A few days ago, on a couple's wedding night, the groom got drunk because he was too happy. A man pretended to be the groom and quietly climbed into the bride's bed. The bride thought he was her husband, so the two had sex three times in a row.

A few days ago, on a couple's wedding night, the groom got drunk because he was too happy. As a result,

a man pretended to be the groom and climbed into the bride's bed quietly. The bride thought the man was her husband, so the two had sex three times in a row. .

It is reported that the suspect is 18 years old and is the bride’s neighbor; the victim is the 18-year-old bride; and the groom is 19 years old. All 3 people are from Bangkok, Thailand.

After the incident, the groom was very angry, and despite the pleas of the woman and her family, he insisted on a divorce and called the police.

After interrogation by the local police, the suspect confessed that he had a crush on the victim for a long time, but he did not dare to propose to the victim because his family was poor.

He said that on the night of the incident, because he lived next door, he had been silently observing every move of the groom and the victim until the bride walked into the new house alone to prepare to sleep, while the groom continued to drink and chat with relatives and friends until he became drunk.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, the suspect pretended to be the groom and secretly climbed into the victim's bed. That night, the two had sex a total of three times, but the suspect did not run away because he was too tired and slept with the victim until dawn.

After dawn the next day, the victim discovered that the man who was marrying him was not the groom, so he was so frightened that he yelled. After learning about it, his parents rushed to the room, caught the suspect, and handed him over to the police.

The victim said that before the incident, he was sleeping alone in his room with the lights off. At that time, when the suspect entered the room, he knew it, but thought he was the groom, so he allowed the suspect to have sex with him. Unexpectedly, after seeing clearly at dawn, he realized that the other party was not the groom, so he shouted for help.