Some couples' relationships have broken down, but they still choose not to divorce for the sake of their children. In the minds of many people, once they get married, if there are no issues of principle, even if they have no emotional basis, they can still live together, whether

Some couples have already broken up, but for the sake of their children, they still choose not to divorce. Many people have asked this question, should we stay married for the sake of our children? Is it really necessary to maintain a loveless marriage for the sake of children?

Da Fengqi

If a marriage without any emotional basis relies only on children to survive, this will be a painful process for two people. But many people will say, if two people choose to separate, will it be too harmful to the children? In fact, this cannot be completely denied, but just imagine that if they continue to live in a marriage and family without any emotional basis, over a long period of time, they will gradually have a subtle impact on their children, and even this This impact will also cause greater harm to the child.

In the minds of many people, once they get married, if there are no issues of principle, even if they have no emotional basis, they can still live together, whether it is for children, parents or some other people, or in a word, this is not The marriage was run because of feelings, but the marriage was run for other reasons, but their feelings in the marriage have become very little.

Da Fengqi

To maintain a marriage and make it happier, the most important thing is to have feelings between two people, rather than relying on other auxiliary conditions from the outside world. If we only rely on some so-called external conditions to support such a marriage, we will not be happy or long-term.

Da Fengqi

Maintaining a loveless marriage is very painful, and it is also unfair to each other. In fact, children can feel the relationship between husband and wife. Therefore, it is not necessary to stay married for the sake of children.

In fact, we all know that the most important thing to maintain a marriage is affection. If there is no affection between husband and wife, then such a marriage is in name only. They are forced to live together, and the two people are suffering. If you often quarrel over some things, it will also hurt your children.

Da Fengqi

Of course, some couples whose relationships have broken down choose to maintain such marriages, mainly because they are afraid of the impact on their children after divorce, fear of the lack of love in the children, fear of causing psychological problems in the children, and fear of affecting the children's grades. Although these reasons seem to be for the good of the children, in fact, children who grow up in an environment without love will still have these problems.

Especially in a marriage, if one party has domestic violence or bad habits, such a marriage needs to be ended immediately. Because if such a marriage continues, not only the other half will be hurt, but the children will also be affected.

Da Fengqi

Although the situation of every family is different, a marriage that cannot be sustained must not continue. Because in addition to the happiness of their children, parents also have the right to pursue happiness again. Of course, one spouse cannot use children to tie up the other.

Da Fengqi

Regarding the issue of parents’ divorce, children will understand when they grow up. In fact, children also hope that their parents will be happy, so children are no longer a reason why couples cannot divorce. Happiness is in one's own hands. Divorce is no longer a stumbling block that prevents a person from finding happiness. You can still find your own happiness after divorce...