him every time you encounter something, and you can't let it go for a long time.

So, the same is true when falling in love.

When you first meet someone, you may say "this person is a little different from others", but when you hold hands together, you become two "similar" people.

Because, before long, his habits will become your habits; his ideas will also make you feel happy; his style will also be imitated by you.

is like, people who love CP will have a feeling.

The longer the CP you like is together, their looks will become more and more similar, their postures will become more and more similar, their eating tastes will become closer and closer, and even their spoken language will become "the same sentence"... …

So, when someone asks me, what kind of partner should I find?

I always tell her, find someone who can be similar to you in the future.

Because, when you are together, every similarity between him and you contains his "deep love" for you, his "recognition of each other", and his determination to "get together".

However, if you are not so "similar" or even polar opposites, then, unless there is something difficult to let go between you, it will be easy to end.

A reader once sent a message saying:

"He and I met at an art exhibition. We are both students at the Academy of Fine Arts.

But our favorite styles are not the same at all. He likes abstraction, and I I like realism, but he is really talented, and I love him very much. But he always uses my paintings to suppress me, and even disparages the works that even my tutor gave high marks.

I heard him say you guys that day. Has the tutor never seen any good works? I feel like I’m going crazy, what should I do? I feel a bit reluctant to break up like this, but I really can’t stand it when he talks to me like this.”

In fact, after reading this paragraph, everyone can probably feel that the girl has already defined in her heart that this man is not that suitable for her.

Some people say that although they have different preferences, they can complement each other, which is also a beauty.

However, you are really wrong, because the prerequisite for complementarity is mutual recognition, no suspicion of each other, and no desire to prove oneself by suppressing the other.

Once upon a time, a singer said something in a variety show: "My wife said that I gave the best side to music and the worst side to her. This surprised me. I didn't expect it. Over the past few years, she has had such a hard time."

It can be seen that if your talent meets a soul mate, it will be a sublimation of life; and if it meets the so-called "complementarity", it will be hardship and pain for the weaker party.

Therefore, in love, if two people are "similar", it is the icing on the cake; if they are "complementary" and recognize each other, it is a perfect combination; if they are "complementary" and devalue each other, it is a disaster.

Once upon a time, I saw such a plot in a TV series.

A man and a group of buddies had not seen each other for a long time. When they first got together, everyone was very happy.

However, he suddenly received a call from his boss and had to deal with it immediately, so he apologized repeatedly to his friends and even punished himself with a drink. But when he was about to leave, he received another call. Before the other party could say anything, sentence, he said coldly: Are you done crying? I'm hanging up.

Then, with a bang, the phone was hung up.

Everyone asked: What’s wrong? Whose phone number is this? Why are they still crying?

He said: My girlfriend is crying to me about her family affairs again.

Everyone advises: You should be gentler to other girls, this will definitely scare people away.

He replied: If you are gentle to her, she will never stop. She will come to me to cry and complain about trivial matters every day, and she is so annoyed.

Everyone looked at each other and stopped talking.

Yes, in life, it is estimated that there will be such people around you. They are selfish and indifferent. Even if they are in love, they live in their own little world. They don't know how to put themselves in someone else's shoes, and they are even more capable of falling out with each other.

Therefore, my advice to you when dealing with such people is that the sooner you end this relationship, the better.

Because you are not the person he wants at all, so he will treat you with such a cold attitude.

When you really love someone, you are reluctant to say "harsh words" to them.

Because he will put himself in your shoes and he will have the same thoughts as you. He knows that if your situation is reversed and you treat him like this, he will also be sad.

Therefore, you will find that those happy lovers or couples are often connected in spirit.

It’s like, if a woman comforts a man when he encounters difficulties, he will listen; if a man gives a woman some advice when she encounters trouble, she will absorb it.

This also shows that the more "similar" the hearts are, the more two people fall in love when they are together.

There are always people who are looking for a partner. They will say "Let it go" or "It depends on the feeling". It sounds easy to find, but often, the more people like this, the harder it is to find them.

Just because, deep down in their hearts, they have already put a label on themselves, that is: if it feels wrong, then forget it, it is probably not destined.

It will be easy for him to reject you.

Therefore, you must believe that if you find someone who is similar to yourself, it will actually be easier to persist in a relationship and it will be easier to meet the right person.

Because the more you are together, the more you will feel like "destined by God", as if you were destined to meet again in this life.

You must know that life is often fueled by daily necessities, and if two people can eat together, play together, and sleep together, that is the true meaning of love.

Therefore, it can also be seen that the sign that a person has truly fallen in love with you is that you are becoming more and more "similar".

When you discover this truth, you will know who you fall in love with.

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!